
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now

author:Xiao Li Monk
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now
A good student working for a bad student? Stop dreaming about it, and see what those gangsters are doing now

A good student working for a bad student? The gap between reality and dreams

First, the shocking reality

A photo circulated on social media of a young man in a suit standing in his office, earnestly explaining something to a worker in overalls. What is surprising is that this young man in a straight suit turned out to be Zhang Tao, a well-known poor student in the school that year, and the worker was Li Ming, a good student who attracted much attention back then. This scene can't help but make people sigh: A good student works for a bad student? Could this be the legendary counterattack?

II. Causes and Background

Let's go back to that youthful school days. Zhang Tao and Li Ming are classmates, one has a flamboyant personality and likes to skip classes and fight, and the other is diligent and studious with excellent grades. The relationship between them is not intimate, and it can even be said that it is somewhat distant. However, Fate is like a naughty child who always likes to play tricks on people.

After the college entrance examination, Li Ming was admitted to a prestigious university with excellent results, while Zhang Tao chose to drop out of school and work because of his poor grades. A few years later, Li Ming successfully graduated and worked in a well-known company. Zhang Tao, on the other hand, relied on his own efforts and opportunities to start a small company and gradually emerge in the business world.

3. Story development

After Li Ming entered the company, although he had a high degree and rich theoretical knowledge, he encountered many difficulties in his practical work. He found that there were communication barriers with his colleagues, and a lot of hands-on experience was lacking. At the same time, Zhang Tao's company has gradually stood out in the fiercely competitive market because of its unique creativity and keen market insight.

One day, Li Ming's company reached a cooperation with Zhang Tao's company. As the project leader, Li Ming was sent to Zhang Tao's company for on-site inspection and exchange. When he saw Zhang Tao in the office seriously explaining the details of the product to the workers, he felt an inexplicable shock. He realized that although he had a high degree and rich theoretical knowledge, he was far inferior to Zhang Tao in terms of practical operation and experience.

In the following days, Li Ming began to humbly ask Zhang Tao for advice. He followed Zhang Tao to visit the factory, learn about the production process, and communicate with the workers. In the process, he not only learned a lot of practical knowledge and skills, but also deeply appreciated the importance of teamwork and communication. At the same time, he also saw Zhang Tao's indomitable and courageous spirit. This spirit made him deeply admired and ashamed.

Fourth, the end and enlightenment

After this cooperation and exchange, the relationship between Li Ming and Zhang Tao has undergone subtle changes. They are no longer classmates who are strangers to each other on campus, but have become friends who respect and appreciate each other. Li Ming also realized that a person's success does not only depend on his academic qualifications and achievements, but more importantly, his practical ability and innovative spirit.

This story tells us that in real life, it is not uncommon for good students to work for poor students. But this does not mean that academic qualifications and grades are the only criteria for measuring a person's worth. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and we should learn to respect and appreciate the strengths of others, while also trying to make up for our own shortcomings. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the road of life. A good student working for a bad student? An unexpected journey of growth

1. Two parallel lines on campus

On the sunny campus, Li Ming and Zhang Tao are two parallel lines that seem to never intersect. Li Ming is a top student in his class, with excellent grades, and he is at the top of the class in every exam. He loves to learn, is immersed in the ocean of knowledge, and has a clear plan and expectations for the future. Zhang Tao is a different story, his grades are mediocre, he often skips classes and fights, and he is a "poor student" in the eyes of teachers and classmates. He loves freedom and pursues excitement, and he doesn't have many ideas and plans for the future.

However, fate always comes up unexpectedly. By chance, Li Ming and Zhang Tao were selected into the same study group and were responsible for completing an important project. At first, both of them felt a little uncomfortable, after all, they didn't usually have much in common. But as time went on, they gradually discovered each other's brilliance and strengths. Li Ming was moved by Zhang Tao's bravery and creativity, and Zhang Tao also expressed his admiration for Li Ming's diligence and seriousness.

In the process of working together, the two experienced various challenges and difficulties. Sometimes they quarrel because they disagree, and sometimes they get stuck because they can't find an idea. But it was these experiences that allowed them to get to know each other more deeply and also taught them how to cooperate and communicate with others.

2. Unexpected work intersections

After graduation, Li Ming entered a well-known company as he wished, while Zhang Tao chose the path of entrepreneurship. A few years later, with his own efforts and talents, Li Ming gradually rose to prominence in the company and became a middle manager. And Zhang Tao's start-up company has also achieved good results and has become a leader in the industry.

One day, Li Ming's company suddenly received an important project, and the partner turned out to be Zhang Tao's company. This unexpected intersection made both men feel a little surprised and excited. They began to communicate and communicate frequently, discussing the details of the project and the plan. In the process, Li Ming found that Zhang Tao's business vision and decision-making ability were far beyond his imagination, and Zhang Tao also praised Li Ming's ability in management and organization.

In the process of cooperation, Li Ming began to reflect on his previous prejudices and misunderstandings about "good students" and "bad students". He realized that a person's worth is not determined by his academic qualifications and achievements, but by his abilities, character and potential. He began to try to be more open and tolerant of the people and things around him, and he also learned to learn more from Zhang Tao.

As the project progressed, the relationship between Li Ming and Zhang Tao became closer and closer. Not only do they support and help each other at work, but they also become good friends who talk about everything in life. They share their joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and discuss the meaning and value of life together. This unexpected intersection not only made their careers more successful, but also made their lives more fulfilling and meaningful.

3. Unexpected growth and enlightenment

In collaboration with Zhang Tao, Li Ming experienced an unexpected journey of growth. He learned how to cooperate and communicate with others, as well as how to respect and appreciate the strengths and strengths of others. He understood that a person's worth is not determined by his academic qualifications and achievements, but by his ability, character and potential. He began to pay more attention to his inner world and growth process, and also paid more attention to cultivating his comprehensive abilities and qualities.

This experience not only made Li Ming more successful and confident in his career, but also made him happier and more satisfied in life. He began to pay attention to the people and things around him, and cherished the time with his family and friends even more. He also began to try to face life's challenges and difficulties more positively, and to pursue his dreams and goals more courageously.

For Zhang Tao, the cooperation with Li Ming has also benefited him a lot. He saw Li Ming's ability and talent in management and organization, and also learned how to run his company more disciplined and systematic. He began to pay more attention to the long-term development of the company and the development of employees, as well as the relationship with partners and the way of cooperation.

This unexpected intersection not only allowed both of them to gain growth and inspiration, but also made their lives more colorful and meaningful. They use their own experiences and stories to tell us that in life, we should not pay too much attention to a person's academic qualifications and achievements, but should pay more attention to his ability, character and potential. Only in this way can we get to know a person more comprehensively, and we can communicate and cooperate with him more deeply.

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