
revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

author:Zhiyong Shuangquan Xingchen S

When I revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", I gained a deeper understanding of Su Malagu's inner struggle in refusing to marry Kangxi. The plot is not very prominent, but it sheds light on the intricate emotional dilemmas within the court.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

Su Malagu was selected to serve Xiaozhuang in the palace since she was a child, and she and Kangxi's childhood sweetheart were interdependent. However, she refused the fate of marrying Kangxi, and even cut her hair to protest. Is this because of her disgust with harem life, or is there something deeper about it?

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

The story begins with Emperor Shunzhi's conspiracy to pass Xuan Ye to Concubine E. Xiaozhuang was furious, and Su Malagu discovered the crisis of Xuanye's smallpox in time and saved his life. This move made her form a deep friendship with Xuan Ye.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

With the passage of time, the emotions between Kangxi and Su Malagu have also undergone subtle changes. When Kangxi summoned Wu Ciyou, the magistrate of Zhejiang, during the Aobai Rebellion, he began to have a new understanding of Su Malagu's feelings.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

However, Kangxi became suspicious of the relationship between Su Malagu and Wu Ciyou, and he even secretly sped on Wu Ciyou. However, Wu Ciyou's death made Kangxi have to let go of his suspicions about Su Malagu.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

However, even after Wu Ciyou's death, Kangxi's suspicion of Su Malagu still existed. Xiaozhuang's death made Kangxi regret what he did back then, and he understood that he had wrongly blamed Aunt Su Mala.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

Behind all this, there is a conspiracy of the power struggle of the palace. In order to consolidate the imperial power, Xiaozhuang did not hesitate to hinder the relationship between Su Malagu and Kangxi, which eventually led to the tragedy of their love.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

Su Malagu was eventually shaved and imprisoned in Tianxin Nunnery. And Kangxi fell into the quagmire of the political struggle.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

The whole story is full of love and hatred, and it brings people into a gorgeous and poignant court world.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

In this "Kangxi Dynasty", the palace intrigue and emotional entanglements are interwoven into a wonderful picture. The love-hate relationship between Su Malagu and Kangxi, the power and calculation of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, and the deceit within the palace are all emotional.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

However, compared with these court struggles, the emotional entanglement between Su Malagu and Kangxi is even more heart-wrenching. The feelings between them are twisted by power and intrigue, which ultimately leads to a tragic ending. And the empress dowager's deathbed repentance also makes people sigh.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

This drama profoundly depicts the rise and fall of the Qing court, showing the complexity of human nature and the helplessness of the world. In a world of intrigue and power struggles, love and friendship seem extraordinarily precious, yet so fragile.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

Perhaps, beyond the intrigues of the court, we can see the warmth and sincerity of human nature. Although Su Malagu and Kangxi failed to be together in the end, the affection between them will always remain in their hearts. This is perhaps one of the deepest impressions this show has left on us.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi

In general, this "Kangxi Dynasty" is not only a historical drama, but also a touching emotional drama. Through the depiction of court intrigue and human nature, it gives the audience a deeper understanding of history, and at the same time makes us think about the emotional entanglements between people. May we be able to cherish the people in front of us, not be blinded by worldly interests, and truly cherish and cherish those who treat us sincerely.

revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi
revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi
revisited "Kangxi Dynasty", and realized that Su Malagu liked Kangxi, but was unwilling to marry Kangxi