
It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

author:Yang Yang Shi

Has the outside world turned up like this now?

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

As a new fashion landmark in southwest China, Taikoo Li Chengdu has always been a gathering place for young hipsters. This vibrant place not only attracts fashion lovers, but has also become a popular spot for street photography culture. However, in recent months, Taikoo Li has set off a unique trend phenomenon called "Strange Trend", which has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

Young people walking the streets began to dress in fancy clothes and deliberately pursue different expressions of individuality. Dressed in colorful glowing costumes, with exaggerated hairstyles and flamboyant makeup, their eye-catching outfits became the center of attention on the streets. These fashionistas see themselves as works of art, showcasing their unique understanding and personal attitude towards fashion through their unique way of dressing.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

This "strange trend" not only caused a sensation in Taikoo Li Chengdu, but also caused widespread heated discussions on social media. People debated whether this peculiar trend could be accepted, and some appreciated their courage and creativity, believing that they were true fashion pioneers; While others question their tastes and values, believing that they are just pursuing personal show-off at the expense of the overall image.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

For example, some young people wear five or six pairs of pants on top of each other in the "weird trend", resulting in a bulging waist that looks like a big bag. Their outfits are eye-catching and give them an edgy, offbeat feel. Others chose to wear tattered old clothes, which were covered with holes all over their bodies, giving a terrifying visual impact. These extreme fashion seekers are usually young, mainly post-90s or even post-00s, who call themselves "iconoclastic", "alternative" and "avant-garde", believing that the way they dress is an expression of individuality and freedom.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

On the streets of Taikoo Li, you might see a young man wearing five or six tops of different colors and styles, each with its own character. He may wear a brightly colored hat and a unique pair of shoes to catch the eye of passers-by when he walks. Still others opt for extremely revealing outfits and show off their bodies in public without hesitation. They may wear miniskirts or ultra-low-cut tops, or even deliberately show large swaths of skin in an attempt to challenge conventional morals.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

These extreme fashion seekers often gather on the streets of Taikoo Li to exchange ideas and opinions on fashion. They express their rebellion against traditional aesthetics through the way they dress, seeking the manifestation of individuality and uniqueness. However, this trending phenomenon has also sparked some controversy and discussion. Some people think that they are pursuing individual freedom and have the courage to break through the shackles; Others believe that their actions are too extreme and go against the public morals and norms of society.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

In the face of this "strange trend", public opinion is mixed. Proponents believe that this trendy phenomenon reflects the creativity and individuality of the younger generation. They believe that these young people express their unique understanding of fashion through the way they dress in a strange way, showing the courage to break the mold and pursue individuality. Proponents see it as a form of artistic expression, arguing that this novel fashion style has brought new energy and innovation to society as a whole.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

However, opponents have a different view of this "strange trend". They believe that these dresses are too curious, violate basic social morality, and are a provocation and trampling on traditional values. They fear that this extreme fashion will have a negative impact on the overall morality of society and even cause social chaos. Opponents argue that individuality and freedom do not mean that social norms and moral boundaries can be ignored, and they call on young people to express their individuality while respecting the public order and values of society.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

These debates reflect the collision of different views and values on fashion and individual expression in society. In this age of diversity, people have different definitions and acceptances of fashion. On the one hand, society needs to preserve traditional morals and values in order to maintain social order and stability; On the other hand, young people also need to be encouraged to develop their creativity and personality in the field of fashion.

Some analysts have pointed out that this extreme fashion phenomenon actually reflects the confusion of young people about identity. In today's highly materialistic society, many young people are facing huge pressure of choice and competition, and lack of thoughtfulness in life. They tend to be easily fooled by superficial things and try to find self-identity and uniqueness through extreme ways of dressing.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

Under the influence of social media, young people are faced with aesthetic standards and trends from all sides. They crave recognition and attention in their social circles, so they are constantly experimenting with new ways to dress in an attempt to create a distinctive image. However, this excessive pursuit of external image often masks their lack of true inner thinking and self-knowledge.

This morbid pursuit of fashion is also a reflection of a certain pressure and expectation that society places on young people. Many young people feel society's quest for success and achievement, which often does not correspond to their true inner needs and values. They try to meet society's expectations of individuality and freedom through extreme fashion expression, but they lose thinking and exploring their inner selves when chasing the dazzle of the surface.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

It is worth noting that, at the same time, the revival of traditional Chinese cultural elements has also become a major trend. More and more young people are beginning to pursue traditional clothing, hairstyles, etc., showing their love and identification with traditional culture. In Chengdu, a city full of history, it is not difficult to see young people wearing traditional kaftans and classic hair buns, and they walk the streets to show the perfect combination of long tradition and modern fashion.

With the return of traditional culture, some fashion brands have also launched new collections that incorporate Chinese elements. Designers skillfully integrate traditional embroidery, patterns and other elements into fashion design, creating unique clothing and accessories, leading a new trend in the fashion industry. This integration not only shows the charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also provides a new way for young people to express themselves and show their individuality.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

This collision between the Oriental charm and the Western avant-garde has not only set off a new wave in the domestic fashion scene, but also attracted widespread attention in the international fashion industry. More and more fashion bloggers, designers and media have begun to pay attention to the influence and fashion value of traditional Chinese culture, colliding and integrating it with international fashion trends, bringing more diversity and innovation to the fashion industry.

The revival of this traditional culture is not only a superficial phenomenon of fashion, but also the inheritance and respect of traditional culture. By pursuing elements of traditional culture, young people express their admiration for history and tradition, while also searching for their own cultural roots and identity. This cultural revival provides an opportunity for young people to re-examine themselves and understand themselves, and also brings a new understanding and attention to traditional culture to society as a whole.

It's so upside down! Street photography also witnesses the sick aesthetic of a new generation of dressing: young people are not lightly ill

In this era of diversification, the collision and fusion of East and West, the blend of tradition and modernity, make the fashion stage more colorful. Whether it is the pursuit of extreme fashion or the revival of traditional culture, it is an individual's pursuit of self-expression and identity. The key is that we should respect and tolerate diverse fashion expressions, and at the same time pay attention to the inheritance and development of traditional culture, so that fashion can become a carrier of culture and bring richer and more meaningful value to society.