
Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange

author:All-media operations

In order to learn and learn from experience, develop hospital development ideas, and lay a good foundation for the high-quality development of the hospital, on May 15, Tang Honghui, Secretary of the Party Group of Daying County Health Bureau, and Liang Jixue, President of the People's Hospital, led more than 20 people from the Party Office, Hospital Office, Medical Affairs, Nursing, Personnel, Publicity, Operation Performance, Procurement and other departments to West China Airport Hospital (the First People's Hospital of Shuangliu District) for study and exchange.

Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange

Wan Meihua, Secretary of the Party Committee of West China Airport Hospital, led the team members and departments to extend a warm welcome and warm reception to the visiting delegation. Secretary Wan Meihua personally introduced the development process, discipline construction, professional characteristics, service concept, etc. of the hospital in detail, and led everyone to visit the outpatient center, ECG remote consultation center, hospital culture wall, party building cultural center, and hospital history museum, and carried out fruitful exchanges.

Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange
Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange
Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange
Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange
Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange

At the symposium, President Liang Jixue expressed his sincere gratitude to West China Airport Hospital for its warm reception. He pointed out that this visit and study has broadened the horizons and straightened out the thinking for the next work. Tang Honghui, Secretary of the Party Group of Daying County Health Bureau, emphasized that the members of the visit and study should be guided by problems, goals and results, improve their ideological understanding and position, aim at the goal and accurately benchmark to find the gap, effectively enhance the motivation of hard work, and complete the work with more solid work results.

Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange
Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange
Compete for the bid and learn from the excellent丨Daying County People's Hospital went to West China Airport Hospital to study and exchange

After the symposium, the visiting and learning personnel went to the relevant functional departments and clinical departments for serious and meticulous study. The visit and study benefited a lot, and the Daying County People's Hospital will learn from the good experience and practices of West China Airport Hospital, find out the gaps and deficiencies, carefully summarize and analyze, and rectify them in a timely manner to ensure that the "bidding competition" activity is deep and practical.

Picture | Advocacy Section

Article | Pu Zhaozhi

Orchestration| Tan Tingting

Review|Pu Zhaozhi, Tan Qi, Tan Tingting

Professional audit|Party Office

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