
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

author:Flame Nezha
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

Recently, a certain small country in Southeast Asia, at the behest of a big country, has jumped up and down and frequently caused trouble in the South China Sea. What's more, he also threatened to organize more than 100 fishing boats to carry out illegal operations near Scarborough Shoal between May 14 and 17.

Is it tolerable, which is unbearable?!

Chinese fishermen set out on the expedition

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Philippine prayer activities

According to the plan announced by the Philippine side, the so-called "Scarborough Shoal swearing-in" operation will begin on May 14.

However, on the 14th, I don't know whether it was due to poor organization or other reasons, the Philippine non-governmental organization "Atin Reliance", which planned the operation, temporarily changed its plan.

Instead of setting off on time, they organized a prayer service with a lot of urgency.

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

The Philippine side is waiting

It was not until the morning of the 15th that the trouble-making fleet organized by the Philippine side set off in a chaotic manner.

They did not dare to go directly to Scarborough Shoal, but performed in various performances in the waters around Luzon Island.

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

Philippine vessels

The fishing boats used by the Philippine side this time are mainly crab boats.

The so-called crab boat is a small fishing boat commonly found off the coast of the Philippines, named after the four sticking out brackets on each side of the hull.

This type of boat has poor stability and can be overturned if the waves are slightly stronger.

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

The Philippine side touches porcelain

The use of a small fishing boat that could not restrain the wind to forcibly enter Huangyan Island was a deliberate attempt by the Philippine side to hit a stone with an egg, which was a malicious collision with porcelain.

As long as our coast guard intervenes to stop the capsizing of the crab boat, the reporters will concoct a large amount of fake news about "bullying the weak" and "bullying the small with the big" in order to confuse the public and damage China's reputation.

This is a common trick used by the Philippines on the South China Sea issue.

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

The Philippines is operating illegally

According to the latest news, more than 100 Philippine fishing boats have arrived in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, surrounded Scarborough Shoal, and began to illegally launch buoys.

An attempt was made to assert their so-called "sovereignty".

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

Chinese fishermen, please

After learning that the Philippine fishermen had illegally intruded into the territorial waters of the mainland and carried out illegal operations, the Chinese fishermen were furious!

Since last night, fishermen in coastal areas have spontaneously organized themselves, hoisted red flags, and rushed to the South China Sea in large numbers.

According to preliminary data, at least tens of thousands of fishing vessels were also involved in the operation.

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

Chinese fishing fleet

Defend the sea

The red flag is displayed, and the atmosphere is high! The army of Chinese fishermen is mighty and majestic!

It is expected that they will soon be able to reach the waters of the South China Sea, when these non-governmental forces will be able to make dumplings for Filipino fishermen.

Praise for the Chinese fishermen, cheer for the Chinese fishermen, victory is just around the corner!

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

Netizens are hotly discussed

After learning that mainland fishermen spontaneously launched an expedition to Huangyan Island, netizens were excited and moved by the patriotic enthusiasm of Chinese fishermen.

Everyone cheered for the fishermen brothers in the comment area, hoping that they would succeed and succeed!

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering
Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

The editor said

The Philippines provoked in the South China Sea, and Chinese fishermen bravely defended the sea

Recently, the Philippines, under the behind-the-scenes manipulation of major powers, has once again made waves in the South China Sea. They organized hundreds of fishing boats to illegally drop buoys in the waters off Scarborough Shoal, in an attempt to assert so-called "sovereignty" through such despicable means. Such an act is not only a serious violation of the mainland's sovereignty, but also a blatant provocation to international law.

When Chinese fishermen heard the news, they did not choose to remain silent, but chose to act. They spontaneously organized themselves and drove thousands of fishing boats to the South China Sea in preparation for a head-to-head confrontation with Philippine vessels. This kind of patriotic enthusiasm and national integrity deserve the admiration of each and every one of us!

The Chinese fishermen's action is not only a warning to the Philippines, but also a solemn declaration to the South China Sea. Tell the world: the South China Sea is China's! Any attempt to infringe on China's sovereignty will be met with strong counter-attacks from the Chinese people.

In the South China Sea, Chinese fishermen are using their courage and wisdom to write a legend. With their actions, they have demonstrated to the world the patriotic spirit and national integrity of the Chinese people. We are proud and proud of them, and we are full of confidence and anticipation for their victorious return. The Great Chinese Fishing Army is mighty!

Blood boil! Chinese fishermen spontaneously went to Scarborough Shoal, and the scene was spectacular. Netizen: The fishing army is mighty and domineering

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