
How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

author:Historical Talks

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——【Foreword·】 ——»

Imagine that in the summer of 1953, a shocking drama unfolded on the stage of history – a great battle that lasted for two years and nine months and changed the trajectory of countless lives. When the US "United Nations Army" signed the surrender at Panmunjom, marking the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which was hailed as the "awakening of the lion of the East," the 1.3 million brave and fearless Chinese volunteers were faced with an arduous task: how to safely return from the war-torn Korean Peninsula to the embrace of the motherland and find a new starting point of their own. What kind of ingenuity and deliberation is behind this evacuation plan? Follow this dusty historical memory to explore the key proposal of General Yang Yong, and the moving stories of those heroes after returning home.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

——【·Volunteers are difficult to return to China·】——»

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the signing of the "Korean Armistice Agreement" was an unprecedented victory and marked the glorious history created by the Chinese People's Volunteers. However, just as the good news of the victory came, the central government made an unexpected decision: let the volunteers remain in Korea. This decision left the victorious-cheering warriors in deep thought and bewilderment.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

The volunteers were victorious, why couldn't they immediately return home and enjoy the fruits of victory? For many soldiers, returning to China to reunite with their loved ones and set foot on the land of their homeland is what they look forward to the most. But they are forced to stay in a foreign country, and their hearts are naturally full of questions and troubles.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

In fact, the decision of the Central Committee was not a rash move, but a deliberate consideration for the DPRK and its people. At that time, the manic forces of South Korea still existed, and if China withdrew its troops, it would bring destabilizing factors to North Korea. The reconstruction process of the DPRK urgently needs manpower support, and the local labor force is obviously insufficient, and the presence of volunteers will undoubtedly provide strong support for the development of the DPRK.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

The central authorities also need to consider the more than 1.3 million soldiers who are about to return to China, and it will be difficult for them to live and find employment in China for a while. The founding of the People's Republic of China is still young, and the domestic situation is complicated, so how to rationally resettle these servicemen has become a significant problem. All these factors made it a wise choice to keep the volunteers in North Korea for the time being.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

Although the decision caused some trouble for the fighters, it was also a last resort. Looking at the local people in North Korea, the arrival of the volunteers undoubtedly brought courage and hope. There, they are engaged in various reconstruction projects, not only to safeguard peace, but also to restore order and rebuild facilities in North Korea. Their contribution is grateful to the entire community.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

The story of the Chinese People's Volunteers is destined to go down in history, and in that special historical period, they carried the patriotic feelings and spirit of responsibility of a generation. Their dedication and sacrifice will always be remembered in people's hearts and become heroes to be celebrated.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

——【Chairman Proposes to Withdraw Troops·】——»

At that time, a shocking historical drama was being staged on the Korean Peninsula. The Chinese People's Volunteers accepted the call of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao to cross the Yalu River and fight side by side with the Korean people to defend peace and resist foreign aggression. In this bloody battle, General Yang Yong became one of the outstanding leaders of the Volunteer Army.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

Yang Yong and hundreds of thousands of brave soldiers settled in North Korea, and the years were difficult but full of meaning. They are not only responsible for military defense, but also on a mission to rebuild their homes. From small houses to large-scale water conservancy projects, from repairing railways to erecting bridges, volunteer soldiers are everywhere. They fought during the day and were vigilant at night, ready to respond to a surprise attack from South Korea.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

In addition to military construction, they are deeply rooted in the local population. In the harsh winter season, the soldiers built thatched huts with their own hands to protect the Korean people from the wind and rain, and in the spring and summer, they worked in the fields sweating like rain to help the farmers plant in the spring and harvest in the autumn. When they were short of food and clothing, they donated all the supplies without reservation to meet their urgent needs. This kind of selfless dedication has enabled the Chinese and DPRK peoples to forge an unbreakable fraternal friendship.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

Along with these countless warm and touching stories, Yang Yong and his soldiers left a strong mark in North Korea. According to statistics, the Volunteer Army built 4,096 flood control levees, 2,295 canals, and 4,283 bridges for North Korea, while also providing a large amount of material supplies. These achievements have made an indelible contribution to the reconstruction of the DPRK.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

As the situation gradually improved, the central authorities decided to withdraw troops in batches to reduce the burden on the state. Yang Yong strictly carried out the order and methodically organized multiple batches of evacuation operations, leaving only 200,000 people to defend by the end of 1957.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

The situation in North Korea has stabilized, and China and North Korea have begun to discuss the final withdrawal of troops. Chairman Mao personally met with Kim Il Sung and decided to use the power of public opinion to push for the withdrawal of US troops, rather than direct confrontation. Kim Il Sung ostensibly did not agree to a total withdrawal of troops, but in fact he wanted to win international support.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

