
How can eye fatigue be relieved? 3 simple actions to brighten your eyes and make them more charming

author:Pediatrician Zhou Xiangheng

Facing the electronic screen every day, the eyes seem to become the inevitable "protagonist", and fatigue and dryness seem to have become the norm. As an ophthalmologist, I understand the problem of eye fatigue and have seen many patients suffer from it as a result. However, in my daily routine, I have found that there are some simple ways to help relieve eye fatigue and rejuvenate my eyes. Like a patient I recently received, I felt the magic of these methods.

The patient's name is Xiaoling, and she is a white-collar worker who sits in the office for a long time. She stares at the computer screen for long hours every day, and her work is intense and stressful. Recently, she began to experience eye strain, dryness, and even headaches. As a seasoned ophthalmologist, I quickly realized that she might be the result of eye fatigue.

How can eye fatigue be relieved? 3 simple actions to brighten your eyes and make them more charming

I first asked her about her daily routines and confirmed that she was using electronic devices for a long time. Then, I introduced her to some simple ways to relieve eye fatigue. I told her that getting away from the screen every once in a while, closing her eyes and resting for a few minutes, and adjusting the focus of her eyes can effectively relieve eye discomfort. In addition, I also recommend that she do eye massage at rest, especially around the eyeballs and eyebrows, to promote blood circulation in the eyes. Finally, I recommended to her the method of using a hot compress, and applying a hot towel to her eyes for a moment every night, which can effectively soothe the eye muscles and relieve fatigue.

After listening to my suggestion, Xiaoling expressed her willingness to try these methods. A few days later, she came to my clinic again and told me with joy on her face that her eye discomfort had significantly lessened and her headaches had eased. She especially appreciates the advice I gave and said that she now takes regular eye breaks every day and has an eye massage between work, and her eyes feel much more comfortable.

How can eye fatigue be relieved? 3 simple actions to brighten your eyes and make them more charming

Solution 1: Eye massage

Acupressure around the eyeball:

Close your eyes and gently massage around your eyes with your middle finger, starting below the orbit and gently pressing along the outside of the orbit to the brow bone, then back along the inside of the orbit. Repeat this movement a few times, gently pressing to help increase blood circulation in the eye area and relieve eye fatigue.

Eyebrow Massage:

Pinch the base of your eyebrows with your index and middle fingers and gently pull outwards and then inwards, repeating several times in each direction. This action helps to relax the muscles around the eyebrows and reduce pressure on the eyes.

Eye Rotation:

Close your eyes and slowly turn your eyeballs, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction. This action can exercise the eye muscles, enhance the flexibility of the eyes, and relieve eye fatigue.

These simple eye massage techniques can be performed at any time to not only relieve eye fatigue, but also improve blood circulation around the eye area, making the eyes more refreshed and brighter.

How can eye fatigue be relieved? 3 simple actions to brighten your eyes and make them more charming

Solution two: Stay away from the screen and rest your eyes


Prolonged use of electronic devices can lead to eye fatigue, which manifests as symptoms such as dry eyes, astringent eyes, and blurred vision.


Take a break of 5-10 minutes every hour, away from the screen, adjust the focus, and reduce eye strain.


Set a timer to remind yourself to take breaks every hour.

Get away from the electronic device, close your eyes, and do some eye relaxation exercises, such as turning your eyes, looking up and down, looking left and right, etc.

Use the distant view method to shift your gaze to distant objects to relax and adjust your eyes.

If conditions allow, take short outdoor activities during breaks to give your eyes more natural light and air.


It is suitable for people who use electronic devices for a long time, such as office workers, students, etc.

It is especially suitable for people who tend to have tired eyes.


Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day to help your eyes get enough rest.

Don't use other electronic devices during breaks to make sure your eyes are completely relaxed.


By taking breaks every hour and staying away from screens, you can effectively relieve eye fatigue and improve eye comfort and vision.

How can eye fatigue be relieved? 3 simple actions to brighten your eyes and make them more charming

Solution 3: Apply a warm compress

Hot towel for eyes: Soak the towel in warm water, wring it out and place it on top of the closed eye and press gently. The evaporation of hot air helps to relax the eye muscles and relieve eye fatigue.

Use a hot eye mask: There are many specially designed hot eye masks on the market that can be microwaved or soaked in hot water and gently applied to the eyes. The warm touch will make your eyes melt in comfort.

Either way, it's fine to last about 10 to 15 minutes. Remember, don't let the temperature get too high to avoid burning the skin. After applying the heat, close your eyes and take a break to relax your eyes. This simple step can bring a visibly soothing effect in a matter of minutes, leaving your eyes glowing and bright!