
Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

author:Brother Dong can't be idle

Instagram has become an important platform for millions of users and brands around the world. Whether it's building a brand image or promoting a product, Instagram plays a key role.

However, when trying to sign up or log in, you may encounter situations where you may not receive the Instagram verification code in time, which not only affects the user experience, but also may hinder your timely marketing activities and interactions.

If you're having trouble signing up or logging in to Instagram and can't receive a verification code, don't worry too much. In this article, we'll look at five simple and practical ways to get you started with Instagram and continue your social media journey.

Why can't Instagram receive verification codes?

There may be the following 5 reasons why the Instagram verification code cannot be received:

1. Problems with mobile phone number or email address

Make sure that the mobile number or email address you entered is correct and currently in use. Incorrect information will cause the verification code to fail to be sent.

If you are using a mobile phone number in Chinese mainland, you can try to register Instagram with a mobile phone number in another country or region.

2. Network connection issues

Make sure your device is connected to a stable network. Whether you're using data or Wi-Fi, an unstable network can affect the receipt of verification codes.

3. SMS filtering or blocking

Nowadays, smartphones and mailboxes have the function of blocking spam SMS/emails, and Instagram messages are blocked.

4. Too many CAPTCHA requests

If you request a verification code multiple times in a short period of time, Instagram may temporarily prohibit sending more verification codes to prevent abuse.

5. The IP address is flagged as suspicious

If an IP address generates a large number of requests in a short period of time, Instagram may flag it as abusive. In this case, further actions sent from that IP address, including the sending of verification codes, may be restricted.

Top 5 Ways to Solve Instagram Not Receiving Captcha

Method 1: Confirm the mobile phone number bound to Instagram

If you do not receive the SMS verification code, you need to confirm whether the mobile phone number bound to the current Instagram account is the one you are using and whether it is the same as the mobile phone number that you are currently using to receive the SMS verification code.

Step 1: Open the Instagram APP, go to [Personal Page] - [Settings] in the upper right corner (3 lines)

Step 2: Select [Settings & Privacy] - [Account Center]

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

Step 3: [Password Security] - [Two-Factor Authentication] - [SMS or WhatsApp]

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

Method 2: Log in using Instagram Web

If the app can't receive the verification code, you can try to log in with Instagram web to receive the verification code.

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

Method 3: Change another IP address

Due to the unusual behavior of some IP addresses, they will be flagged as suspicious by Instagram. Then you can try to use a network tool to change your IP address, you can try to use some residential proxy IPs to log in to Ins.

Method 4: Change the system language, mobile phone and area code

Change the phone system language to English. Second, if you use a mobile phone number in Chinese mainland to register, select the international dialing code +86, and then complete the mobile phone number.

Method 5: Check Spam Mailbox & SMS

Check your phone's text message filtering or email spam to make sure your phone or email doesn't treat Instagram text messages or emails as spam.

Use the AdsPower browser to log in to Instagram Web

When conducting cross-border e-commerce and overseas social media marketing, managing multiple Instagram accounts is a common scenario.

One of the main problems encountered when managing multiple accounts using a traditional browser is the tendency for accounts to be "linked". This is mainly because if multiple accounts are active on the same device, and the IP address and browser fingerprint are the same, the Instagram system may consider it as the anomalous behavior of the same user, which will increase the risk of your Instagram account being restricted or banned.

AdsPower Fingerprint Viewer provides an efficient solution for this, greatly reducing the security issues caused by account linkage. Compared with ordinary browsers, AdsPower Fingerprint Browser solves the following problems:

Environmental isolation and IP isolation

AdsPower allows users to configure an independent browsing environment for each account, including IP address, browser fingerprint, etc., so as to achieve true data isolation. Cookies and caches are isolated from each other in each browser environment. Your Instagram account will look as if it is being accessed from a different device.

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!
Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

Team collaboration and user permissions

AdsPower supports multi-user login and operation, allowing team members to manage designated Instagram accounts within the scope of permissions. This feature is especially important for large merchants and cross-border e-commerce teams, as it optimizes workflows within the team while keeping accounts secure.

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

You can assign different roles and permissions to team members to keep your data safe.

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

Supports a wide range of proxy servers

AdsPower Fingerprint Browser supports setting different proxy IPs for each browser profile.

This means that you can configure country-specific IP addresses for different Instagram accounts, which can be used to test market feedback in different regions.

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

Automated actions (views, likes, comments, etc.)

When managing a large number of Instagram accounts, especially during the start-up phase, it is crucial to conduct effective activities such as browsing posts, likings, and comments.

Not only do these actions help increase account activity, but they're also a foundational step in building a social media presence. However, performing these tasks manually is time-consuming and inefficient, especially when it comes to large-scale operations.

The RPA (Robotic Process Automation) feature of AdsPower Fingerprint Browser takes all the work off the shoulders for you. By setting up automation scripts, AdsPower can simulate the behavior of real users, automating actions such as browsing, liking, and commenting on multiple accounts. Even when you're asleep, RPA is still working tirelessly to help you do the mechanical and repetitive work.

Can't get a verification code when you sign up or log in to Instagram? Try these 5 methods!

If you're looking for an efficient, cost-effective way to manage multiple Instagram accounts on your browser, then AdsPower might be one of the options for you. Visit ( to learn more and start your free trial.

Frequently asked questions about Instagram

How can I increase the fan engagement rate of my Instagram account?

The key to increasing engagement is to post high-quality content and engage frequently. Make sure the content is relevant to your target audience and that stories, posts, and Reels are published regularly. Using Instagram's Q&A and polling features to interact directly with followers can go a long way in increasing user engagement.

Why are my Instagram ads not performing well?

Poor ad performance can be due to inaccurate goal setting or unappealing ad content. Make sure your ad content is visually appealing and closely aligned with the interests and needs of your target audience. Re-evaluate and refine your target audience targeting and use A/B testing to find out what kind of ad content works best.

How do I manage multiple Instagram accounts with AdsPower Fingerprint Browser to avoid being blocked?

Using AdsPower Fingerprint Viewer, you can create a unique browser environment and IP address for each Instagram account, effectively reducing the risk of association between accounts. Doing so not only helps maintain the independence of each account, but also avoids the detection of abnormal activity on accounts due to the same IP address or device fingerprint.

How to Effectively Use Influencer Marketing on Instagram?

Choosing influencers that align with your brand's values is key. Conduct background checks to ensure that selected influencers match your brand image and target audience. Work closely with influencers to ensure that promoted content is natural and persuasive, while also monitoring the performance of your marketing campaigns to adjust your strategy for the future.

How to Analyze the Performance of Instagram Marketing Campaigns?

Leverage Instagram Insights to monitor key performance indicators such as reach, engagements, and conversions. Set clear KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and review them regularly to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. Adjust your content strategy and advertising investment based on the data feedback to optimize future marketing campaigns.