
After I got married, my stepfather gave me 30,000 yuan, and I was dumbfounded when I withdrew the money

author:Smoke Moon wrote

On that day, I got married, a festive wedding that made me feel the happiest moment of my life. My stepfather, a simple and kind man, also prepared a generous gift for me at this wedding - 30,000 yuan.

After the wedding, I found my stepfather and said gratefully, "Dad, thank you, I will cherish the 30,000 yuan." ”

My stepfather smiled and patted me on the shoulder: "Silly boy, this is Dad's intention, you just take it." ”

A few days later, I was going to go to the bank and withdraw the money and deposit it into my joint account with my wife. However, when I walked into the bank with the bank card with 30,000 yuan, something unexpected happened to me.

I walked to the counter, handed the staff a bank card, and said, "Hello, I want to withdraw 30,000 yuan." ”

The staff took the bank card, operated for a while, and suddenly his face changed, and he asked me: "Sir, there are only 3,000 yuan in this card, are you sure you want to withdraw 30,000 yuan?" ”

I was stunned, thinking that I had heard it wrong, and hurriedly said, "Impossible, my stepfather obviously gave me 30,000, you can take a look again." ”

The staff looked at it carefully again and said confirmatively: "Sir, it's really only three thousand, if you need it, we can help you check the transaction records." ”

I felt a wave of vertigo, could it be that my stepdad was teasing me? No, it can't be. I resisted the doubts in my heart and left the bank.

When I got home, I immediately called my stepfather and asked about the 30,000 yuan. My stepfather listened to me, was silent for a while, and said, "Son, I'm sorry, but in fact, the three thousand dollars are all my savings. ”

I felt a heartache that my stepfather had given me all his savings for me, and I had misunderstood him. I hurriedly said, "Dad, I understand, thank you." ”

The stepfather sighed: "Son, you know what? The 30,000 yuan was saved by your mother and I for a lifetime. We wanted to surprise you when you got married. However, last month, your mother suddenly fell ill, and all the money was spent on treatment. I don't want to disappoint you, so I can only give you these three thousand dollars. ”

Hearing this, I burst into tears, it turned out that my stepfather had paid so much for me. I held back my tears and said to my stepfather, "Dad, I will cherish these 3,000 yuan forever." I will never forget the kindness between you and my mother for the rest of my life. ”

Since then, I have cherished my relationship with my stepfather even more and worked harder to repay them for their kindness. And that bank card, which was only 3,000 yuan, became the most valuable treasure in my life.

The days passed quietly, and my wife and I began our married life in a busy and fulfilling work. I have always kept that bank card safe, and it is always a reminder of my stepfather's kindness and the hardships of life.

One weekend, I went back to my stepfather's house and wanted to chat with them and do my filial piety. My stepfather was mruning the flowers and plants in the yard and smiled with relief when he saw me return.

"Dad, how is your health lately?" I asked with concern.

My stepfather put down the scissors in his hand and patted me on the shoulder: "It's good, you don't have to worry." It's you, don't work too hard. ”

We sat on a stone bench in the courtyard and chatted about homely things. Suddenly, my stepdad brought up a topic that I didn't expect.

"Son, you know what? Our village has recently been going to be developed, and my family's land has also been expropriated. The government has given us a compensation payment, and I want to give you this money as compensation for your marriage. ”

I was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Dad, you can keep this money for yourself, I don't want it." ”

The stepfather frowned: "You kid, why are you so tough?" I'm your dad, and it's a matter of course to give you money. ”

I knew my stepfather's temper, so I compromised: "Okay, Dad, I'll save this money for you first, and I'll take it out when you and your mother need it." ”

The stepfather smiled and nodded.

It didn't take long for the compensation to arrive. I held the bank card, but my heart felt heavy. This money, for me, means more responsibility and pressure.

One night, my wife looked at me with a sad look and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?" Is there something on your mind? ”

I sighed and told her about my stepfather's compensation.

The wife was silent for a while, and then said, "We should really think about how to use this money." However, I think the most important thing is to let your dad know that we know how to be grateful and know how to cherish. ”

I nodded, thinking my wife had a point.

The next day, my wife and I went to the bank and transferred half of the compensation to my stepfather's account, and we decided to invest the rest in a small entrepreneurial project.

When we told my stepfather about this, he was stunned and couldn't speak for a while. In the end, with tears in his eyes, he trembled and said, "You children, when you grow up, you know that you feel sorry for your father." ”

I held my stepfather's hand tightly, and my heart was filled with gratitude. This compensation has brought us closer together and made me understand that family affection is a priceless treasure.

