
Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

author:Jess talks about history

The Xiongnu and Han dynasties have always been full of drama and mystery. From peace to war, from humiliation to glory, the iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty drove the Huns back to the embrace of the grassland again and again. However, have you ever thought about what would have happened to the fate of the Xiongnu if it weren't for the change of fate? What's even more interesting is that in this ancient war between man and nature, mystery and reality, a white snake actually played an incredible role.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

Under the ambition of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the frontier wars of the Han Empire never stopped. In 129 BC, Huo Qubing died young, leaving behind countless "ifs" and regrets. His death was not only a loss for the Han Dynasty, but also allowed the Huns to temporarily escape the fate of being completely defeated. War and ambition do not stop with the fall of one man. One day, 18 years later, the Huns raised their heads again and tried to invade the border passes, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Li Guangli again, the grandson of Li Guang, who inherited the bravery of the family and once again demonstrated the might of the Han army to the Xiongnu.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

Just when the Huns were defeated and retreated to the steppe, a vision suddenly appeared in the sky. Purple lightning pierced the sky, as if the gods were warning of something. Da Shan Yu's curiosity was piqued, and he ordered his men to investigate this unusual celestial phenomenon. The army came to the peak of the mountain that had been struck by lightning, only to find that it was empty except for the dark clouds and thunder that had gathered again.

At this time, the wise men of the Xiongnu came up with a conjecture, which they thought might be the guidance of the Kunlun god. There is an old saying in the Han Dynasty, "If there is a vision in the sky, something big will happen", and the Huns were convinced and decided to explore further. As the army approached, the dark clouds cleared, and purple smoke rose from the top of the mountain, as if some mysterious force was at work.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

Da Dan Yu led the elite soldiers straight to the top of the mountain and found a huge ancient tree with a hollow trunk and snake blood inside. When the soldiers bravely climbed up to investigate, they found a huge white snake in the tree, covered in thunder, with purple gas bubbling from its head. This scene is undoubtedly shocking, but it is also extremely dangerous.

According to ancient records, the white snake crossed the catastrophe and became a dragon, which is a common image in ancient Chinese mythology. The white snake seems to be going through a thunderstorm and trying to transform into a dragon. Out of fear and curiosity, the Hun soldiers chose to retreat, but this mysterious phenomenon left an indelible impression on their hearts.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

Not only the Huns, but even the generals of the Han Dynasty were full of curiosity about this spectacle. After Li Guangli heard about this, he also deeply felt that there might be an unknown secret hidden behind it. He decided to lead the team himself, not only to find out the truth, but also to verify whether it was providential.

When Li Guangli and his troops arrived at the mountain, they also witnessed the shocking purple lightning. Thunder and lightning and storms, as if a warning from heaven, can also be a supernatural force. When Li Guangli reached the top, he did not find the legendary white snake, only the traces of lightning destruction and the burned trees. He quietly felt a shock and awe at the top of the mountain.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

This incident not only made the Xiongnu rethink their relationship with the Han Dynasty, but also gave the Han Dynasty generals a new understanding of natural and mysterious forces. Li Guangli returned to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and reported what he had seen and felt. After hearing this, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deeply felt that there might be some indescribable connection between the celestial phenomena and the fortunes of the country, which strengthened his determination to continue to expand his territory and strengthen the Han Dynasty.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

For the Huns, the experience was like a warning to the gods, and they began to reassess the balance of power with the Han Dynasty and possible strategic adjustments in the future. The mystery and shock of purple lightning have become a part of their legends, and they have also deepened their fear and awe of the unknown.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

Although there is no conclusive historical record of this event, in folklore and some ancient documents, this passage about the white snake, purple lightning and mysterious power has been recited from generation to generation. People tell this historical episode with a sense of excitement and respect for the wisdom of the ancients.

Yang Guang was originally a white snake in his previous life, and was shot by the Huns during the catastrophe, but after reincarnation, he had a brutal personality.

These stories, whether fake or not, have profoundly influenced later cultural and historical developments. They teach us that history is not just a record of war and politics, but a sum total of human emotions, cultural perceptions, and explorations of the unknown.