
When I was in the army in the eighties, I encountered a humiliating incident that did not hurt much and was very insulting_4825_

author:Morimori Samurai

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When I was in the army in the 80s, I encountered a humiliating incident that did not hurt much and was very insulting

It was the spring of the 80s, and I, a hot-blooded young man, stepped into the green barracks with great longing. At that time, I thought that the army was a holy place to exercise my will and hone my character, and a stage to show myself and realize my value. However, just as I was passionately engaged in it, I encountered a humiliating event that I will never forget to this day.

At that time, my company was conducting a live-fire training. As a new recruit, I am naturally full of expectations, hoping to show my skills in this training and win the applause of my comrades. However, it backfired, and I made a serious mistake during the shooting.

It was a sunny afternoon, and I was standing in front of the shooting range with a rifle in hand. With the commander's order, I quickly aimed at the target and pulled the trigger. However, the bullet missed the bull's-eye and hit the grass next to it. I froze, unable to believe my eyes. I aimed again, shot again, but the result was still disappointing.

When I was in the army in the eighties, I encountered a humiliating incident that did not hurt much and was very insulting_4825_

My comrades-in-arms cast puzzled glances, and I felt a burning face. I knew that I had dropped the chain at this critical moment and disgraced the company. Although no one directly blamed me, the silent condemnation made my heart twist.

For the next few days, I became the laughing stock of the company. The discussion and ridicule of my comrades-in-arms, whether overt or implicit, made me feel humiliated. I tried to pretend that nothing happened, but the pain inside me pierced deep into my heart like a knife.

During that time, I fell into deep self-blame and pain. I began to wonder if I was fit to be in the army and if I would be able to perform this sacred duty. I even thought of retreating and escaping, but the stubbornness and reluctance in my heart made me choose to persevere.

I began to reflect on my mistakes and look for the root of the problem. I realised that I lacked focus and patience in training, focusing too much on speed and quantity and neglecting quality and results. At the same time, I also realized that I lacked the courage and resilience to face failures and setbacks.

When I was in the army in the eighties, I encountered a humiliating incident that did not hurt much and was very insulting_4825_

In order to change the situation, I was determined to start over. I took the initiative to find the company commander and squad leader and asked them for advice on shooting skills and training methods. I studied modestly and trained hard to improve my shooting skills and tactical literacy. At the same time, I also began to adjust my mindset and learn to face failures and setbacks calmly, and learn from them and learn from them.

After a period of hard work and dedication, my shooting skills have improved significantly. In an all-company shooting competition, I won the first place with my outstanding performance. My comrades-in-arms gave me approving glances and applause, and I knew that I had regained their respect and trust.

However, that humiliating experience was deeply engraved in my heart like a brand. It reminds me to always be humble and cautious, and to constantly improve my abilities and qualities. At the same time, it also made me understand that failure is not terrible, but what is terrible is losing confidence and courage.

Now, I have been out of the army for many years, but I still remember that experience. It made me understand a truth: on the road of life, we will all encounter all kinds of failures and setbacks. However, as long as we maintain confidence and courage and draw lessons and experiences from them, we will definitely be able to overcome difficulties and achieve self-realization.

When I was in the army in the eighties, I encountered a humiliating incident that did not hurt much and was very insulting_4825_


In life and work, we will inevitably encounter failures and setbacks. What lessons have you learned from this article in the face of failure and setback? How can you apply these revelations to your own practical life?