In this regard, Yang Yong proposed a wise phased withdrawal plan: first let the two main army corps, the 16th Army and the 23rd Army, withdraw in mid-March, which has the greatest influence, and if the enemy army does not move, then transfer the rest of the troops one after another. Chairman Mao very much recognized this suggestion and personally signed and approved Yang Yong's recital.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

In this way, under the wise decision of Chairman Mao and the careful deployment of Yang Yong, the volunteers were finally able to withdraw from North Korea and successfully completed the great mission of fighting for peace. With their blood and sweat, they wrote a precious heroic chapter of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on the land of Korea. We will always remember and pay tribute to the glorious sacrifice of General Yang Yong and countless volunteer soldiers, whose noble deeds of defending peace, saving the DPRK and benefiting the people of the two countries will be immortalized!

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

——【·Yang Yong's good advice·】——»

When the volunteers completed their withdrawal from the Korean battlefield, the central government was faced with a thorny problem: how to properly accommodate these warriors from all over the world? After all, they have just returned from a foreign land and need to be given full care and attention. Among the many proposals, Yang Yong's proposal stood out and was widely recognized.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

Yang Yong proposed a plan to arrange for the volunteers to return to the motherland in batches. The first batch of troops can set up a new military region in the Jilin region and settle these heroes who have made outstanding achievements in battles there. The northeastern region is adjacent to North Korea, which makes it easy to monitor the situation and provide support as soon as needed. The second batch can enrich the strength of the Jinan Military Region and make up for the shortage of local manpower. As for the other fighters who have returned in advance, they should also be deployed and dispersed according to the same criteria to ensure a balance of strength in the major military regions.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

After repeated discussions and weighing the pros and cons, the Central Military Commission finally decided on the overall policy. The first batch was indeed arranged in the northeast, but the rest of the troops were transferred to the western coast and central China in turn. Different suggestions from comrades such as Yang Yong and Su Yu were adopted, so that the front line was solid and the middle and rear were sufficient. It is worth mentioning that Deng Hua's initiative was also approved to set up a new military region in Changchun for management.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

On February 19, 1958, China and the DPRK signed the Joint Declaration, officially announcing the withdrawal of all volunteers. Under Yang Yong's leadership, the first batch of troops returned safely to China as scheduled. And the day the last team left North Korea coincided with the anniversary of their crossing of the Yalu River eight years ago to fight abroad. This special historical significance makes this occasion even more memorable.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

When bidding farewell to North Korea, the North Korean people and volunteer soldiers all had deep reluctance. They braved the rain to come to the streets, singing "majestic, high-spirited" to see off these heroes. The last group of volunteers were awarded the Order of the National Flag, the highest honor in North Korea--- 1st class, at the station in recognition of their outstanding exploits.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

The train slowly drove out of the country, tears streaming down inside and outside the carriage. When the train crossed the Yalu River, Yang Yong had mixed feelings in his heart. Eight years ago, he set foot in a foreign land with the belief of protecting his family and defending the country, and now that his mission has been completed and he has returned with honor, he can finally return to his homeland in earnest. When the train arrived in Beijing, Premier Zhou Enlai and tens of thousands of people were already there to greet them warmly and offer the highest courtesy to this solemn procession.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

Although the Korean battlefield has come to an end, there is still a long way to go to fully absorb and resettle these more than 1.3 million heroes. However, with the wisdom of Yang Yong and everyone as a guide, this heroic team will be able to live and work in peace and contentment on the land of the motherland, re-take root, and continue to contribute to the construction of the country.

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed


Summing up that glorious chapter in history, the great feat of the Volunteer Army is like an indelible banner, standing at the pinnacle of the global just cause. They have forged heroic deeds with ordinary bodies, although they are clothed in gunsmoke, their hearts are for peace. However, how many unsolved mysteries remain about the stories of the unknown martyrs who failed to return to their homeland? Is there still a secret buried in the land where blood was spilled?

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

"The stories of heroes will never fade, and their spirit is like a monument, silently warning the world not to forget their original intentions. Although time has passed, and the era of crossing the Yalu River is a thing of the past, our memories of that heroic time have not faded. In the future, when peace is once again challenged, will we remember their perseverance in the cold winter nights, and will there be a new force to respond to the eternal promise that 'we will fight together again if there is a need'? "

How will the 1.3 million volunteers be resettled after returning home? Admiral Yang Yong made a proposal, and the Central Committee: Agreed

This question may only be answered in the future. Let us pay tribute to our ancestors and look forward to that day, and we will remember that it was their dedication that defended our peace and shaped the indomitable soul of a nation. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a legend and a national memory, is waiting for us to continue to explore its profound meaning in the long river of history in the future.