
The United States loves to help or not! The Israeli army is no longer hidden: the ultimate mass killer is here, crushing and beheading Hamas

author:Easy Astys 5O8E

Israel's actions have once again aroused the attention and concern of the international community. The use of the "Lavender" AI system, the ultimate mass killer, indicates that the Israeli army is no longer hiding its strength, but is facing the Hamas armed forces and intends to cut the grass and eradicate the roots.

This "lavender" AI system is not boasting, it can not only identify targets, but also accurately strike. From the Israeli military's point of view, this is a remarkable technological advance, but from another point of view, it also raises huge ethical and legal issues. Because its "accidental injury rate" should not be underestimated, hundreds of civilians were counted in the kill list.

And at this time, the two countries of the United States and Australia are in an uproar. Well, although they don't work hard at critical moments on the surface, they actually do a lot behind the scenes. It is said that they began to conduct AI combat tests as early as the battlefield in Ukraine, presumably in order to cultivate similar AI systems and create their own killer features.

The United States loves to help or not! The Israeli army is no longer hidden: the ultimate mass killer is here, crushing and beheading Hamas

Even Austria became worried, holding a conference of "humanity at a crossroads" to discuss autonomous weapon systems such as Lavender. It can be seen that this AI system is not just an Israeli matter, it will affect the security and stability of the entire international community.

What's more, the United Nations has also intervened, and Secretary-General Guterres has called on all parties to reach a ceasefire agreement as soon as possible. It seems that everyone is aware of the seriousness of this problem and does not dare to take it lightly.

And at the same time as all this is happening, the United States is engaged in some "Meivin Plan", trying to put intelligent systems into the battlefield in Ukraine, wanting to use various devices and social media to obtain intelligence in order to identify targets faster. Oh, what a worrying move!

The United States loves to help or not! The Israeli army is no longer hidden: the ultimate mass killer is here, crushing and beheading Hamas

At the end of the day, it's all about the scramble

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The United States loves to help or not! The Israeli army is no longer hidden: the ultimate mass killer is here, crushing and beheading Hamas

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