
In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

author:Integrity Gabriel 9q2

Han Xianchu, a communist who was born poor and worked hard all the way to become the founding general, was on his deathbed, but he was very worried about the departure and stay of his secretary Yao Kegui. Why does this iron-blooded general, who once fought bloodily in the smoke of war, attach so much importance to an ordinary secretary? What did Yao Kegui do to make Han Xianchu so interested? Han Xianchu seeks a new destination for Yao Kegui, what kind of story is hidden behind it? All of this is confusing and interesting.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

Respectful and loved: Spend 20 years together

During the years of the Great Revolution, the rain of bullets turned into an iron background. In this surging torrent, Han Xianchu, a farmer's son, gradually grew into a founding general. In 1967, Han Xianchu, who was already the commander of the Fuzhou Military Region at that time, organizationally arranged a young man named Yao Kegui as his secretary.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

At first, Yao Kegui was apprehensive about this heavy responsibility. As an ordinary cadre, it was hard for him to imagine whether he could be qualified for such an important post. However, under the repeated guidance of the party organization, he finally accepted the appointment cautiously. Since then, Yao Kegui has always been by Han Xianchu's side, and the two have been like shadows and have established an extremely close revolutionary friendship.

It is worth mentioning that although Han Xianchu has a high status, he is extremely friendly to others. Yao Kegui later recalled that Han Xianchu was easy to get along with, and he would often talk to him cordially when he was working. The two have nothing to say, and they are like brothers. Especially when he went down to the grassroots level to investigate, Han Xianchu was like an arm and a finger with Yao Kegui, and he acted seamlessly.

During the 20 years of following Han Xianchu and sharing weal and woe, Yao Kegui witnessed the selfless dedication of the old leaders to the revolutionary cause. Day after day, year after year, the two have established a deep comradely friendship, supporting each other and moving forward side by side. It was this rare revolutionary affection that made Han Xianchu still care about Yao Kegui's future before his death, and even contacted his superiors to arrange work for him. It can be seen that in addition to Han Xianchu's unswerving loyalty to the party and the revolution, he also cherishes his friendship and revolutionary friendship with Yao Kegui.

Experience in the flames of war: years cast the true character of loyalty

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

Han Xianchu's military career can be described as quite legendary. As a child from a poor peasant family, he has been in the whirlpool of revolution since he joined the peasant movement in 1927. In 1930, Han Xianchu joined the Communist Party and began a decades-long career of guerrilla struggle.

In that turbulent era, Han Xianchu often went deep into the hinterland behind enemy lines. Neither the arduous environment nor the enemy being pursued or intercepted could stop him from pursuing the revolutionary cause. Once, in order to penetrate the enemy's heavy defenses, the troops led by Han Xianchu had to march at night and walk dozens of miles. But even so, when they arrived at their destination, their clothes were already soaked with sweat and their feet were covered with blood sores.

But it was in this extreme environment that Han Xianchu still walked on the ground and commanded the battle in an orderly manner. A veteran soldier later recalled that Han Xianchu "walked through the enemy camp as if he were walking in a garden, without the slightest nervousness." What is commendable is that this open-minded and calm style stems precisely from his unreserved devotion to the revolutionary cause.

In addition to his fighting courage as a pioneer, Han Xianchu was admired by future generations for his lofty revolutionary ideals. In 1934, when the Red Army's Long March was difficult, he did not care about life and death, but only thought about how to win the initiative for the party and the people. At the critical moment when he was on the verge of annihilation, Han Xianchu stepped forward and personally led the troops to charge.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

With superhuman courage and extraordinary command skills, Han Xianchu finally succeeded in turning the tide of the battle. Afterwards, political commissar Wu Huanxian said with appreciation: "Only Chu has talent, first Chu is an example!" This touching deed is the best interpretation of Han Xianchu's revolutionary will.

