
8000 pension old man, reprimanded by his son-in-law for duck legs

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Old Man Li, I have a pension of 8,000 a month, and I usually like to raise flowers at home and listen to the radio. It was dark in the morning, I was watering the flowers in the yard when I heard a quarrel in the house.

"Dad, look at you, buy all this junk food again!" This is the voice of my son-in-law, Xiao Zhang.

When I walked into the house, I saw Xiao Zhang holding a bag with a few roast duck legs in his hand. I smiled and explained, "It's not junk food, it's my favorite thing to eat when I was younger, and I wanted to savor it." ”

Xiao Zhang frowned: "Dad, can you eat these things in this body?" High blood pressure, diabetes, these diseases are all eaten! ”

I was a little unhappy: "I know my own body, what can happen to eating such a duck leg?" ”

Xiao Zhang sighed: "Your temper is really helpless." If something happens to you, how can I explain it to my mother? ”

I glared at him, "Are you cursing me?" My own body, I am in charge of myself! ”

During the quarrel, my wife came out of the kitchen and glared at Xiao Zhang: "Your father let him eat if he wants to, but when he is old, he still makes him feel wronged?" ”

Xiao Zhang shook his head helplessly and left the house. I picked up a duck leg and ate it with relish.

At night, I lay in bed, but my heart was not good. I know that Xiao Zhang is for my good, but this day is too careful. Just thinking about it, the phone rang, it was my old comrade-in-arms Lao Wang.

"Old man Li, I heard that you quarreled with your son-in-law today?" Lao Wang said with a smile.

"How do you know?" I was a little surprised.

"It's all spread throughout our community, do you think I don't know?" Lao Wang said with a smile.

I sighed: "Hey, young people nowadays, I don't know how to be considerate of us old men. ”

Lao Wang said: "Don't think so much, let's go fishing tomorrow and relax." ”

The next day, Lao Wang and I came to the river, and we were about to go fishing, when we suddenly saw Xiao Zhang running over in a hurry.

"Dad, no, Mom, she has high blood pressure, and she's in the hospital!" Xiao Zhang gasped.

My head "buzzed", hurriedly said goodbye to Lao Wang, and followed Xiao Zhang to the hospital. Along the way, I blamed myself and thought: It's all my fault, I have to eat that duck leg, if my wife has three long and two short, how can I live!

When I arrived at the hospital, my wife was out of danger. I looked at her pale face and felt guilty.

"Old man, I'm fine, don't worry." The old wife whispered.

I held her hand: "I will definitely pay attention to my body in the future and stop worrying you." ”

Xiao Zhang said silently on the side: "Dad, I'm sorry, I will pay attention to my tone in the future and stop arguing with you." ”

Since then, my relationship with Xiao Zhang has been much better, and he is no longer so careful about me. And I have also learned to be considerate of his concern and try to pay attention to my body. After all, family harmony is the most important thing.

As the days passed, the conflict between me and Xiao Zhang gradually faded, and we began to understand each other. One day, I was reading a newspaper in the living room when Xiao Zhang walked in and mysteriously handed me a piece of paper.

"Dad, this is an interest class for the elderly that I found, which has courses such as calligraphy, Chinese painting, and dance, I think you can try it."

I took the piece of paper, looked at it, smiled and said, "You kid, you still know how to care about me." ”

Xiao Zhang was a little embarrassed: "Dad, I was too cautious in the past and ignored your feelings. This interest class may bring some fun to your life. ”

I patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I'll try." Don't blame yourself, our family is learning how to get along better. ”

In this way, I signed up for the senior interest class. There, I met a group of like-minded friends, and we studied calligraphy and Chinese painting together, danced together, and lived a full and happy life.

One day, the interest class organized an outdoor sketching activity. I picked up my sketchpad and went to a lake to paint a landscape painting. Just as I was concentrating on painting the beautiful scenery, a familiar voice sounded: "Old man Li, you are good at drawing!" ”

When I looked up, it turned out to be Lao Wang. He walked over with a smile: "I heard that you are participating in an interest class here, so I came over to take a look." ”

I put down my paintbrush and said, "yes, my life is much fuller now." Thank you for your suggestion. ”

Lao Wang smiled and said, "That's good, I'm still worried that you will be bored at home." ”

At this time, Xiao Zhang walked over with two bottles of water in his hands: "Dad, Uncle Wang, you have worked hard, drink some water." ”

Lao Wang and I looked at each other and smiled, took the water, and our hearts were full of gratitude.

In the following days, I not only found fun in my studies, but also had a more harmonious relationship with my family and friends such as Xiao Zhang and Lao Wang. I learned that there will always be some bumps in life, but as long as we understand each other with our hearts, we will always find a way to live in harmony.

One day, I met an old man named Aunt Lin in an interest class. She was alone and looked a little lonely. I took the initiative to talk to her, only to find out that she had just lost her husband and was very depressed.

I chatted with her and told her some interesting stories about my youth, hoping to make her feel better. Gradually, Aunt Lin's mood improved a lot, and she looked at me gratefully: "Old man Li, thank you for letting me find my smile again." ”

I smiled and said, "No thanks, it's also a kind of fate that we can meet here." From now on, we will be friends. ”

Since then, Aunt Lin and I have become friends who talk about everything. We participated in various activities together and had many happy times together. And my family, too, understood and supported me, allowing me to find such precious friendships in my later years.

