
What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

author:Happy Coke..
What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Today's topic: "What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar in order to continue using its WeChat account?" ”

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Hot comments from netizens:

Charging means that there will be better software [flash of inspiration] [flash of inspiration]

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Although QQ is also Tencent's, he doesn't charge it, if you charge for it, you can find another software [look] [see]

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Isn't Alipay directly replaced? [Look] [Look] It is estimated that Ma Yun will wake up laughing when he dreams

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Leo Tolstoy once said: When a bird's wings are marked with gold, it proves that he can't fly far

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

The old does not go to the new and does not come [呲tooth] [呲tooth] [呲tooth], even if someone charges, it is only a part of the people

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Alipay can also add friends to chat and send photos, isn't this wave of popularity directly fed to the mouth? [Flash of inspiration] [Flash of inspiration]

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

If you send a text message, the text message fee is more than that dollar [cover your face] [cover your face]

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

If everyone doesn't pay, in a few months they will beg us back

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Do you know the Feixin back then?

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Does anyone finally know why it's not? As said in the comment area, most people will rush it, or will it cause heated discussions after it is charged?

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Don't panic, the state will take action [cover face]

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

Rest assured, this is an opportunity for other manufacturers

What will happen to Tencent if it suddenly announces that it must recharge one dollar to continue using its WeChat

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the discussion forum

(The source of the material is from the Internet, invaded and deleted)