
Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up

author:Holy Ran


The old saying "fallen leaves return to their roots" seems to have been given a new meaning in the context of rural revitalization. As the national policy gradually tilted towards the countryside, those who once "fled" from the countryside and went to the city began to change their minds. Homestead, a unique asset in rural areas, has doubled in value with the advancement of rural revitalization and has become a new "sweet and sweet".

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up

Not only that, but many people even have the idea of returning to the countryside and want to buy a home in this hot land. But the question also arises, where should the children of farmers who have moved out of their hukou go? Many of them are unable to fully integrate into the city and return to the countryside, and this awkward status puts them in a dilemma.

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up


It has to be said that the development of the city is indeed like a magnet, attracting countless rural young people to pursue their dreams. University, work, and life, each stage is like an attractive fruit, leading them step by step to the city. There is always a gap between dreams and reality. High housing prices and fierce competition for jobs have made many young people from rural areas begin to re-examine their choices. They found that while the city was bustling, it was not easy to get down to fruition.

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up

At the same time, the countryside is changing rapidly. Rural revitalization is not just a slogan, but also a tangible action. The increase in the value of homesteads and the re-evaluation of rural assets have made rural areas a new investment hotspot. This has given new hope to many people who have been "uprooted from their homes". They began to consider whether they could relocate their hukou and find their own place in the countryside again.

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up

The dream of "non-farming" with a hukou that once seemed unattainable has now become a reality. Governments in many places have introduced relevant policies to provide the possibility of returning hukou to rural areas. Taking Qingdao, Shandong Province as an example, as long as certain conditions are met, the "non-agricultural" population can also take refuge in the rural "peasant" population. Hunan has clarified the "time red line" and provided clear guidance for hukou migration.

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up

This series of policy changes undoubtedly provides new options for those who are separated between urban and rural areas. Not only can they take the opportunity to return to the countryside, but they can also take the opportunity to protect and increase their assets. For rural areas, these relocated populations will also inject new vitality and impetus into rural revitalization.

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up

Of course, the "non-farming" hukou is not a smooth road. There are many factors that farmers need to consider before making a choice. For example, the confirmation of homestead rights, the renovation of houses, and the inheritance of family assets. But in any case, the introduction of this policy has undoubtedly provided new opportunities and choices for farmers.

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up


Looking back on the past, it is not difficult for us to find that remarkable results have been achieved in the development of rural areas. Looking forward to the future, with the in-depth promotion of rural revitalization and the continuous improvement of policies, we believe that rural areas will shine more brightly. Those who once "fled" the countryside are now returning to this land with new hopes and dreams.

Happy! The adjustment of the "non-farming" policy of household registration, returning to the countryside is not a dream! Hurry up

They will use their own hands and wisdom to jointly depict a new chapter in the countryside. And all this is inseparable from the guidance and support of policies, and even more inseparable from everyone's efforts and dedication. Let's look forward to a better future for the countryside!