
Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family


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Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

The afterglow of the evening swept into Yang Guang's cramped dwelling without hesitation, and he sat upright on the sofa, immersed in the warm family atmosphere emanating from his wife and children.

The virtuous and gentle wife is busy in the kitchen, carefully cooking a sweet dinner time for the family.

The crystallization of their love, a childish little man, is happily playing and frolicking in the living room, and his crisp and pleasant childlike voice can be heard from time to time.

Yang Guang gently stroked his wife's warm spring-like hand, and his face was full of happy smiles. His eyes were blind, but his inner vision was brighter and clearer than anyone else's.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

Recalling the bumpy journey he had taken, he cherished the good life he had now.

Those years were too difficult and difficult. From an early age, he suffered the unfortunate fate of being blind, unable to experience the diversity of the world in person. Anxious and in deep despair, my parents searched for a cure but never got it.

Although the final result was disappointing, they never gave up their endless care and high expectations for their son.

Under the careful care of his grandparents, Yang Guang gradually grew up and showed amazing musical talent. His parents spent a lot of money to buy an electronic piano and invited professional teachers to teach him music knowledge, inspiring him to pursue his musical dreams.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

Although the family is not financially well-off, they resolutely decide to do everything they can to support their son, hoping that he can use the power of music to make up for the loss of light.

Yang Guang's upbringing was not all smooth sailing, and he suffered a heavy blow since he was a child. Soon after he was born, his parents discovered that he was blind and disabled, and the sudden bad news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, ruthlessly destroying the entire family.

They could not accept the fact that a healthy and lively child could become blind so easily, and that it all happened so quickly that he was plunged into eternal darkness before he could fully experience the rich and colorful world.

Yang Guang's parents were worried, and they took their son around in search of the country's top ophthalmologist, eager to bring hope of a cure to their son. However, every time he was disappointed, the doctor could only shake his head helplessly and sigh, saying that there is still no effective cure for this congenital genetic disease.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

When faced with such a tragic reality, Yang Guang's parents tasted bottomless despair for the first time in the long river of life. Their children are destined to live alone in a world of endless darkness, never to experience the warmth and brightness of the light again.

However, just when they were in deep pain and on the verge of a nervous breakdown, their grandparents' words saved their last glimmer of hope.

"Light is precious, but it is not the only life. If we care for him and guide him with our hearts, I believe that he will be able to live a life as brilliant as ordinary people! Under the selfless and loving care of his grandparents, Yang Guang gradually grew up.

Despite his blindness, he was still able to eat and dress with ease, and his grandmother took the trouble to teach him how to adapt to the rhythm of normal life, making him more resilient and independent.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

In the process, Yang Guang has shown remarkable musical talent. Whenever a beautiful melody sounds, his gaze will instantly become shining, and the whole person seems to be drawn and inspired by some magical power.

After learning the news, Yang Guang's parents did not hesitate to buy an electronic piano for him, and hired professional teachers to guide him to learn singing skills, although the family financial situation is not well-off, they have always stood firmly behind their son, and went all out to support him to pursue his musical dream, trying to make up for his son's loss of light.

As time passed, Yang Guang's love for music grew deeper, and there seemed to be some mysterious bond between him and music. At the age of 11, he was fortunate to be discovered by a local team dedicated to nurturing artists with disabilities, and since then he has officially stepped into the sacred temple of music and began a chapter in his life of unswervingly pursuing his dreams.

At the age of nineteen, Yang Guang resolutely decided to bravely step out of the mountains and embark on a journey to pursue his music dream. Although the family was very reluctant, seeing their son's determined eyes, they finally chose to support them wholeheartedly.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

Yang Guang left his hometown alone and came to this bustling and noisy city - Beijing to take care of his daily life, followed by his kind grandmother, and the mother and son lived a simple and difficult life here.

They lived in a dark, damp basement in extremely difficult conditions, but Yang Guang never complained, and he devoted himself to the endless journey of musical training.

In 2007, the favor of fate brought Yang Guang a new and unexpected opportunity in life. This year, with great courage, he resolutely filled out the registration form for CCTV's well-known talent show "Avenue of Stars".

As a young talent who has been visually impaired since birth, the challenge of participating in this high-profile and highly competitive program is undoubtedly a long-awaited and valuable opportunity for him.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

"Avenue of Stars" selects the best grassroots singers every year, and if it can win the crown, it will not only mean that it will become famous in the entertainment industry overnight, but more importantly, it will hopefully arouse the deep attention of the whole society to the talents of people with disabilities.

Facts have proved that Yang Guang's debut shocked all the audience and judges at the scene. His unique voice is full of a vicissitudes of life but full of magnetic charm, and every word seems to have a powerful power to penetrate people's hearts.

The popularity of this song is far beyond people's expectations, it is like a dazzling light, illuminating the deep hope in the heart of every person with disabilities. As a result, Yang Guang quickly rose to become a hot online singer, and all kinds of praise and follow-up came like a tide.

After winning the championship, Yang Guang's popularity skyrocketed. With many brand endorsements, fabulous performances and commercial events, he has a full schedule.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

Soon after, Yang Guang successfully released a solo single and appeared on the bright stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala many times, which aroused enthusiastic responses from audiences across the country.

However, just when he was at the peak of his career, Yang Guang's attitude gradually changed. He exudes arrogance and impatience with the staff and peers around him, and becomes careless and fastidious about equipment.

Once, when recording a program on a local station, he was late for more than an hour, and despite the repeated urging of the staff, he still went his own way, and even commanded the director.

