
Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

author:Love to talk about life like crazy

1. How did the nine-tailed spirit fox change from a mythical beast to a symbol of evil spirit?

Since ancient times, the nine-tailed spirit fox has been revered as the embodiment of the auspicious beast and can be described as a symbol of luck and good luck.

Eastern Han Dynasty scholar Ban Gu clearly pointed out in his authoritative book "White Tiger Tongyi": "The nine-tailed fox is a symbol of glory and wealth", each sentence is interpreted so sincerely and sincerely, which shows the degree of respect that the nine-tailed spirit fox received during the Han Dynasty However, with the passage of time, I don't know when, the image of the nine-tailed spirit fox has gradually been stigmatized, they originally symbolized the auspicious figure, but now it has become synonymous with obscenity and demonity, which is really ridiculous! .

From the auspicious beast written by the ancient sages to the image of a bewitching fox today, this transformation is really embarrassing. What's even more bizarre is that the nine-tailed spirit fox even has a close connection with a famous figure in history, Su Daji.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

The name is thunderous in Chinese myths and legends, she was originally a beautiful but troublesome palace maid in the last years of the Shang Dynasty, however, I don't know when her image gradually merged with the figure of the nine-tailed spirit fox, making the line between the two blurred.

The wide spread of the Ming Dynasty's long novel "Fengshen Bang" further deepened the influence of the story of "Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox Possessing Su Daji" among the people. Since then, most of the film and television adaptations have also used the name "Daji", and over time, the two originally unrelated images have been mixed up in the hearts of the world.

The so-called "fox has changed that layer of fox skin", it is impossible to accurately describe this phenomenon In people's imagination, the nine-tailed spirit fox has long occupied Su Daji's body, and Su Daji's name has completely replaced the original image of the nine-tailed spirit fox.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

Auspicious and fox fairy, lewd and bewitching, these dramatic stories are widely praised among the people, and the nine-tailed spirit fox, a symbol of divine purity, has been completely distorted and defiled.

2. Since the 21st century, various versions of Daji's image have been rich and colorfulSince the 21st century, Su Daji's image has been brilliant and colorful in many film and television works

In 2023, in order to interpret this role more deeply, actor Na Ran spent up to six months carefully studying the body language and living habits of the fox, and strived to portray the nature of the nine-tailed demon fox vividly.

One of the most amazing scenes is undoubtedly the scene where she plays Daji crawling slowly on the snow! I saw that Daji was wearing a thick fox fur, prostrate on the cold snow, but the elegance of his body implied wild cunning and wit.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

Every small movement, all reveal the unique characteristics of the fox, so that the viewer can't help but palpitate for the director's capture and pinch of these nuanced scenes, but it really took a lot of effort, and finally succeeded in interpreting the cunning and ingenuity of the nine-tailed fox, so that we have to praise it.

However, this is a completely different style from Zhang Xinyu's version of Daji in 2014. Zhang Xinyu's version of the nine-tailed fox is full of city government and calculation, and there is an irresistible dangerous atmosphere between every move, but it makes people unable to feel afraid.

The deep family affection between her and her sisters has deeply touched the hearts of countless viewers, and when her sisters are bullied, she is always able to stand up and protect them like a real sister.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

In 2010, Huo Siyan showed the other side of Daji vividly with her superb acting skills. She was dressed in white clothes, slim and elegant, but her gentle and beautiful appearance revealed a trace of indescribable danger, and there was a sharp edge hidden under her beautiful appearance, which made people want to approach and explore.

Every time she suddenly becomes indifferent, her whole temperament will change dramatically in an instant, as if as long as she takes another step forward, she will fall into the gentle trap of a bewitching fox.