Since then, our family has supported each other and faced the ups and downs of life together. And that bank card witnessed our growth and my stepfather's deep love for me. In the days to come, we will move forward hand in hand and let this love be passed on.

Time is like a song, and in the blink of an eye, my wife and I have also stepped into the right track. We opened a small restaurant that specializes in hometown cuisine, which is very popular with the residents of the neighborhood. Every time I see the satisfied smiles of my customers, I feel extremely gratified, which also makes me more determined to do this business well.

My stepfather and mother would often come to the restaurant to help, and although I tried to persuade them not to have to work so hard, they always smiled and said that they were happy to be able to do something for the children. The staff and customers of the restaurant love this kind old man, who become a unique sight in the restaurant.

One weekend afternoon, a special guest came to the restaurant, an old classmate of mine and a former friend from the village. He looked at the restaurant's decoration and busy scene, and couldn't help but admire: "I really didn't expect you to run this small restaurant so well." ”

I smiled and replied, "It's all the result of everyone's joint efforts." ”

He suddenly smiled mysteriously and said, "You know what? Your stepfather is a well-known good man in the village, and everyone says that he loves you more than his own father. ”

As I listened, a warm current surged in my heart. Yes, my stepfather's love for me has long gone beyond ordinary blood relations, and that deep affection is a precious treasure of my life.

Soon after, my wife's belly began to bulge, and our family was about to usher in a new life. When the stepfather heard the news, he was as excited as a child, and he carefully stroked his wife's belly, his eyes full of antiquity.

"Dad, don't worry, when the child is born, I will let them know what a great grandfather they have." I said affectionately to my stepfather.

The stepfather smiled, tears shining in his eyes: "Okay, okay, I'll wait for that day." ”

Time flies, and the birth of a child brings more joy to our family. Every day, the stepfather would walk around the yard of the house with the child in his arms, teaching him to know the flowers and plants, and telling the stories of the past.

I watched this scene with a lot of emotion in my heart. Life is full of unknowns and challenges, but with the company and support of your family, everything is less scary. That bank card is no longer just a symbol of money, it represents my stepfather's endless love for me, and represents the courage and strength of our family to unite and face the future together.

In this cozy little restaurant, our family shares the bits and pieces of life and manages this hard-won happiness with our hearts. And I know that no matter how bumpy the road ahead may be, we will walk hand in hand and write the chapter of our lives with love.

As the restaurant business grows stronger, so does our lives. But no matter how busy we are, we make time to spend with our families, especially our stepdads. He's getting older and he's not as strong as he used to be, and I'm always worried about his health.

One day, I was busy at a restaurant when I suddenly received a call from my wife, saying that she was taking her child to the city hospital for a check-up, so I didn't have to worry. When I put down the phone, I couldn't help but feel a little worried, but I was also a little relieved to think that my wife could take care of herself and the children.

In the evening, my wife came home with the child, and when she saw my anxious appearance, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, the child is healthy, just a slight cold." ”

I breathed a sigh of relief, but decided to cook a great dinner for my wife and children to celebrate.

While I was busy in the kitchen, I suddenly received a call from a doctor at the hospital. He told me that his stepfather had been diagnosed with a heart attack at a small clinic in the village and needed immediate surgery.

I was shocked, so I quickly put down my work, explained the situation to my wife, and rushed to the hospital immediately. On the way, I kept praying that my stepfather would be safe.

When I got to the hospital, I saw my stepfather lying in a hospital bed, his face pale. When he saw me coming in, he barely managed to squeeze out a smile: "Son, I'm fine, don't worry." ”

I held his hand tightly, tears rolling in my eyes: "Dad, don't worry, we will always be by your side." ”

The surgery went very smoothly and my stepfather's physical condition gradually improved. At the bedside, I promised my stepfather, "Dad, when you recover, we will go on a trip together as a family and relax." ”

The stepfather smiled, his eyes shining with anticipation: "Okay, I'm waiting for that day." ”

After a period of recuperation, the stepfather was finally discharged from the hospital. Our family went on a trip to the beach as promised, enjoying the beautiful sea view and feeling the breeze of the sea. On the beach, the stepfather held the children and looked at their happy smiles, and I smiled too.

At that moment, I deeply felt that although life is full of unknowns and challenges, as long as our family is united, nothing is impossible. That bank card is no longer just a symbol of money, it represents the courage and strength of our family for the future, and represents the chapter of life we write with love.

During this journey, we supported each other as a family and faced the ups and downs of life together. And that bank card witnessed our growth and my stepfather's deep love for me. In the days to come, we will move forward hand in hand and let this love be passed on.