
Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China


"The legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Armymen, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China", this sentence reveals a thrilling revolutionary process. Lu Zhiying, an ordinary young man from a humble background, stepped forward in that turbulent era, and would rather sacrifice himself to save the country and the people. With astonishing wisdom and courage, he opened the way for the main force of the 80,000 Red Army to survive, and lurked in the heart of the enemy for 22 years. However, just as the great cause of liberation was about to succeed, what kind of tragedy happened to this loyal revolutionary? How will his heroic deeds be remembered by future generations? All these mysteries will be revealed one by one in the following stories.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Youth: The flame of ideals is just beginning to ignite

On a cold night in December 1905, Lu Zhiying came into this world. He was born into a poor family in Changyi, Shandong Province, and his family was poor, but his parents still did their best to provide for him to study. Lu Zhiying has been a smart and studious child since he was a child, and at the age of 16, he entered the county's new sericulture industrial school for further study.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

The school not only taught traditional classical knowledge, but also opened up Lu Zhiying's cognition of modern thought. At that time, the great powers ravaged China, and the nation was in dire straits. The sonorous and powerful patriotic arguments of the division commanders ignited the fire of Lu Zhiying's ideal of saving the country and trying to survive. He realized that the only way out was to revitalize the nation, and that young people should shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the land.

However, the reality of her family's poverty forced Lu Zhiying to drop out of school to earn a living. He had to give up his studies and embark on the road of working in the Northeast. In the years of hard work, the young Lu Zhiying endured all the hardships and hardships. However, the flame of ideals in the depths of my heart has never been extinguished, but has become more and more hot and scorching in the grinding.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

By chance, 18-year-old Lu Zhiying was admitted to the military academy with excellent qualifications and started his military career. He served in the 3rd Mixed Brigade of the Northeast Army and witnessed the tragic situation of warlord melee at that time. The land of the motherland has been encroached upon, and the people are in deep distress, which makes Lu Zhiying feel heartbroken. He was secretly determined to eliminate the warlords who brought disaster to the country and the people and to bring true peace to the country and its people.

In 1925, Lu Zhiying saw heroes and broke away from the rule of the Beiyang warlords. He resolutely joined the Communist Party of China, vowing to save the country and the people and open up a new road to the light. Since then, Lu Zhiying has embarked on a revolutionary road with a bumpy future but also full of glory.

Moment of truth: intelligence relay saves the Red Army

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In the spring of 1934, an unprecedented decisive battle was about to kick off in northern Jiangxi. Chiang Kai-shek had been plotting for a long time, and finally made up his mind to destroy the Red Army's base in Ruijin in one fell swoop. They are planning to compress the Red Army's living space through the "iron bucket" battle plan, so that the Red Army has nowhere to escape.

This battle plan was the work of German military advisers, and it was large-scale and well-deployed. Chiang Kai-shek gathered an army of 1.5 million and prepared to invest a lot of building materials to build pillboxes and barbed wire, and gradually approached the Red Army base area. This iron-cast encirclement line will strangle the last breathing ground of the Red Army.

At a critical juncture, a figure named Mo Xiong accidentally pulled out the fuse of this war. Mo Xiong was originally a member of the Chiang family's army, but he was deeply attracted by the cause of the Red Army. He secretly joined the CCP and became a direct upline of Lu Zhiying's informant. When Mo Xiong learned of the "Iron Bucket" plan, he was immediately shocked.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Mo Xiong quickly passed this top-secret information to Lu Zhiying and his wife, who were lurking in the Jiang family's army. Lu Zhiying immediately made a decision and personally sent this paper information that was crucial to the life and death of the Red Army to Ruijin at the risk of his life.

He had to travel at night, hide in mines, and cross mountains. Several times he met the enemy on a narrow road and escaped death in the rain of bullets. It was not until the last moment that Lu Zhiying finally handed over the classified documents intact to the Red Army generals.

When the Red Army learned of the important internal situation, it immediately began to plan countermeasures. Under the instructions of the Party Central Committee, the main forces of the Central Red Army began a strategic shift of 8,000 miles along the route - this was the great feat that came to be known as the "25,000-mile Long March".

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In this way, a small piece of paper information saved the lives of more than 80,000 Red Army officers and soldiers and rewrote the historical course of the Chinese revolution. Later, General Lu Zhiying was awarded the title of "Pioneer of the Eighth Route Army" in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the rescue of the main force of the Red Army.

Since then, Lu Zhiying has strengthened his determination to fight for national liberation. He was well aware of this anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary road

Lie down and taste the courage: burrow into the tiger's den and fight back

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

After saving the main force of the Red Army, Lu Zhiying did not stop there, he knew that in order to completely defeat the enemy, he must go deep into the tiger's den and grasp more internal intelligence. As a result, he secretly infiltrated into the "Executive Yuan", the highest ruling body of the Kuomintang.

There, Lu Zhiying disguised himself as a high-ranking official loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, but was in fact the head of the CCP's underground intelligence network in Shanghai. He always paid attention to every little piece of information, and focused his eyes and ears on the upper decision-making level of the Kuomintang.

Once, at the risk of his life, Lu Zhiying infiltrated near Chiang Kai-shek's office and eavesdropped, from which he learned about the Kuomintang's offensive deployment of the New Fourth Army. He immediately sent the information to the Red Army position, and the leaders of the New Fourth Army adjusted their strategy in time to avoid heavy casualties.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

On another occasion, he became acquainted with a Japanese adviser from the Japanese puppet authorities and took the opportunity to find out the deployment of Japanese troops in central China. This precious military secret freed up more room for maneuver for the Eighth Route Army.