Later, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many officers and soldiers witnessed Han Xianchu's heroic performance in the face of death. According to his recollection, at every critical moment, he always stood up and shouted, "Communists rush with me!" "Then charge ahead in person, and don't do it. Again and again, none of the dangerous situations could make him flinch.

As a soldier, daring to face life and death is Han Xianchu's most prominent quality. But his military nature does not stop there. What is even more valuable is that he always set an example and won the love and respect of the whole army with his actions.

There is a widely circulated anecdote that when attacking the enemy's position, the correspondent next to Han Xianchu suddenly died. Seeing this, Han Xianchu immediately snatched a big knife from the soldier's hand, raised it high, raised his arms and shouted: "Communist Party members rush with me!" "

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

The heroic image of Han Xianchu coming to the front line is like a bright red battle flag, raised high in the hearts of officers and soldiers. Under his leadership, the whole army was full of fighting spirit and worked hard. It was precisely by virtue of this fierce loyalty to the party and the people that Han Xianchu was able to make many military exploits and become the founding general of New China.

Life and death together: life hangs by a thread and love is like brotherhood

In that turbulent era, Yao Kegui, as Han Xianchu's personal secretary, can be said to get along day and night, life and death together. In addition to office and military affairs, Yao Kegui is also fully responsible for Han Xianchu's daily life. Whether it is three meals, a change of clothes, or cleaning the residence, all the trivial matters are in his sole charge.

Looking back on the past, Yao Kegui often sighed that it was not easy to take full care of the life of a founding general. But it was this kind of intimacy day after day that made the revolutionary friendship between the two grow deeper and deeper. Not only that, Yao Kegui knows Han Xianchu's life well, and he can be said to know everything.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

It is worth mentioning that in those cruel war years, Yao Kegui was Han Xianchu's personal military assistant. Whenever there was a major operational deployment, he always kept his hands on the books and worked tirelessly to make preparations. Sometimes it is even necessary to secretly memorize the battle plan in case it is ready to report to Han Xianchu at any time.

It is this intimacy of life and death that makes Yao Kegui know everything about Han Xianchu. According to recollections, Yao Kegui's notes recorded in detail Han Xianchu's military guiding philosophy and operational principles, which can be described as a practical reading book of "Han Xianchu Studies."

In addition, Yao Kegui will also record Han Xianchu's various life stories according to his own understanding. These unpretentious but affectionate memories are the best interpretation and tribute to Han Xianchu's eventful years.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

Just when Han Xianchu was suffering from illness and dying, the only thing he was worried about was Yao Kegui's stay. Several times, he told Yu Qiuli to arrange a good place for Yao Kegui.

As the founding general, Han Xianchu attached most importance to the revolutionary cause of loyalty to the party and the people in his life. And Yao Kegui, as his cronie for many years, may have witnessed this point and won his highest hopes before his death.

It can be seen that in Yao Kegui's silent dedication for more than 20 years, he has already planted the seeds of revolutionary friendship in Han Xianchu's heart. This seed was channeled and cherished, and finally bloomed brilliantly in the last moments of Han Xianchu's life.

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In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

After learning of Han Xianchu's entrustment, Yu Qiuli, who was the central leader at the time, was deeply moved by the wish of this old comrade-in-arms. Following Han Xianchu's will, they finally arranged a section-level position for Yao Kegui to take care of him.

This new job is also a new challenge for Yao Kegui. As an ordinary cadre who had never received formal training, he had to learn from scratch. Fortunately, in the new environment, he is still as diligent and assiduous as ever, and Han Xianchu's teachings during his lifetime have always spurred him to make progress.

According to recollections, in his spare time, Yao Kegui always flipped through Han Xianchu's former notes and notes. Whenever he encountered doubts, he revisited Han Xianchu's earnest teachings like a few cherishes, as if the old leader's entrustment sounded in his ears. It was with this sincerity for the revolutionary cause that Yao Kegui finally adapted to the new working environment.

