
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution

author:Xiao Li Monk
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution
Netizens used Qingqi's thinking to explain why Shi En sent roast goose before Wu Song's distribution

Before Wu Song was distributed, why did Shi En send roast goose

1. Wonderful beginning: Wu Song and the indissoluble bond of roast goose

In the rivers and lakes of ancient China, there was a famous hero - Wu Song. When he was sent to a distant place for some reason, something happened that made people talk about it: Shi En, a figure who was inextricably linked to Wu Song, actually gave him a fat roast goose before he left. This move not only puzzled others, but also surprised Wu Song himself. So, what's the story behind this?

2. The origin of the story: The friendship between Shi En and Wu Song

Shi En, a wealthy businessman, met Wu Song in the rivers and lakes. Although the two have very different personalities, they form a deep friendship due to an accident. Wu Song is brave and fearless, and he is good at squandering money, while Shi En is witty and good at perceiving people's hearts. While they were together, Wu Song was responsible for protecting Shi Song's safety, and Shi En used his wealth and connections to facilitate Wu Song.

However, fate made people, and Wu Song was sent to a distant place for some reason. After learning the news, Shi En had mixed feelings in his heart. He knew that Wu Song's trip was more than lucky, so he decided to give him a generous gift before leaving. And this generous gift is the fat roast goose.

3. Plot development: the deep meaning behind the roast goose

Shi En sent roast goose to Wu Song, which was not a simple gift. There are profound implications and considerations for this. First of all, roast goose, as a delicacy at that time, represents Shi'en's respect and gratitude to Wu Song. He hopes that through this roast goose, Wu Song can feel a trace of warmth and comfort on the way to distribution.

Secondly, the roast goose also symbolizes Wu Song's bravery and strength. In ancient China, the goose was seen as a masculine animal, and Wu Song was known for his bravery. Shi En sent the roast goose to Wu Song, which was intended to inspire him to maintain his perseverance in the face of difficulties and move forward bravely.

In addition, Shi En also sent a message to the outside world by sending a roast goose: the friendship between him and Wu Song is as strong as a rock and will not change because of any changes. This move also won the respect and admiration of those around him.

Fourth, the end: the continuation of the legend of the rivers and lakes

The story of Shi En sending roast goose to Wu Song is widely spread in the rivers and lakes. People sighed at the deep friendship and the resourcefulness of the graciousness. And Wu Song was also on the way to distribution, relying on his courage and wisdom, and finally turned the danger into a disaster and regained his freedom.

This story not only allows people to see the heroic images in ancient China, but also makes people feel the sincere emotions and friendship between people. And the fat roast goose has also become a good story in this legendary story, which has been passed down through the ages. Before Wu Song's distribution, Shi En's deep affection and legends in the rivers and lakes

1. Unexpected changes: Wu Song's dilemma and the decision to give grace

In that turbulent era, Wu Song's name had already resounded everywhere. He is strong in martial arts, heroic and dry, and is a hero in people's hearts. However, fate played a joke on him, and due to a misunderstanding, he was sent to a distant frontier by the government.

The moment Wu Song learned the news, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He knows that this act is auspicious, but as a person in the rivers and lakes, he must face it calmly. However, just as he is about to embark on his journey, an unexpected person appears - his friend Shi En.

Shi En was a wealthy local businessman who met Wu Song by chance. The two have very different personalities, but they hit it off at first sight and formed a deep friendship. After Shi En learned the news of Wu Song's assignment, it was difficult to calm down. He knew Wu Song's personality very well, and he knew even more about the dangers of this trip. So, he decided to give Wu Song a special gift before he left.

S&N hired the most famous local chef and hand-picked a fat goose. He instructed the chef to use the best seasonings and techniques to cook the goose, so that Wu Song could taste the delicious taste of his hometown on the way to the distribution. After a busy day, a roast goose with good color and flavor was finally presented in front of Shi En.

Shi En took the roast goose to Wu Song's residence. When he saw Wu Song's resolute eyes, the worry in his heart couldn't help but increase a little more. He handed the roast goose to Wu Song, and said affectionately: "Brother, you must be more careful when you go to the evil and the bad luck." This roast goose is specially prepared for you, I hope you can feel my care on the way. ”

Wu Song took the roast goose, and a trace of tears flashed in his eyes. He looked at Shi En gratefully and said, "Big brother, I will never forget your kindness. When I go to the frontier, I will be careful to live up to your expectations. The two hugged each other tightly, as if to put all their emotions into this brief hug.

2. Friendship between rivers and lakes: the warmth and hope conveyed by roast goose

Wu Song took the roast goose of grace and embarked on the journey of distribution. Along the way, he went through a lot of hardships, but whenever he felt tired and lonely, that roast goose would bring him endless warmth and strength.

During the long journey, Wu Song encountered all kinds of people and things. Once, he was attacked by a group of robbers. In the fierce battle, Wu Song successfully repelled the robbers with his superior martial arts and firm will. However, he was also seriously wounded in the battle.

In the days of recuperation, Wu Song remembered the roast goose of grace. He opened the package, and the roast goose still exuded an enticing aroma. He took a bite gently, and the delicious taste made him feel as if he had returned to his hometown and felt the deep affection of grace. At this moment, he deeply experienced the sincere emotions and selfless dedication of the people in the rivers and lakes.

During the period of recuperation, Wu Song became acquainted with a good man named Li Kui. The two had similar personalities and soon became good friends. When Li Kui learned of Wu Song's fate, he decided to accompany him to the frontier. On the way, they supported each other, fought together, and went through many difficult moments.

Once, they came across a barren desert. As they walk in the desert, they are not only threatened by hunger and thirst, but also on the lookout for the wild beasts of the desert. However, in the midst of the difficult situation, they did not give up. They encouraged and supported each other, and eventually succeeded in getting out of the desert.

In the process, Wu Song once again remembered Shi'en's roast goose. His heart is full of gratitude, because it is this deep affection that keeps him firm in faith and courage in the face of difficult situations.

3. The continuation of the legend: the roast goose of grace and the legend of Wu Song

After months of arduous trekking, Wu Song finally reached the frontier. There, with his extraordinary martial arts and firm will, he soon rose to prominence in the frontier army. He led the soldiers to bravely kill the enemy, defend the homeland and defend the country, and won the respect and love of the people in the frontier.

However, in the days of the frontier, Wu Song did not forget the kindness of Shi'en. He often thinks of the roast goose and the affection of grace. In order to repay his kindness, he was determined to make a career in the frontier.

After several years of hard work, Wu Song finally became a general of the Megatron Frontier. He not only led his soldiers to resist the invasion of foreign enemies, but also actively pursued reform policies to improve the lives of the people in the frontier. His deeds spread throughout the rivers and lakes and border areas, and became a legendary hero in the hearts of the people.

And the roast goose of grace has also become a good story in this legendary story. Whenever people mention Wu Song, they will think of the fat roast goose and the affectionate kindness of Shi's grace. This deep friendship and selfless dedication make people feel the sincere emotions and warm power of the people in the rivers and lakes.

Today, the story is still being told. It tells us that when walking in the rivers and lakes, sincere emotions and selfless dedication are our most valuable assets. Let's cherish every friendship and love around us!

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