
Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

author:Fire loves sports

How will a lavish dinner, a manager's painstaking attempt, make a difference to the team? Changchun Yatai coach Xie Hui has recently attracted the attention of the outside world, and he has hosted a banquet for the whole team in Shanghai, trying to unite the team's centripetal force in this way. Is this a way to sell people's hearts, or is it a way worth trying? Can it really improve the team's fighting power and drive the players to fight for the team? This is undoubtedly a question worth studying.

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

Xie Hui, a former "galloping" general, has now begun to try new ways in his coaching career. He has been hired by Changchun Yatai as the coach for some time, but the results are not satisfactory and he is facing great pressure. When the crucial battle against his old club Shanghai Port was approaching, he chose a seemingly special way - a banquet for the whole team. Does this mean that he has changed his coaching style and tried to buy the hearts of his players in this way?

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

We have to admit that this practice is not uncommon in modern football circles. Many managers try to develop a bond with their players in a variety of ways to build good interactions. Some people choose to organize outdoor activities, while others express their sincerity through banquets. This approach may not be new, but for Xie Hui, who has always had a strong personality, this is indeed a "new trick".

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

So, what is the purpose of Xie Hui's luxurious banquet? Does he really want to buy the hearts of the players in this way? We must analyze this problem from multiple angles.

We can't ignore the fact that after Xie Hui coached Changchun Yatai, the team's overall performance was not ideal. As a traditional powerhouse, Changchun Yatai did not start smoothly this season and has been hovering in the middle and lower reaches. As the new coach, Xie Hui is under tremendous pressure, and he urgently needs to build trust with the players as soon as possible and unite the team's centripetal force. Ahead of his uphill game against his former club Harbour, he may have thought that by hosting a lavish banquet, he would be able to show his players his sincerity and give their all for the team in the game.

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

We can't ignore Xie Hui's own coaching characteristics. As a fierce player who has been "galloping" on the pitch, he has always had a strong personality throughout his coaching career. He has a knack for motivating players in a drastic way, but he has also had conflicts with players because of this. Now, it seems that he wants to reinvent his relationship with the players by changing his ways. It will undoubtedly be interesting to see if this meal will help him gain the trust of the players and get them to fight for it.

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

Nor can we ignore the impact of economic factors. It is reported that this banquet cost a lot of money, which is undoubtedly a lot of money for a team with limited financial resources. A lot of people question whether it's worth it and if it's just a waste of money. But we also need to recognise that in modern football, there is increasing competition between teams and player loyalty. If a high-profile banquet boosts the players' sense of teamwork and motivation, then the money may be worth the cost.

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

We also need to assess the impact of this banquet on the competition. It was felt that the meal would give the players a chance to relax and relax before the game so that they could play better in the game. But there are also those who believe that this is only a short-term consolation that does not fundamentally solve the team's problems, and that the players will not be deterred from fighting for the team as a result.

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

Xie Hui's banquet for the whole team this time really sparked heated discussions in the outside world. It may represent a change in Xie Hui's coaching style, or it may just be a power ploy. Regardless, it certainly shows a manager's determination to break new ground under pressure.

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

Let's wait and see what changes this meal can bring to Changchun Yatai. If it can really unite the team's centripetal force, improve the morale of the players, and help Changchun Yatai win this battle, then the money may be worth it. But if it is only superficial comfort and does not fundamentally solve the team's problems, then this meal can only be considered a futile attempt.

Xie Hui "threw millions of dollars" to entertain the whole team? Is this a betrayal of people's hearts? Did it work?

Regardless of the outcome, Xie Hui's move undoubtedly presents us with a new way of coaching. In the increasingly commercial environment of modern football, how to seek breakthroughs under pressure and how to motivate players through various ways are all topics worthy of in-depth discussion. Let's wait and see how the outcome of this banquet will change for Xie Hui and Changchun Yatai.

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