As for Fan Bingbing's version of Daji in 2006, she successfully interpreted the charming characteristics of the nine-tailed fox demon Ye just right. Her breathtaking fox eyes, coupled with her charming and enchanting appearance, are simply the perfect embodiment of the nine-tailed fox incarnated into a young woman.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

Just by gently opening the red lips, it can touch people's heartstrings; Slightly lowering her slender eyelashes is enough to leave endless tenderness, and every time she appears, it will always make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

In 2015, Li Yixiao created a new image for the nine-tailed fox. Compared with most of the previous actors who portrayed Daji as a gorgeous and charming character, Li Yixiao was wearing a terrifying red fox fur, but exuded a passionate charm.

Her role as Daji is bold and passionate, seemingly gentle and kind, but it can't hide the wildness and wildness of her heart, which is really amazing.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

In the nineties of the twentieth century, the film and television of ancient mythological novels in the mainland ushered in a new peak period. Thanks to the novel and unique theme, the ups and downs of the plot, and the bold breakthrough of the modeling and costume design, it has set off a warm response across the country, and the craze for gods is unprecedentedly high.

In this craze, the works represented by the 1999 version of "Lotus Boy Nezha" undoubtedly left an extremely deep impression on people. Among them, the role of Su Daji played by Luo Haiqiong is unforgettable for many audiences, and it is still talked about today.

She vividly expressed Su Daji's wildness, bloodthirstiness, and cruelty, and every scene was terrifying and creepy. In particular, those seemingly harmless behaviors are actually full of evil, like an innocent child playing with a toy in his hand, which makes people feel a chill down their spines.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

Underneath her beautiful appearance, there is a ruthless demon fox heart hidden, which is impossible to guard against.

Whenever Luo Haiqiong appeared, it seemed that a demon fox was roaring in a low voice, making people unconsciously feel that the hairs on their whole body stood on end and their scalps were numb.

In contrast, the 1990 version of Fu Yiwei's image of Su Daji is more gentle and graceful. The Su Daji she plays is beautiful and moving, like a hibiscus out of the water, gentle and lovely.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

However, when she staged a scene of affection and lingering love with the king of Xu, she suddenly revealed fox-like cunning eyes, the kind of charm that wanted to cover up, half-pushed and half-done, which gave people a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of her foxy nature.

Behind this superficial kindness and innocence, there is a contrast of fox-like city, which has undoubtedly become the biggest charm of this version of Su Daji. As the saying goes, "the gentlest people are often the most ruthless", and judging by her appearance alone, no one could have predicted her deep down cunning and suspicious and far-sighted.

Fourth, Su Daji's image has undergone several ups and downs in the past century

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

The image of Su Daji has gone through a hundred years of interpretation, countless ups and downs and changes, and each version has its own unique characteristics and leads the way. As early as 1955, the famous movie star Xie Jiahua, who enjoyed the reputation of "Miss Shanghai", successfully created a version of Su Daji.

Her appearance is elegant and intellectual, which appropriately interprets the elegant temperament of Su Daji's character, which can be called a classic.

However, it is a pity that Xie Jiahua's outstanding appearance and demeanor have become the reason for the jealousy of others. According to news reports at the time, the film in which Xie Jiahua participated was supposed to be named "A Storm in the City", and its character prototype was tailor-made for her from beginning to end, but when it was finally presented, her overly dazzling beauty caused the character's original personality to be seriously distorted.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

Ten years ago, in 1945, in the famous Cantonese opera "Roshan Zangdaji", the performance of the leading actor Qin Xiaoli was bold and innovative, leading the trend. Not only did she unabashedly appear in a bikini, but she also vividly interpreted the seduction drama that was considered taboo at the time, which was eye-catching.

In that era of strong traditional concepts, Qin Xiaoli's free-spirited and bold and emancipated performance undoubtedly brought a huge shock to the audience. Many media outlets at the time even expressed strong dissatisfaction and accusations against the crew.

