
Why did the state take action against Jack Ma? What did he do?

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In the financial market, there is a barbarian who likes to run against the rules: Ma Yun. You look at his rampage, it seems to be a disdain for the current system. He led his team to find ways to decompress and move forward, like a lone ranger in a mirage, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, and acting hastily. Such people, in the financial field, will always cause people to be vigilant. Especially his shocking creation - "Ant Financial".

Why did the state take action against Jack Ma? What did he do?

First of all, let's talk about this "Ant Financial" Yunyun, in the eyes of others, maybe this is just a listing of a financial company, Dasu didn't ask much. But we, the sharp-eyed people, have long seen the hidden mystery. In fact, the state blocking this signboard is essentially a kind of protection for the market. Jack Ma's "Ant Lending", the lending platform that you and I can enjoy, seems simple and direct, but it is actually hidden; If those borrowers themselves deviate from the loans, who will Zheng Fei hang on the head of this accounting hat? In the end, it became a problem for the national bank for no reason, and in the final analysis, the state was to pay. What a vow! What kind of calculation did Ma Yun make, do you say that I only think that his bag company will not be lost, as for the rest, he doesn't care about the monstrous flood.

Why did the state take action against Jack Ma? What did he do?

Besides, Alibaba has started "community group buying" again, which can't hurt it! On the surface, life is picturesque, and residents buying vegetables are like visiting the back garden, placing an order online, and having vegetables at home, but this matter is actually quite a hidden danger. Everyone buys bargains, isn't it the vendors who lose? They make a living selling vegetables, and if they go down this path, what will they do in the future? Who knows if they starved to death? The silent community group buying behind this must not seem to be Shanghai-style, but in fact, there is a murderous motive hidden in it!

Why did the state take action against Jack Ma? What did he do?

Speaking of Alibaba, his ambitions are simply endless. As far as the eye can see, Alibaba has made a lot of small moves. Those "either-or" store opening model behavior, online sales, etc., all of which have serious monopoly watching. If the market is so big, it will not only harm others and benefit itself, but also affect the efficiency and innovation ability of the entire economy.

Why did the state take action against Jack Ma? What did he do?

In general, the state's intervention in regulation is a kind of fair trial for Ma Yun. What he should bear, sooner or later, he has to bear it, otherwise this wealth of rivers and lakes will not live long. To put it bluntly, the fine is more than 18 billion, and I think it's light. We Chinese all understand that we must not do anything that harms others. Ma Yun harms not only the country, but also you and me.

Why did the state take action against Jack Ma? What did he do?

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