On the most outstanding occasion, Lu Zhiying even infiltrated the Kuomintang's top secret intelligence agencies -- the "Military Unification" and the "Central Unification." He did not hesitate to risk his life, got close to those traitors and spies, and tried to spy on the Kuomintang's espionage system and the operation of underground work, making great contributions to the CCP.

In Shanghai, Lu Zhiying showed his skills even more, he led intelligence officers to go deep into the hinterland, successfully infiltrated various key departments of the Japanese puppet authorities, and continuously sent a large number of valuable military resources to the CCP positions.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In this way, in the difficult and tortuous baptism of war, Lu Zhiying incarnated in the center of the enemy again and again, and with his extraordinary courage and wisdom, he delivered a large amount of ammunition and ammunition to the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army, reversing the course of the war. Until the last moments of the war, he remained on the front line of intelligence and played a pivotal role.

Fearless: Jedi Killings are on the verge of breaking out

Just as the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was coming to an end, Lu Zhiying encountered the biggest crisis in his life. A traitor betrayed his identity, and Kuomintang agents immediately launched a frenzied hunt for him.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

Early one morning in September 1945, a group of spies who had been deliberately planning for a long time suddenly surrounded Lu Zhiying's residence. They approached the door and slammed the door viciously and shouted: "Lu Zhiying, come out for me, otherwise even your wife and children won't want to live!" "

Faced with the sudden desperate situation, Lu Zhiying did not hesitate, immediately pulled out his legs and ran, and launched a thrilling escape of life and death. The spies pursued them relentlessly, and the rain of bullets flew over the streets, and Lu Zhiying had to go into the sewers to get out of the encirclement.

After escaping, Lu Zhiying knew that he was under the nose of the Kuomintang and would be arrested at any time. For the sake of the interests of the party and the people, he had no choice but to hide his name and go to Taierzhuang to escape this catastrophe.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

However, the murderous agents did not stop there. After a difficult investigation, they finally arrested Lu Zhiying's family of three one night in March 1946 and imprisoned them in the torture center in Yuhuatai, Nanjing.

In prison, Lu Zhiying was tortured like never before, but he regarded death as his home and remained steadfast. The jailers lifted him up and smashed him down, electrocuted, soldered, skinned, and cut his flesh...... He was covered with bloody wounds, but he never said a word.

The most desperate moment came, knowing that there was no way to escape, Lu Zhiying thought that he would be generous and righteous. Unexpectedly, a glimmer of life flashed through a small window of the cell: from there, he vaguely saw crowds of revolutionary aspirants gathering outside, and the loud cries echoed in the air. This scene gave him unprecedented strength and hope, and strengthened his last faith.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

In this extreme environment, Lu Zhiying supported himself with amazing willpower, and his family and comrades-in-arms did not give up looking for his traces and worked hard to rescue him. Finally, in 1950, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, this drama of Jedi rebirth finally saw the light of day.

Heroic righteousness: an immortal monument

In 1950, the People's Republic of China was finally founded, and the War of Liberation was finally victorious. However, at this time, a shocking news came: agent Lu Zhiying, who had been buried alive in Kuomintang prison for four years.

Legendary agent Lu Zhiying, who saved more than 80,000 Red Army, hid in the tiger's den for 22 years, and only learned that he was buried alive after the founding of the People's Republic of China

It turned out that after his arrest in 1946, the Kuomintang carried out cruel and inhuman abuse of Lu Zhiying. Despite the torture, he remained loyal and unyielding, and never revealed the identity of any informant or the party's secrets. Annoyed and angry, the enemy decided to bury this tenacious revolutionary fighter forever in the most cruel way.

In April 1946, Lu Zhiying was escorted to the Yuhuatai Forest in Nanjing. He watched as the jailers dug a deep pit in the woods, and nodded inwardly. When the spies pushed him into the pit, Lu Zhiying shouted: "I am a revolutionary soldier, please end me, the cause of the Communist Party will be immortal!" "

In this way, the enemy buried him in the ground with bricks and earth pits, and buried him alive in the woods. They also stationed heavy troops on the scene to ensure that the traitor would not give up.

At the same time, Lu Zhiying's wife and children were also persecuted and abused by the enemy. The son was severely beaten and physically disabled; His wife was imprisoned and later became a vagrant. The family of three has since fallen apart, and there has been no news.

It was not until 1950 that the underground party organization of the Communist Party of China launched a search and rescue of veterans in Nanjing after the liberation. During their excavation in the Yuhuatai woods, they unearthed a skeleton bearing the emblem of a member of the Chinese Communist Party. After identification, it turned out to belong to Comrade Lu Zhiying, who had been missing for a long time!

When this astonishing news reached the central government, Chairman Mao Zedong personally issued an order posthumously conferring Lu Zhiying as a glorious martyr and transporting his remains to the Babaoshan Heroes Monument to immortalize other revolutionary martyrs. At this time, four years have passed since he was buried alive, which is embarrassing.

Since then, Lu Zhiying has cast a monument to the revolution with his life and blood. His heroic deeds and lofty spirit will forever be remembered in the hearts of the party and the people, and will become a model and source of strength for future generations to make unremitting efforts.