
What does the rural saying "two highs sandwiched and one low, one life being bullied"? What's the point?

author:Good luck comes with you

In the vast fields and quiet countryside, there are many simple and deep sayings, which are like a textbook of life, containing the life wisdom and philosophy of our ancestors. Today, let's talk about the familiar saying "two highs and one low, and being bullied for a lifetime". This sentence seems simple, but it is full of the ups and downs of life.

What does the rural saying "two highs sandwiched and one low, one life being bullied"? What's the point?

First of all, we have to understand that "two highs and one low" is a figurative metaphor. "Tall" here usually refers to a person's status, learning, or height, and if a person is superior to ordinary people in both aspects, then he is naturally prone to appear arrogant or unapproachable. "Low" refers to his level of humility or attitude towards others. The meaning of this sentence is that if a person is too arrogant, does not know how to be restrained, and at the same time lacks humility and low-key, then he may have trouble in relationships, and he may easily be seen as a target by others and be oppressed.

What does the rural saying "two highs sandwiched and one low, one life being bullied"? What's the point?

The ancients said: "Full of losses, humble benefits." This is the best interpretation of "two highs and one low". Pride makes people lose their minds, while humility earns respect. Just like Zhuge Liang's "non-indifferent and unambitious, non-quiet and far-reaching", warns us to be indifferent to fame and fortune and keep a low profile. On the other hand, if you are always arrogant, even if you are talented, you may lose friends and even incur jealousy and aggression because of your sharpness.

What does the rural saying "two highs sandwiched and one low, one life being bullied"? What's the point?

This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in rural areas. Everyone knows that harmony between neighbors is more important than anything else. If you are always on top of others and do not take others seriously, then others will naturally alienate you and even bully you intentionally or unintentionally. After all, no one wants to be with someone who is always on their toes.

What does the rural saying "two highs sandwiched and one low, one life being bullied"? What's the point?

However, this is not to say that we deliberately devalue ourselves, but rather to learn to balance. A true wise man knows how to remain humble in the face of honor and show tenacity in the face of difficulties. They know that true strength does not lie in showing off on the outside, but in inner cultivation and respect for others.

What does the rural saying "two highs sandwiched and one low, one life being bullied"? What's the point?

Therefore, when we hear the saying "two highs and one low, one life will be bullied", we might as well reflect on our behavior. Whether in the workplace or in life, we should learn to control our arrogance and maintain a humble heart, so that we can win the respect of others and live a harmonious and happy life.

Although this proverb comes from the countryside, its truth is universal. It acts as a mirror to allow us to see ourselves clearly and also reminds us how to get along with others. Forward it and let more people think about it, maybe our lives can become more harmonious and beautiful.

#农村智慧# #谦逊待人# #人际交往#

What does the rural saying "two highs sandwiched and one low, one life being bullied"? What's the point?