
She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

author:Shu Shu talks about life

1. Unveil the prelude to the tragedy: a "life-threatening phone call" from an unwarranted disaster

On a cold winter night in 2002, the sky in Beijing seemed to be shrouded in a thick black veil, which seemed extraordinarily peaceful. Located in the luxury box on the second floor of Zhang Shengji Restaurant in the bustling street, it is a lively scene, where several like-minded friends gather together to talk freely and drink together.

Among this group of people, Shen Xuhua is undoubtedly the most dazzling existence. This 33-year-old woman has an enviable beautiful appearance and elegant temperament, coupled with a thriving career and a happy family, she can be described as a winner in life.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

As a first-line host of CCTV, she hosted the elderly column "Sunset Red" which is deeply loved by the audience and has an excellent reputation.

However, just when everyone was immersed in a joyful atmosphere and enjoyed the beauty of life to the fullest, Shen Xuhua's mobile phone rang suddenly. She glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hey, hello, who are you?" She responded politely, giving her friends an apologetic look and saying she needed to step away for a while.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

The other guests in the box nodded their heads in understanding and continued to talk enthusiastically. Only Shen Xuhua's husband, Yu Jianhua, seemed to be preoccupied and worried.

Shen Xuhua cautiously walked through the bustling crowd and gently pushed open the door of the box. The darkness of the night outside startled her—it was pitch black, and not even the faint light could penetrate it.

She subconsciously turned her head to look at the wall next to her, where luckily there was a striking "safe exit" green light box.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

So, without hesitation, she walked in the direction of the lightbox. Stay in touch with the call on the other end of your phone while running.

However, who would have expected that this seemingly ordinary phone call would become the last "life-threatening call" in Shen Xuhua's life.

In this way, Shen Xuhua unfortunately fell from the second floor of the restaurant in the endless darkness and fell into the abyss......

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all


At this moment, the other guests in the box finally noticed the abnormality and turned their heads to look at the door.

Second, childhood dreams bloom on the stage of radio

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

Shen Xuhua has been a smart and artistic girl since she was a child. Family, relatives and friends praised her as a "heartthrob" seed player.

In her childhood memories, there was nothing happier than sitting in front of the TV and watching the elaborately makeup and athletic hosts talk on the screen.

She was always fascinated by it, and as time went on, a dream gradually ignited in her heart - hoping to one day become a good host like them.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

Shen Xuhua's parents were two outstanding higher education workers who were deeply respected. In the face of their daughter's dream of hosting, these two scholars undoubtedly gave full support and encouragement.

Under the careful cultivation of her family, Shen Xuhua's enthusiasm for the host industry has deepened, and she has become more and more determined to pursue her path.

From the moment he stepped into primary school, every time he had the opportunity to appear on the stage, Shen Xuhua would not hesitate to actively participate. Although she is short, she has a strong typhoon and a confident temperament, all of which highlight her outstanding leadership talents.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

After entering junior high school, she gradually realized that enthusiasm alone was far from enough, so she began to go all out to improve her eloquence, body, appearance and other qualities.

In her spare time, she devotes all her energy to these trainings, leaving almost no free time.

As she entered high school, the outline of her dreams became clearer. She seemed to have seen herself dressed in professional attire, holding a microphone in her hand, and talking under the bright spotlight.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

In order to realize this dream, she threw herself into her studies and gave it her all.

The family's hearts were filled with pride and relief to see her so dedicated and diligent. They firmly believe that one day, Shen Xuhua will definitely be able to become an outstanding host, showing himself and showing his talents on the stage of his dreams.

3. Hangzhou girls walked towards the CCTV stage

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

After failing the college entrance examination, Shen Xuhua resolutely decided to devote himself to the broadcasting and hosting major of Zhejiang University of Media and Communication, which is not far from home. She is determined to use her strength to strive for one day to be able to appear on the coveted CCTV stage.

During his college years, Shen Xuhua can be called a model of "hard work". She devotes almost all of her spare time to the in-depth study of broadcasting and hosting theories and the sharpening of practical skills.

For each course, she is strict with herself, meticulously following up, practicing repeatedly, and striving to achieve perfection.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

Eventually, the hard work paid off. With excellent comprehensive quality, Shen Xuhua has achieved excellent results in various evaluations and ranks among the top students of the same age. Whether it is on-the-spot performance, the use of body language, or the level of Mandarin, she is proficient and confident.

Shen Xuhua, who was young, realized his deep dream after graduation, successfully joined Hangzhou Yuhang TV for an internship, and officially became an indispensable little announcer.

Although during that time, the scale of the program she hosted was small and the ratings were not particularly ideal, but she never gave up easily, and always stuck to this job, showing her firmness and perseverance!

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

Sure enough, only two years later, in 1995, Shen Xuhua ushered in a major turning point in her life - she successfully turned positive, and climbed step by step, and was finally promoted to a first-class host. The process was full of challenges and difficulties, but she always gritted her teeth and persevered, and finally took an important step in her career and stepped to a higher level.

It is worth mentioning that in 1993, a national host contest sponsored by the famous brand "Royalstar" was grandly opened in Beijing, the capital. This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for hundreds of local TV presenters from all over the country, and the winner will have the opportunity to get a pass to CCTV.

Shen Xuhua naturally will not miss such an opportunity, she has already been fully prepared, and she is full of expectations to appear on this national stage and show her talent.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

After entering CCTV, Shen Xuhua was assigned to the only program for the elderly at that time, "Sunset Red", as the host. In order to better fit the theme of the show, she deliberately adjusted her original hosting style, and used a softer and more elegant tone and speed to impress the majority of elderly audiences.

Facts have proved that Shen Xuhua's efforts were not in vain. With her very friendly hosting style, she quickly won the love of many elderly audiences, making the show "Sunset Red" gradually emerge and become famous.

Just as his career was booming, Shen Xuhua's flower of love also quietly bloomed. That year, a friend matched her and met Yu Jianhua, a humble and courteous middle-level manager of a state-owned enterprise.

She is Dong Qing's successor! is known as the most beautiful host of CCTV, and his ability is not inferior to Dong Qing at all

The two hit it off at first sight, quickly established a deep friendship, and then developed into a romantic relationship, and finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

With brilliant achievements in her career and warm happiness in her family, Shen Xuhua finally lived the beautiful life she had longed for.

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