This endless provocation made the staff on the scene unstoppable, and even the famous director Ge Yanfang couldn't bear it anymore, and he angrily reprimanded his words and deeds in public.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

However, Yang Guang completely ignored it, continued his self-righteous attitude, and fell deeper and deeper.

Afterwards, some caring netizens recorded his absurd behavior and posted it on the Internet, and Yang Guang's image of self-superiority was jaw-dropping and difficult for the audience to accept.

With the public relations crisis and the withdrawal of sponsors, Yang Guang's career fell into a trough like a storm.

In this way, Yang Guang's career came to a standstill, and the doors that were once open to him were also closed. The fans who adored him in the past are now alienated, leaving only the occasional commercial performance in a mall or small street venue.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

Although the amount of remuneration received each time is huge, it is undoubtedly a world of difference compared to the income at its peak. At the same time, his fan base is also shrinking rapidly, and his popularity and reputation have been declining.

For Yang Guang, this period of time was like a disaster like Waterloo. fell from the peak of his life to the bottom in an instant, and his inner world once fell into despair and confusion. At the moment when he needed help the most, it was his kind mother who stepped forward and ran around to find a suitable partner for him, hoping to open a new life path and hope for her son.

His mother's decision surprised Yang Guang. However, looking at his mother's busy figure, he also had a trace of anticipation in his heart. His mother screened a number of women for him locally, but unfortunately they were unable to get acquainted with Yang Guang.

Just when her mother was about to give up, a gentle and virtuous woman quietly walked into her sight.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

This woman is not only beautiful and elegant, but more importantly, she is extremely friendly to others. She expressed deep sympathy for Yang Guang's plight, and was willing to use her love to warm and protect this unfortunate blind singer.

After many in-depth understandings and contacts, the mother deeply realized the deep affection and friendship of this woman for her son, so she decided to match them and let her son regain happiness and sunshine.

His mother excitedly announced this important decision to Yang Guang, and the heavy burden in Yang Guang's heart was instantly relieved and full of joy. So, under the careful planning and arrangement of his mother, Yang Guang and this confidant woman finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and started a new life journey.

In the days after marriage, Yang Guang personally felt the strong and warm atmosphere in the family. His wife not only did her best to take care of him in daily chores, but also supported him mentally and reliably, inspiring him to regroup and absorb his love and pursuit of music.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

This gentle and touching woman, like a fresh and pleasant wind of vitality, caresses Yang Guang's once bleak spiritual world, making him rediscover his vision and belief in life.

She always patiently and meticulously reads the lyrics to Yang Guang, interpreting the deep meaning of the song with a beautiful voice, which makes his understanding of music more in-depth and subtle.

With the encouragement and support of his wife, Yang Guang once again ignited his passion for music. He began to practice diligently, seeing singing as a form of entertainment and spiritual sustenance.

Every time he stood on the stage and sang aloud, his heart would be filled with endless excitement, as if he was once again bathed in the sun.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

Soon after, the crystallization of their love, a lively and lovely baby boy, was born, which became a powerful source of motivation for Yang Guang's new life. Although as a blind father, he can't personally witness the growth of his child, but Yang Guang can empathize with the changes in his wife about his child, and his heart is full of happiness.

The birth of the child allowed Yang Guang to completely get rid of the shackles and attachments of past glory. Today, he devotes more time and energy to taking care of his mother and spending time with his family.

Whenever he was free, he would always hold the child tightly and listen to the childish cry echoing in his ears, and his wife often told him with gentle words that the child's eyes were like two streams of crystal clear spring water, pure and bright, and would never be polluted by the hustle and bustle of the world.

Every time he hears these words, Yang Guang's heart is always full of comfort and strength.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

With the encouragement of his wife and the company of his children, Yang Guang once again ignited his firm belief in a better future. He began to actively participate in various para sports competitions, and frequently showcased his sparkling musical talents on various short video platforms, which he hopes to raise awareness of his music field.

Now Yang Guang has learned profound and precious life lessons from the glory and hardship of the past. He completely changed his self-esteem, and devoted himself to taking care of his mother and accompanying the happy time of his children's growth.

Looking back on the past years, Yang Guang deeply regretted his arrogant attitude back then. He deeply understands that it was that overconfidence and blind arrogance that eventually led to the Waterloo of his career.

Now, he is determined to return to the journey of music with a humble and cautious heart.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

In order to regain the glorious years, Yang Guang has always maintained a high degree of self-restraint. He is actively involved in various para sports competitions, and he also frequently showcases his sparkling musical talent on various short video platforms, and he hopes to raise awareness of his music scene.

Although Yang Guang has made unremitting efforts on the road of music, his influence is still slightly insufficient compared to other emerging Internet celebrities. However, none of this can shake his pure love for music.

For having such a happy family, Yang Guang is already deeply satisfied.

With his wife and children by his side, his inner world is no longer a haze, but full of unprecedented light and hope. Yang Guang looks forward to his unremitting efforts to write a new brilliant chapter on the road of music and become the pride of the disabled.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Blind singer Yang Guang was too arrogant after becoming popular, and now he has a wife and children and a happy family

We sincerely hope that after going through ups and downs and tempering, Yang Guang will be able to shine again on the stage of music with a more humble and positive attitude, and touch and inspire everyone's heart with his notes.

After all, the journey of life is always full of thorns, but as long as you have a dream in your heart and never give up, you will eventually be able to pass through the wind and rain and meet the dawn.

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