
Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

author:Sunset over Maple City

"Is it ignorance or rudeness to unplug someone else's charging gun without authorization?"

"In a society that pays attention to public morality and civilization, why do female drivers feel that their behavior is not wrong?"

On May 15, a new energy vehicle charging dispute occurred in the underground parking lot of a shopping mall in Beijing.

In the incident, a male car owner charged his new energy vehicle at the charging station, and in the process, another female driver unplugged the male owner's charging gun, causing the male owner's vehicle charging to be interrupted and the charging volume to decrease.


The female driver said that she saw that the charging gun was not charged at that time and thought the car was full, so she pulled out the charging gun.

She insisted that she had no ill will and did not attempt to damage the male owner's vehicle. The female driver believes that the plug should not be able to be unplugged if the charging is not completed.

The male owner was not satisfied with the explanation given by the female driver. He pointed out that the content displayed on the charging display may not be accurate, and it is possible that the charging is not complete due to voltage instability.

Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

He questioned why the female driver unplugged the charging gun without knowing the specifics. He believes that even if the display screen is full, the female driver should contact him first to confirm, instead of unplugging the charging gun without authorization.

She said that she was only acting according to the prompts on the display and did not mean anything malicious.

Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

The male car owner insisted that the female driver should call to confirm before unplugging the charging gun, and it is irresponsible to directly unplug the charging gun.

The male owner further said that after checking the charging status, he found that the original charging limit was 430, but it was reduced to 424 after the incident, which he believes may be due to the female driver unplugging the charging cable.

He asked the female driver to apologize for it, but the female driver refused to apologize and continued to insist that there was nothing wrong with her actions.

The male owner insisted that the female driver should apologize for the act of unplugging the charging gun, while the female driver believed that she was not at fault and was unwilling to apologize.

The two sides were still unable to reach an agreement under the mediation of the police.

Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

Netizen's point of view

Some police officers told me that they were disgusted when they saw these people every day, and they said, ah, the salary is so much, and they are not in the mood to spend their bodies on these garbage things

Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

Tram, it's really fuel-efficient, it's really not worry-free, you see all the quarrels every day are trams, just like people go to refuel, gas stations refuel with men's toilets, no one will worry, if it is charged, it is equivalent to going to the women's toilet

Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

If you don't end the charging, you can't pull it out at all, there is a locking device, and the charging head of the charging pile and the car will be broken if you forcibly unplug it, and Tesla will automatically turn on the sentry mode to alarm. His screen display is full, and the locking device is unlocked, so people can unplug it. It's just that he occupies a position and doesn't move the car to go crazy, so the police don't look at him.

Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

It's clear who is right and who is wrong.

The female driver unplugged the charging gun that others were charging without authorization, which is not only irresponsible, but also a blatant infringement of the rights and interests of others.

The charging pile is a public resource, and every car owner should abide by the rules of use, and unplugging others' charging guns without permission is a violation of public order.

What's more, she judged the completion of charging based on the status of the display screen alone, and did it without any confirmation, which was a subjective and reckless behavior that exposed her disregard for public etiquette and the rights of others.

The female driver's refusal to apologize afterwards shows her lack of civility. After the male owner pointed out the problem, the female driver not only did not reflect, but also continued to quibble, trying to justify her actions.

This attitude of refusing to admit mistakes not only lacks a basic sense of responsibility, but also ignores social rules.

Everyone should be responsible for their own actions, especially when they infringe on the rights and interests of others, and should have the courage to admit their mistakes and apologize, rather than shirk their responsibilities.

Ridiculous! The woman unplugged the charging gun of others without authorization, and bit the owner of the car to damage social morality, and netizens fried the pot

The anger of the male owner is completely understandable. He used the charging pile according to the regulations, but because of the rude behavior of others, the charging was interrupted and even the power dropped.

What's even more infuriating is that the other party still refuses to apologize even though he knows that his behavior is inappropriate. The male car owner insisted on an apology, which was a protection of his own rights and interests, and also a call for social justice.

As a member of society, everyone should abide by public order and respect the rights and interests of others.

The behavior of the female driver not only destroys the charging order, but also damages the legitimate rights and interests of others. In a society governed by the rule of law and civilized, such acts should be condemned and stopped.

At last

The female driver's behavior of pulling out the charging gun without authorization and refusing to apologize is obviously wrong.

Not only did she violate the rights and interests of others, but she also showed great irresponsibility afterwards.

Such an act not only harms the public interest, but also undermines social harmony and justice.

What do you think?
