
They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

author:Babe Essays

In today's world, the wave of global integration is sweeping in, and it feels like a storm and waves. Exchanges between countries are getting closer and closer, as if everyone is busy making friends and exchanging ideas. However, there are always a few countries that seem to have secretly hid in the bathroom during this carnival and dare not come out to meet people. Why is that? Are they afraid that something new outside will scare them?

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

To be honest, I think these countries that choose to be closed must be full of fear in their hearts. They are like children, afraid to try new things, for fear of losing the candy in their hands. This feeling is like the first time I went to an amusement park to ride a roller coaster when I was a child, and I was scared in my heart, but I was embarrassed to say it. Do these countries have similar concerns?

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

Take the oil countries of the Middle East, they are sitting on a gold mine with rich oil resources! However, their political system is as closed as an iron bucket, and the people's minds are shackled to death. It's like a giant in golden armor, but his feet are chained by a thin iron chain, and he can't move. How can such an environment cultivate people with the ability to think independently? They have never questioned or reflected on the country's decisions and behaviors, just like a flock of tamed birds that will only dance to the song of their masters.

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

These closed countries are also economically vulnerable. They rely on a particular resource or industry to keep the country running, it's like putting all their eggs in one basket. This kind of country with a single economic structure, once the international market is shaken, their economy will collapse in an instant like a paper house. Think about it, in the tide of globalization, isn't such a country like a lonely boat, which may be swallowed up by a huge wave at any time?

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

What surprises me even more is that these countries have chosen to avoid the challenge of global integration! They are afraid that after opening up the country, foreign culture, ideas and technologies will impact their traditional concepts and social systems. This fear, to put it bluntly, is the fear of losing one's privileged position. They would rather guard that one-third of an acre of land and live a self-sufficient life than try a wider world.

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

Speaking of which, I feel so sorry for them! Global integration is an inevitable trend, surging like a tidal wave. Can these countries really stay closed? Or will they eventually be forced to face this reality and integrate into this global family?

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

Well, when it comes to the economic fragility of these closed countries, I have to mention again the Middle Eastern country that is dependent on oil exports. When the price of oil falls, their economy is in trouble, and they want to cry without tears! This dependence on specific resources keeps their economic lifeblood tightly in the hands of others. It's such a terrible feeling! They must be eager to get out of this passive situation, right?

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

However, it is difficult for these countries to absorb foreign capital, technology and experience. Because their closed policy is like a high wall, blocking out everything new from the outside world. This undoubtedly limits their economic development potential and puts them at a disadvantage in the competition of globalization. It's like digging your own grave!

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

So, how should these countries respond? Should we continue to adhere to a closed policy, or should we choose openness and cooperation to meet the challenges of globalization? This is undoubtedly a difficult choice. But I would like to say that real economic development and social progress can only be achieved by facing the challenges posed by global integration courageously. It's like looking for light in the dark, it's hard, but that's the only way to succeed.

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

Of course, each country has its own unique cultural traditions, which are heavily influenced by geography, history, and social institutions. These cultural traditions shape the national character and social values of each country, making the world richer. However, with the trend of global integration, these cultural traditions are also facing unprecedented challenges.

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

Some countries are afraid that after opening up their borders, foreign cultures will impact their traditional culture. They fear that their cultural traditions will disappear under the onslaught of globalization. However, I think this concern is unwarranted. Because cultural traditions are not static, they are constantly evolving and evolving. Only by constantly absorbing foreign advanced cultural elements can we make our cultural traditions more colorful.

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

Take a look at the countries that have managed to combine traditional culture with modern civilization! They tell us that traditional culture and modern civilization are not opposites, but can be integrated and mutually reinforcing. The successful experiences of these countries undoubtedly offer lessons for those countries that are still closed.

They dare not open the country to the outside world because they are afraid to maintain their privileges, to express themselves freely, and because they are afraid that the people will wake up

Overall, global integration is really an irreversible trend! Under this trend, we must bravely face the challenges and actively integrate into globalization. Only in this way can we achieve true prosperity and development! And those countries that choose to be closed will only fall behind more and more in the tide of globalization! So, what I want to say is: we have to be brave enough to face globalization!