Although Yao Kegui got a job opportunity through a special channel, he has never been complacent. On the contrary, he cherished this hard-won position and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

A colleague recalled that Yao Kegui worked diligently and studied hard, and he always worked at the desk in the middle of the night, and did not dare to slack off at all. He always has an attitude of learning with an open mind, and strives to complete all work tasks perfectly.

With this persistent pursuit of work and loyalty and enthusiasm for the cause, Yao Kegui soon became a "role model" in the mouth of his colleagues. Everyone applauded and praised his work performance, and some people applauded him.

In his new position, Yao Kegui has given full play to his strict requirements, rigorous attitude and persistent enthusiasm for his career for decades. Soon, he became a "model figure" in the mouths of the people, honorably inheriting and carrying forward Han Xianchu's revolutionary spirit of perseverance and service to the people.

A colleague who had the privilege of working with Yao Kegui recalled that when he was in the office, Yao Kegui always took care of the hardest work by himself. When he went out to inspect, he even ignored the long distance, just to bring back the voices of the masses. This dedication to his work has earned him widespread acclaim.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

Soon, Yao Kegui was awarded and promoted for his outstanding performance. But he has never been deceived by fame and fortune, and still maintains his original innocence. It is this insistence on revolutionary ideals that allows him to gloriously inherit the torch of Han Xianchu's revolutionary spirit and continue to write a legendary story.

Heirlooms: Fragrances in wills

Since Han Xianchu's death, Yao Kegui has regarded the earnest teachings of the old leader as a treasure. He not only compiled these precious sayings into a book, but also tirelessly taught the philosophy contained in them to future generations.

The students who were fortunate enough to be passed on by Yao Kegui recalled that the old people cherished these "family mottos" on weekdays. Whenever someone comes to ask for advice, he will treat him warmly and unreservedly pass on Han Xianchu's thoughts and concepts to ten or ten hundreds.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

Yao Kegui's move not only shows his endless respect for the old leader, but also reflects the persistent pursuit of the cause of a generation of revolutionaries. It can be said that it is precisely by virtue of this pious belief in revolutionary ideals that Han Xianchu's legacy has been passed down from generation to generation in the hearts of the people.

Yao Kegui not only taught Han Xianchu's family motto, but also took it as a precept at all times to cultivate himself. According to recollections, there was a period of time when Yao Kegui was lax in his work. However, as soon as Han Xianchu's teachings were opened, he immediately regained the pure heart of the revolution back then.

Since then, Yao Kegui has become more diligent and thrifty, and has been more conscientious in his work. When someone asked him why he worked so hard, he always smiled and said, "It was Mr. Han's family motto that spurred me!" "

From generation to generation, Yao Kegui has passed on Han Xianchu's legacy like a few treasures. And he himself also draws infinite spiritual nourishment from it, and he will always cherish his original intention and be unswerving. It is precisely by virtue of this persistent pursuit of revolutionary ideals that he was able to follow the fragrance of Han Xianchu's will and keep pace with the times, and he was never thrown away by the times.

In 1986, Han Xianchu was critically ill and called Yu Qiuli: Please arrange a job for my secretary

Hard work pays off. After decades of diligent recitation by Yao Kegui, Han Xianchu's legacy has long been a household name and has become an eternal spiritual guide in the hearts of many people. From barracks to factories, from offices to campuses, the wisdom of the founding father can be heard everywhere.

Some researchers have even compiled these testaments into books, which have become important readings for future generations. What is even more exciting is that it is under the inheritance of Yao Kegui and other revolutionaries from generation to generation that Han Xianchu's fierce loyalty to the people can be immortalized.

A spark will eventually become a prairie fire. Although Yao Kegui has passed away, his scrupulous adherence to Han Xianchu's will has turned into a noble spiritual force, indelibly inspiring everyone to always cherish their original intention and keep their mission in mind. As long as the flame of this revolution continues to be inherited, Han Xianchu's legacy will eventually be evergreen and shining.

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