However, it is precisely because of this that Qin Xiaoli has gradually emerged in the industry, and is known as the "Four Famous Dans" on a par with the other three celebrities of the same generation.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

Looking back on history, we can clearly see that Qin Xiaoli is undoubtedly a very bold female actor. She dared to innovate bravely in that feudal and conservative era, broke through the shackles, and injected new vitality into the role of Su Daji with her own unique interpretation, which can be called a model of a pioneer.

Part 5: In 2024, the explosion of the nine-tailed fox in Yuntai Mountain, Henan Province is in line with the boom of cultural tourism

In 2024, with the upsurge of the "National Gala" set off by the big brother of Northeast Internet celebrities, cultural and tourism departments across the country will also quietly accumulate strength in this fierce competition. The Henan Provincial Bureau of Culture and Tourism seized the opportunity and took advantage of the trend to launch a unique "beauty plan" marketing strategy.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

They dig deep into the profound heritage of local culture and carefully select a group of little brothers and sisters with strong ancient charm as new image ambassadors for cultural tourism promotion. Amazingly, these little brothers and sisters had never appeared in any public before this, as if they were mysterious figures who fell from the sky.

Among them, there is a bold cosplayer lady who chooses to play the mysterious and charming nine-tailed fox Daji. However, it rejects the fixed pattern of Daji being too glamorous and coquettish in traditional film and television works, but carefully creates a fresh and refined animated version of Daji's image.

This not only fully interprets the witty nature of the nine-tailed demon fox, but also gives it a refreshing breath!

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

This time, her makeup is not extremely rich, but skillfully presents a gentle and quiet demeanor, and the whole person is as gentle and moving as a spring water. However, with a slight glance, a hint of cunning could be caught in her deep eyes, as if the nine-tailed fox was revealing its true form.

Such a unique way of interpretation not only follows the current fashion trend of costume dramas, but also creates a unique and novel charm, which makes the majority of netizens instantly fall for this fresh and refined charm, and express "crazy about it".

6. Can the image of Daji surpass the prototype nine-tailed fox?

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

In the process of shaping Su Daji's image after a hundred years of vicissitudes, film and television works of different eras express their opinions and opinions on the depiction of her human nature or demonic nature. Looking back at several earlier versions in history, such as the 2018 movie "Demon Fox Su Daji" starring Nan Sheng, it was ruthlessly "complained" by many netizens and was known as "the most non-existent Su Daji".

The reason for this is precisely because of Nansheng's stiff performance skills and lack of demonic temperament, which cannot perfectly show the original foxy charm of the nine-tailed fox.

However, Wang Likun's version of Su Daji in 2015 went to the other extreme. She portrayed Su Daji as a boudoir lady, full of pathos, and her whole temperament was far from the cunning and wit of the nine-tailed demon fox.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

At that time, some netizens mercilessly pointed out: "She is even less present than the male fox character in the play."

Looking at the classic starring Wen Bixia in 2001, it makes people feel pity. The originally innocent and lovely Wen Bixia was portrayed very naturally and smoothly in the later blackening performance, containing women's awakening to power and their struggle against fate.

Her image creation reflects the re-examination of contemporary women's self-worth, which makes people sigh and sigh for her fate.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

However, in any case, Su Daji has always been just a humanized symbol parasitic on the image of the nine-tailed fox. Although she is outstanding, it is still difficult to surpass the original connotation carried by the nine-tailed fox itself.

Thinking back to the ancient pre-Qin era, the nine-tailed fox is undoubtedly a symbol of auspiciousness and sacredness, giving people endless beauty and peace. Perhaps, it is the original pure and flawless image of the nine-tailed fox that can arouse our most sincere respect and cherishment!

However, after thousands of years of baptism, the nine-tailed fox may have been over-interpreted and over-humanized in the artistic creation of later generations. The role of Daji freed her from the brilliance of divinity, and also shrouded her existence value in a haze.

Put 15 Daji together, some are charming, some are coming, and one is taken away

Perhaps, we should bravely tear off the veil of Daji and re-examine the original appearance of the nine-tailed fox, the existence that was once noble and almost sacred.