
Pickled capers, you can't add salt directly, add 1 more step, the acid is just right, and it is crispy and tender

author:Ah San Food

On a hot summer day, a plate of sour and crispy pickled capers is undoubtedly the best partner to awaken the taste buds. Today, let me take you into the small kitchen of Sister Tong's food diary and reveal the secrets that make pickled capers irresistible. Don't worry, on the way to pickling, one more step will make your beans not only sour just right, but also crispy and tender.

Pickled capers, you can't add salt directly, add 1 more step, the acid is just right, and it is crispy and tender

Speaking of which, my fate with capers began with a chance attempt. Watching others eat with relish, I couldn't contain my curiosity and brought back a small packet from the supermarket. The first bite of it, the sourness hit my heart and made me a loyal fan of it in an instant. But out of love and responsibility for my family, especially considering the health of the old and young in my family, I decided to make it myself, stay away from additives, and let the deliciousness go hand in hand.

Pickled capers, you can't add salt directly, add 1 more step, the acid is just right, and it is crispy and tender

Everything that is good is the result of careful selection. Pick fresh cowpeas, they should be bright green in color, plump and elastic to the touch. Remove both ends and carefully inspect each one to make sure there are no bug eyes or blemishes. When washing, rinse gently with running water, as if you were a newborn baby, until they have a natural glow.

Pickled capers, you can't add salt directly, add 1 more step, the acid is just right, and it is crispy and tender

The Secret of the Sun: The Art of Drying

This extra step is to dry before pickling. Place the cleaned cowpeas in the warm sunlight and let them enjoy a natural baptism. The sunlight not only evaporates the excess water, but also quietly imparts a subtle aroma to the beans. When the beans wilt slightly, the sunbathing is completed, and they become more tenacious, laying a solid foundation for subsequent pickling.

Pickled capers, you can't add salt directly, add 1 more step, the acid is just right, and it is crispy and tender

The harmony of sauces, the magic of spices

A pot of water, a few bay leaves, a few star anise, a handful of peppercorns, a simple but magical combination. Slow simmering, allowing the flavors of the spices to release slowly and blend into the water, the aroma is enough to evoke all the fantasies of good food. Wait for the water temperature to drop slightly, sprinkle in the salt, stir well, and wait for it to cool slowly, this patience is the deepest respect for the food.

Pickled capers, you can't add salt directly, add 1 more step, the acid is just right, and it is crispy and tender

Bottling and sealing, the beginning of anticipation

Choose a clean and oil-free glass jar, which is the stage for the transformation of beans. First, the dried beans and millet peppers are stacked layer by layer, and the collision of colors indicates that the delicacy is about to be born. Subsequently, the cooled spice water is slowly poured in until the beans are completely submerged. Finally, a few drops of high-grade liquor is the only way to extend the shelf life and the finishing touch of flavor. Sealed, placed in a cool place, seven days of waiting, just for that sour mouthful.

Pickled capers, you can't add salt directly, add 1 more step, the acid is just right, and it is crispy and tender


Pickled capers are not only the transformation of food, but also the integration of time and emotion. When you follow this cheat, step by step, and finally open the lid of the can, you will not only have a sour breath, but also a full sense of accomplishment. Remember, every step of the pickling road cannot be omitted, especially the key drying, which makes pickled capers not just a dish, but an art of living, a taste of home.

In the process, we not only learned how to pickle capers, but more importantly, we experienced the warmth of being responsible for the health of our families and the attitude of finding fun in the tedious life. Hopefully, this pickled capers will add a touch of color to your table and make every dinner full of laughter.