
"Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck": no matter how close the relationship is, don't help these three favors, it's no good

author:Good luck comes with you

In our lives, whether it is relatives, friends or neighborhood colleagues, it is inevitable that we will encounter times when we need help. However, to help others wisely, some of the things that seem simple may actually have unintended consequences. The ancients said: "Help others, and you will be stained yourself; Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck. "Today, let's talk about what is busy, even if the relationship is close, you might as well think twice.

"Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck": no matter how close the relationship is, don't help these three favors, it's no good

First of all, borrowing money is busy and not paying it back. Money, to put it bluntly, is the blood of life, and lending it easily is like shedding one's own blood. Jack Ma once said: "Money can solve problems that are not big problems, but when it comes to trust, it is not a trivial matter." "If your friends are always reaching out to you to borrow money and not paying it back, your friendship may be overwhelmed by debt. Remember, while helping others, protect your wallet as well.

"Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck": no matter how close the relationship is, don't help these three favors, it's no good

Secondly, the professional field is busy. Everyone has their own strengths and limitations, and what you are good at may be the shortcomings in his eyes. Steve Jobs once said, "You can't just do what you're good at, you have to do what you have to do." "If a friend asks you to help him with a professional matter that is beyond your ability, you may not only not be able to help, but you may put him in a deeper predicament. Respecting each other's boundaries of ability is the real help.

"Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck": no matter how close the relationship is, don't help these three favors, it's no good

Finally, the emotional entanglement is busy. Emotional issues such as love and marriage are often counterproductive for outsiders to intervene. Oprah Winfrey once said, "Sometimes the best help is to be silent." "When friends are emotionally entangled, they need understanding and space, not your advice or intervention. Your intervention may just make things worse.

"Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck": no matter how close the relationship is, don't help these three favors, it's no good

Helping others is affectionate, but there must be moderation. Remember, the real help is in the middle of the fire, not adding fuel to the fire. No matter how close the relationship is, you must also judge rationally and choose those who can not only help others, but also protect yourself. After all, we all want life to be sunny and not cloudy because we help people who shouldn't be helped.

"Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck": no matter how close the relationship is, don't help these three favors, it's no good

So, the next time someone asks you for help, you might as well stop and think: Can I help with this favor? After helping, will it cause trouble to yourself? Only in this way can we protect our own happiness while helping others.

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"Helping people three times, bad luck is riddled with bad luck": no matter how close the relationship is, don't help these three favors, it's no good