
The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

author:The Covenant of the Rose

The gentle spring sunlight shines through the large glass windows of the company, dappled every corner of the office. Everyone was busy with the work at hand, only Li Jingyue's seat could occasionally be heard sighing, her eyes always a little confused and tired.

"Jingyue, next month is your big day, why are you always worried lately?" Xiao Wang, a colleague next to him, asked with concern.

Li Jingyue smiled faintly and avoided answering: "Oh, it's nothing, it's just a little tired." ”

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

Zhang Hui came over from the next workstation, he had just received a task from the department manager, and he needed to go on a business trip with Li Jingyue to deal with some business matters. Looking at Li Jingyue, Zhang Hui couldn't help frowning.

"Jingyue, we're going to go to the southern city together next week to investigate, are you in better shape?" Zhang Hui asked tentatively.

"Ah, yes, no problem, I'll adjust it." Li Jingyue replied reluctantly, but the melancholy in her eyes was even thicker.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

As the date of the business trip approached day by day, Li Jingyue's mood seemed to be getting lower and lower. She often hugged her mobile phone in a daze, occasionally received a call, and then went to the corner and whispered, with a forced smile on the corner of her mouth, but tears secretly overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

On the day of the business trip, Zhang Hui looked at Li Jingyue's malaise, and he didn't know why, he always felt that something would happen on this business trip. Entering the passenger compartment of the high-speed rail, Zhang Hui tried to find a topic to relax the atmosphere.

"I heard that plum wine in the south is very famous, so we must try it when we arrive." Zhang Hui squeezed out a smile.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

Li Jingyue showed a long-lost smile when she heard this: "Okay, you have to treat you then." "

"Of course, aren't you about to get married, considering this is my congratulatory gift in advance." Zhang Hui responded with a smile.

Li Jingyue was slightly stunned, and then a trace of obscurity flashed in her eyes, she turned her head to look out of the car window, and shook her head vigorously to get rid of the depression in her heart.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

"Zhang Hui, in fact, I ......"

Before Li Jingyue's voice fell, the mobile phone ringtone rang at this moment. She glanced at the caller ID, took a deep breath, and pressed the answer button.

"Dad, what's wrong? Well...... I'm on the high-speed train and I'm about to go on a business trip. What the? Mom is angry again? I really...... Okay, okay, let's come back and talk about it, it's not convenient for me right now. ”

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

After hanging up the phone, Li Jingyue's face was very ugly. Zhang Hui couldn't bear to poke her wound again, so he just sat quietly opposite her, his eyes full of sympathy.

The air between them suddenly fell silent, and the voices of the other passengers in the carriage became abrupt. Zhang Hui knew that this business trip might reveal Li Jingyue's hidden secrets.

Zhang Hui and Li Jingyue walked into the client company together, shuttling through the busy business negotiations and data analysis. Although work took up most of the time, Li Jingyue's mobile phone still vibrated from time to time, and her face became even paler after each long call.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

After the reception luncheon at the client's company, Zhang Hui tried to find an opportunity to talk to Li Jingyue, but she seemed to be deliberately evasive, always busy with work or immersed in the phone.

That night, in the hotel, Zhang Hui heard crying from the next room, and he speculated that it should be Li Jingyue. He knocked lightly on the door, and after a while, the door opened a crack, and a pair of red, swollen eyes peeked through the crack.

"Jingyue, are you okay? I heard the voice......" Zhang Hui's voice was full of worry.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

Li Jingyue shook her head silently, opened the door, and motioned for Zhang Hui to come in.

"Zhang Hui, do you know? My family has always been patriarchal. My brother doesn't worry about anything, his parents do everything they can to train him to study abroad, and I, no matter how good my work is, they just want to marry me as soon as possible. If I don't marry this time, they will cut off all my financial support. Li Jingyue's trembling voice was filled with helplessness and anger.

Listening to her heart, Zhang Hui felt an unprecedented shock.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

"But why should you accommodate them when you can stand on your own?" Zhang Hui sat across from her, his tone revealing incomprehension and concern.

"Because, because I... I'm afraid of being lonely, I'm afraid that there won't be anyone to talk to in the end. Li Jingyue's voice was so small that it was almost inaudible.

Zhang Hui was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "It's better to be lonely than to live a life of wrongdoing." You should live for your own happiness, Jingyue. ”

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

That night, the two curled up in their respective beds, their hearts full of each other's voices and stories.

In the next few days on a business trip, Zhang Hui was like a listener, and many times found himself walking with Li Jingyue on the streets of a small town in the middle of the night after dinner. Li Jingyue seems to be more and more willing to open her heart.

"You said you like to draw, right?" Zhang Hui broke the silence.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

"Yes, but since becoming a pillar of the family, I haven't touched a paintbrush again..." Li Jingyue sighed softly.

"Then why don't you pick it up again? Even if it's just for your own pleasure. Zhang Hui encouraged.

