
After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

In today's music industry, the gap between domestic singers and foreign contestants has long been commonplace.

This gap is not only reflected in the technical level, but also reflects the difference in musical accomplishment and performance style between the two at a deeper level.

Domestic singers are often criticized for their lack of in-depth cultivation, and they are more inclined to pursue quick performance and short-term results.

This may have something to do with the fierce competition in China's entertainment market, where many singers have to quickly release their works in a short period of time in order to cater to the audience's tastes, ignoring the depth and connotation of the music.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

In contrast, foreign contestants pay more attention to the intrinsic quality and artistic expression of music, and they usually spend more time and energy on the creation and interpretation of songs, pursuing a more lasting and profound artistic feeling.

The existence of this gap is not only a matter of technical level, but also involves the understanding of musical art and the choice of self-development.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Many domestic singers are faced with the dilemma of choosing between rapid performance and deep cultivation.

They may want to get more attention and recognition in a short period of time, but this pursuit often leads them to neglect the improvement of their own musical literacy, and ultimately it is difficult to compete with foreign players on the international stage.

Domestic singers need to reflect more deeply on their own music path, not only to pursue superficial glamour and short-term achievements, but also to pay attention to the intrinsic quality and in-depth cultivation of music.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Only in this way can you truly improve your singing skills and embark on a music path that is in line with international standards.

"Singer 2024" is a music competition program launched by Hunan Satellite TV and created by Hong Xiao Studio.

The lineup of this show can be described as star-studded and quite interesting.

It is reported that He Jiong is the host of the show, and Hu Haiquan is the music speaker.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

The starting singer lineup includes Na Ying, Rainie Yang, Wang Sulong, Hailai Amu, Secondhand Rose, Fanxia Oyia (Faouzia), Chanté Moore (Chanté Moore), and the unveiling singers are Huang Xuan and Hanggai Band, with a total of 12 issues.

After the show trailer was exposed, netizens were hotly discussed.

Someone said: "This lineup is simply a super lineup in the Chinese music industry, looking forward to the wonderful performance of all singers!" ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Another netizen joked: "It seems that Hunan Satellite TV is going to do something again, what kind of surprise are you going to bring us this time?" ”

What is particularly eye-catching is the selection of singers who unveiled the list, and the addition of two powerful singers Huang Xuan and Hanggai Band is highly anticipated.

Some netizens said: "The strength of these two unveiling singers should not be underestimated, and their participation will undoubtedly add more highlights to the competition!" Another netizen also imagined: "Looking forward to their performance, I hope to surprise the audience." ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Overall, the lineup and program settings of "Singer 2024" are full of expectations.

Whether it is the first singer or the unveiling singer, they have brought together many powerful players, and I believe that their competition will bring a wonderful music feast to the audience.

After the first episode of the program was broadcast, there was an uproar on Weibo, and netizens expressed their dissatisfaction and disappointment with the program.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Some netizens joked: "After watching "Singer 2024", I feel like my ears are about to catch fire. ”

Another netizen sighed: "The singing skills of domestic players are just at the level of washing dishes at home."

What's even more shocking is that foreign players actually played monkeys on the stage, which caused widespread controversy.

Some netizens bluntly said: "This is a music show, not a circus!" Another said: "This kind of gimmicks is completely disrespectful to the music and the audience." ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Some people even began to question the level of the show, believing that the behavior of foreign contestants was a provocation to Chinese music culture.

In stark contrast, the performance of domestic players in the first episode of the program was not satisfactory.

Some netizens said: "After watching this game, I began to wonder if I was wearing the headphones upside down. ”

Someone else joked: "Do these contestants think that singing in the kitchen is so 'vivid'." ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Netizens expressed their disappointment and anger at the performance of domestic players, believing that they should work harder to match the international level players.

Subsequently, the second episode of the program was exposed, and the songs of the guests and the repertoire of the players who kicked the gym attracted widespread attention.

Netizens have launched a heated discussion on this.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Some netizens said: "Foreign players are really powerful, they choose classic songs, and you can feel their professional level as soon as you open your mouth." ”

Another netizen bluntly said: "These classic tracks are like the bottom line of the music industry, showing their strength and profound musical heritage." ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Regrettably, however, domestic contestants have opted for a conservative repertoire, raising questions about whether they are brave enough to compete with international singers.

Some netizens said: "Is it a lack of confidence for domestic players to choose conservative repertoire like this? Someone else quipped: "These tracks sound like they come out of an old-fashioned record player, and they lack novelty." ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

Netizens expressed their worries and disappointments about the performance of domestic players, believing that they should be more bold in choosing repertoire and showing their style and strength.

And such a conservative choice will only make the gap between them and international singers widen.

Looking back on the trend of the whole show, we can clearly see the shortcomings of domestic players.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

They lack the courage and ability to compete with international singers, and are too obsessed with fast performance to ignore the importance of deep cultivation.

This point has also been fully reflected in the discussion of netizens.

A netizen bluntly said: "Domestic players are like a group of frightened sparrows on the stage, lacking confidence and strength. ”

Another netizen sighed: "They choose the safest route every time, so how can they win the game?" ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

However, "Singer 2024", as a live broadcast program, has made innovations in trying a new model of competing with foreign players on the same stage, which has attracted widespread attention from netizens.

Some netizens said: "This new form of competition gives us the opportunity to see the comparison of the strength of domestic and foreign players, which is very interesting!" ”

Another netizen also agreed: "Although the domestic players did not perform well, at least they had a chance to compete with international singers, which is a very rare experience." ”

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

This innovative move means that the Chinese music industry is trying to connect with international standards, which is commendable.

Although the current situation is not satisfactory, only by constantly trying and challenging can we gain a foothold and make progress in the fierce competition.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

However, given the current situation, perhaps we need to think calmly about whether such a show should be stopped in order to preserve the dignity of the Chinese-speaking music industry.

Because this is not only a competition, but also a review and reflection on Chinese music culture.

Only by constantly challenging ourselves can we gain a foothold in the fierce international competition.

After the second episode of "Singer 2024" is out! I just want to say: off the air!

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