
When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

author:Zhu Zhu loves to think

Have you ever wondered what it will be like when the celebrities we pursue grow old? Will it still be as glamorous as it was back then? Or does it grow old and become hateful as time goes by? The answer to this question may lie in the old saying "each other is born from the heart".

We all know that some people have a fierce face, as if they were destined to be "mean" when they were born. But more often, it is not that people are born with disgusting faces, but as they grow older, the environment changes, and the inner world shifts, the originally beautiful face will gradually distort and deform, and finally show an unfamiliar appearance.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

Let's take these actresses I want to talk about today as examples. When they were young, they were all beauties without exception, and they were all beauties who were loved by thousands of people.

When you see their hideous faces now, you must open your eyes in surprise and stammer, "How can this be?" How did they end up like this?" But if you turn back the clock, you will see how bright and beautiful they used to be, and a single look can enchant the whole world.

When they were young, some of them were like fairies out of the dust, some were gentle and quiet girls next door, some were charming girls, and some were enchanting and charming women.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

In this way, they used their unique beauty to freeze in the memory of generations of audiences and became eternal classics.

But beautiful things are often the most ephemeral. While we were intoxicated by their beauty, the years flew by like white horses, and by the time they came to their senses, they were no longer the same as they had been.

Withered roses, broken paintings, and their once dazzling faces have gradually lost their brilliance, replaced by "mean" faces full of traces of time.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

Jiang Qinqin's story

Jiang Qinqin, now this resounding name has been closely associated with the word "mean" in the ears of many people. Look at her current appearance, with sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and sharp eyes, how can there be half of the gentleness and beauty of the past? On the screen, most of the roles she plays are violent and arrogant villains, which is simply a living footnote to the word "mean".

However, if you turn back the clock to 20 years ago, that Jiang Qinqin will definitely be the embodiment of the perfect female image in your mind. When she was 19 years old, she starred in "Xi Shi" and amazed all the audience: wearing a pure white gown, combing her hair in a neat bun, and light makeup dotted around her apricot eyes, her eyes vividly interpreted a poor beauty.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

Even Zhu Yin beside her could only be ashamed of herself.

Although Jiang Qinqin's appearance is not as stunning as that of a fairy, it is very classical, whether it is gorgeous or pure, there is no sense of disobedience in her. When she holds the green qin, she looks like a goblin that seduces people's souls; When she wears light makeup and plain clothes, she looks like a gentle woman who comes out of poetry.

Among the countless celebrities of that era, her beauty always attracted people at a glance.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

It's a pity that the past is like smoke, and now Jiang Qinqin can't see the light of the year at all. But the traces of her beauty have not completely disappeared, at least her character is still the same.

In the early years, she was slandered by the "little three", but she proved her innocence with her actions and asked those rumor-mongers to apologize publicly. Over the years, she and her husband Chen Jianbin have been in love, and the two have participated in variety shows together and presented sweet sugar-coated cannonballs to the audience.

Therefore, the "mean" change in Jiang Qinqin's face over the years is actually just because she has lost her appearance. It can be seen from her happy family life that she is still full of gentle beauty in her heart, but the change in appearance is too miserable.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

We all look forward to her regaining her former appearance in the future, so that everyone can see what the most real and moving Jiang Qinqin looks like.

Dong Jie's situation

has the same experience as Jiang Qinqin, as well as Dong Jie, a powerful person who was once a smash hit. mentioned her current appearance, and the audience all shook their heads and sighed. The eerie eyes, deep nasolabial folds, and high bald head are completely a copy of a "fierce grandmother".

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

But few people know that Dong Jie was actually pure and lovely when she was young, and was even known as the embodiment of "gentle youth".

recalled the scene when she played the role of "Leng Qingqiu" in "Huanzhu Gege", and the audience is still talking about it. Dressed in a light blue school uniform, with a pair of black braids on his head, and that sweet smile, he is simply a girl killer! It seems that as long as you look at her more, you will involuntarily be hooked by her beautiful eyes.

So it is not difficult to understand why Dong Jie was favored at that time and became a goddess-level existence for the whole people.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

However, no one thought that under the noses of thousands of pets, this former "girl killer" would quietly change. In addition to the obvious changes in her face, Dong Jie's life over the years has also been full of ups and downs, which is really embarrassing.

A few years ago, Dong Jie and her husband Pan Yueming suddenly separated, and soon detonated a war of words in the field of public opinion. At that time, Dong Jie sensationally "pretended to be pitiful" on the show, and once became the sympathetic party.

But while she was trying to win sympathy, she was also on the line of love at the same time, and openly made love with her new boyfriend, which is really ridiculous.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

In the face of her sudden image reversal, Dong Jie doesn't seem to have much to do. Because she has already done too many things to destroy her image, it is difficult to regain the trust of the audience.

Later, although she soon entered a new marriage, she always seemed to be unable to get rid of the haze of the past. The audience sighed that the youthful and energetic Leng Qingqiu of the past has left forever, replaced by the image of this wanton grandmother.

But having said that, Dong Jie's acting skills on the screen are still impressive. Just like in the recently aired "Thin Ice", she perfectly interpreted a rather complex role, which feasted the audience's eyes.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

It seems that inner beauty is eternal, and even if the appearance will age with age, the essence of a person can still be revealed through actions and works.

So we won't judge the ins and outs of Dong Jie's "mean" face for the time being, but only look forward to her being able to use her superb acting skills in the future to continue to write a new chapter in her life.

Pan Hong's life history

In today's entertainment industry, if you are called a representative of the "bad mother-in-law", it is really a bit unfortunate. But for Pan Hong, this title seems to be more appropriate.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

Look at her current appearance, her sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and sharp eyes are simply a vivid portrayal of "meanness". On the screen, the roles she plays are often villains with poisonous mouths and untamable villains, which deepens this impression.

However, if you turn the clock back to decades ago, that Pan Hong will definitely be the embodiment of the sunshine girl in your mind. When she was young, although her appearance was not standard, she was very youthful.

With her short hair and round face, she looks like the sister next door; With long hair and fluttering hair, she looks like a gentle and intellectual bosom sister.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

Even in terms of clothing, Pan Hong is not pretentious. Wearing an ordinary small vest, she can also wear a different style on her; No matter how casual she is, it is difficult to hide her bright smile with bright eyes and bright teeth.

Among the countless stars of that era, although her beauty is not sensational, she can always make people deeply attracted at a glance.

In fact, the reason why Pan Hong has fallen to this point is not because she is talentless and virtuous. When she was young, she was too ambitious and often left her family out in the cold, causing her husband to eventually leave her.

When she was young, she was pure and moving, and the older she gets, the more "mean" she becomes, these 5 actresses have changed a lot!

After that, she never got married, her career plummeted, and she had no choice but to play the role of a bad mother-in-law.

Therefore, the "mean" change in Pan Hong's face over the years is actually just a projection of the traces of life. She still retains the innocence and innocence of the year in her heart, but the change in her appearance is too miserable, and even it has changed people's impression of her.

However, I believe that as long as she can have a happy family again, the light in her heart will naturally reappear. I look forward to Pan Hong in the twilight of her life, to make up for the regrets of the year and find her own paradise.