On the last day of the business trip, Zhang Hui noticed that Li Jingyue's eyes had changed, no longer confused and hesitant before, but more resolute and bright.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

When the return train slowly drove out of the platform, the scenery along the way hurriedly retreated outside the window, Li Jingyue suddenly said: "Zhang Hui, I have decided, no matter what happens in the future, I want to live for myself." "

Hearing this, Zhang Hui understood that this business trip was not only a round trip for business, but also a change in Li Jingyue's mental journey. He smiled slightly, silently blessing her in his heart.

The high-speed train shuttles between the city, and the passengers in the carriage are resting or chatting, while Li Jingyue and Zhang Hui are sitting by the window. The noise on the train and the roar under the tracks are like background music, setting off the mood of the two at the moment.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

At one of the stops, an elderly woman with heavy luggage boarded the carriage, looking a little embarrassed. In the face of the crowd in the aisle, she seemed a little overwhelmed. Zhang Hui immediately stood up and stepped forward to help.

"Auntie, let me do this luggage." Zhang Hui took the initiative to reach out and take the luggage.

The old woman smiled gratefully, "Thank you, young man. Now there are not many well-wishers. "

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

In this action, Li Jingyue's eyes seemed to be touched by something, and her heart surged deeply. She looked at the back of Zhang Hui helping the old woman, and a warm current surged in her heart.

"It's really a good person with a good reward, young man, your parents must be very proud of you." The old woman said with emotion.

Li Jingyue looked out the window quietly, full of thoughts. She thinks about her home, her parents' expectations for her, but are these expectations really the happiness she seeks?

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

When the train started again, Li Jingyue's heart also beat with this rhythm. With Zhang Hui's company and the experience of this journey, she seems to see her future more clearly.

The carriage fell silent, and Zhang Hui returned to his seat. Li Jingyue turned to him and said resolutely: "Zhang Hui, thank you for being with me these few days. I... I've decided. "

"What decision?" Zhang Hui asked curiously.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

"I won't marry my family. I want to pursue my true happiness. Li Jingyue's voice was full of power.

When the high-speed train arrived at the terminal, the two walked out of the station together, and they were greeted by familiar and unfamiliar city lights. "How do you face your parents when you get home?" Zhang Hui asked.

When she returned home, when her parents asked about the marriage, Li Jingyue gathered all her courage and said to her parents: "Dad, Mom, I can't marry him, I don't love him." "

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

The father's face changed suddenly, and his voice raised a little: "Do you know that you are doing this to practice yourself!" How do we deal with our friends and family? "

The mother cried: "Jingyue, if you don't get married, where will we put our faces in this life?" Do you want us to be as lonely as you are? "

Li Jingyue's heart was like a knife, but she knew that she had to be firm in her choice: "Dad, Mom, I understand your hard work. But marriage is a lifelong affair of mine, and I can't wronged myself. It may be difficult for you to accept, but please give me time, and I will prove that I made the right choice. "

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

She stood alone in front of her parents, tears rolling in her eyes, but her back was straight, and her heart was filled with unprecedented determination.

Li Jingyue's persistence was finally best proved in her work. Over time, she impressed her colleagues and superiors with her outstanding performance, steadily rising in the ranks, and the title printed on her business card became more and more prominent.

"Jingyue, your performance this month is simply outstanding!" The department manager complimented, and the room was filled with applause.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

"Thank you, I'll keep trying." Li Jingyue's smile flashed with confidence and light.

Back at home, although her parents were at first unacceptable to her decision, as time passed, they began to feel the happiness and pride of their daughter. At the dinner table, understanding and support slowly emerged in the conversation.

"Jingyue, maybe your choice is right for you. Seeing that you are so full now, we are also relieved. The father drank the tea, and there was relief in his tone.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

"Well, mom has figured it out now, as long as you're happy, mom will be satisfied." Her mother smiled and handed her a bowl of stewed soup.

And with Zhang Hui, mutual assistance at work has evolved into a wonderful dialogue in life. Under each other's influence, the two continue to grow, and their relationship with each other becomes closer and closer unconsciously.

"Jingyue, you know what? The person I like, she has an indomitable spirit and can always find light in adversity. Zhang Hui said pointedly.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

"Hey, Zhang Hui, are you complimenting me?" Li Jingyue smiled mischievously.

"Maybe, you say?" Zhang Hui asked humorously.

Together, they plan the future, climb mountain peaks, and experience every adventure of life. Li Jingyue found that she had a partner in her life, which made her former hesitation and uneasiness insignificant.

The female colleague was depressed before she got married, and when she came back from a business trip with me, she suddenly said that she was not married

At a family gathering, Li Jingyue stood in front of relatives and friends to speak, her voice firm and full of pride:

"Every step of life deserves careful consideration, and although I hesitated at the intersection of choices, I am glad that I finally stood up for it. Now I am not only making a difference in the workplace, but also emotionally finding someone who really understands me. "

Everything seems to be the most beautiful arrangement, and Li Jingyue finally understands that happiness is always the result of her own choice. And she undoubtedly chose the right path. Perhaps, behind every firm choice, isn't there a shining light?