Life is always full of surprises, as long as we feel with our hearts and manage with our hearts, we will always reap full of happiness. Today, although I don't have a lot of pension, I live a full and happy life. I know that this is the best of my old age.

That day, I was chatting with Aunt Lin in my interest class, and she suddenly took out a photo mysteriously.

"Old man Li, look at this person, is it a little familiar?" She smiled and handed me the old, yellowed photo.

I took the picture, looked at it closely, and my eyes widened. It was a photo of me and Lao Wang when we were young, and behind it was the factory we worked together in the past.

"Where did this come from?" I asked in surprise.

Aunt Lin smiled and said, "My husband's relics were found." He and your husband are comrades-in-arms, and this photo was left by him. ”

I was full of emotion, I didn't expect to meet someone related to my wife in this interest class. I held Aunt Lin's hand tightly: "Thank you for letting me see this precious photo." ”

Soon after, I decided to visit Lao Wang's family with Aunt Lin to relive that period of comradeship. When we knocked on the door of Lao Wang's house, Lao Wang's son greeted us warmly.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Lin, welcome!" He said excitedly.

We entered the house, and Wang's daughter-in-law served tea. We sat around, looking through the old photos and reminiscing about those old days.

"At that time, we were young and strong, and we worked day and night for the construction of the country." Lao Wang said with emotion.

I patted him on the shoulder: "yes, it was a hard time, but it was also very happy. ”

That day, we talked for a long time, as if we were back in the years when passion was burning. When saying goodbye, Lao Wang's son said: "Uncle Li, Aunt Lin, you will often come to the house to play in the future, let us also do our filial piety." ”

On the way home, I was in a good mood. I think that's the power of friendship, which allows us seniors to rediscover the joy of life.

One day, I met an old gentleman who was good at Go in my interest class. His name is Chen Lao, and he is superb in chess and humble. We hit it off and quickly became chess friends.

"Old man Li, your chess skills are good, a bit like me back then." Chen Lao praised.

I responded with a smile: "Old Chen, you have won the prize." I have benefited a lot from playing chess with you. ”

We agreed to play chess every Wednesday afternoon in the gazebo in the park. The environment there is elegant, the air is fresh, and it is perfect for playing chess. After playing chess, we would go for a walk together and exchange health regimens.

It's been a very pleasant day. One day, I was playing chess with Mr. Chen, and Xiao Zhang called.

"Dad, are you coming back for dinner tonight? Mom made your favorite braised pork. Xiao Zhang's voice was full of concern.

I looked at Elder Chen and asked for his opinion: "Elder Chen, I may have to go back early today, and we will fight again next time." ”

Chen Lao smiled and said, "No problem, if you have something, go back first." For us seniors, family is the most important. ”

In the evening, when I returned home, the smell of braised pork came to my nose. The old wife greeted him with a smile: "Old man, you came back early today." ”

I hugged her: "Xiao Zhang invited me home for dinner today, of course I have to come back early." ”

That night, we sat around as a family and had a hearty dinner. I thought to myself: such a day is really a thousand dollars.

As time went by, I made more and more friends in the interest class, and my life was colorful. And my family has been supporting me silently behind the scenes. I have learned that life in old age is not only loneliness and loneliness, as long as we are brave enough to go out of the house and make friends with our hearts, we will always find our own happiness. Today, although I don't have a lot of pension, I live a full and happy life. I know that this is the best of my old age.

After that, I continued to study in interest classes, made more friends, and my life became more colorful. I have come to understand that there is not only loneliness and loneliness in old age, as long as we bravely go out of the house and make friends with our hearts, we will always find our own happiness.

One day, I met an old man named Aunt Zhao in a hobby class. She is a dance lover with beautiful dancing and full of energy. We hit it off and quickly became friends.

"Old man Li, are you interested in learning to dance?" Aunt Zhao asked me with a smile.

I was a little hesitant because I had never danced before and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to keep up.

"Don't worry, dancing is a pleasure and doesn't require much skill. We can learn together and encourage each other. Aunt Zhao encouraged me to say.

I thought about it and decided to give it a try. So, I signed up for a dance class with Aunt Zhao. In the dance class, we learned various dance steps and also learned how to match the rhythm of the music.

At first, I felt a little difficult because I couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the music and danced the wrong steps. However, Auntie Zhao has been there to encourage me and help me adjust my dance steps. Gradually, I gradually mastered the technique of dancing and became better and better.

After class, we would dance together in the park. We chose a spacious open space, put on the music, and started dancing. Our dance attracted onlookers and applause from passers-by. We are very proud because we have demonstrated the vitality and charm of the elderly with our efforts and courage.

In addition to dancing, I also participated in other activities with Aunt Zhao, such as singing and painting. We encouraged and supported each other and had many happy times together.

Over time, I have come to discover that these activities not only make me feel happy, but also make me healthier and younger. I no longer feel lonely and lonely, but full of energy and hope.

I also began to realize that there is not only loneliness and loneliness in old age, as long as we are brave enough to go out of the house and make friends with our hearts, we will always find our own happiness. Today, although I don't have a lot of pension, I live a full and happy life. I know that this is the best of my old age.