
"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

author:Xiao Li talks about the past and the present

1. Wu Jinyan's glorious moment from obscurity to the laurel of Huabiao Award

In 2018, when the costume masterpiece "Yanxi Raiders" swept the country, Wu Jinyan, who was originally unknown, finally shone brightly and bloomed with unprecedented light.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

Looking back at her acting career, her first appearance dates back to 2013. That year, she won the love of the audience with her outstanding performance in the TV series "Beacon Beauty", which also made her fortunate to be appreciated by the popular producer Yu Zheng.

Although Wu Jinyan is not a stunning beauty, her unique temperament makes her stand out among all living beings and becomes a rare candidate in Yu Zheng's mind.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

So, Yu Zheng did not hesitate to include her under his command.

In 2016, when Yu was preparing for the new work "Song of the Dynasty", Wu Jinyan played the three roles of Daji, Youji, and Yuehao, but unfortunately the response to this drama was mediocre, and her acting career was still full of thorns.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

It wasn't until 2018 that Wu Jinyan really seized this perfect opportunity to change his fate.

At that time, Yu Zheng was recruiting virtuous people for the epic masterpiece "Yanxi Raiders", and the candidate to play the role of the heroine Wei Yingluo was originally Yang Rong. But somehow, Yang Rong eventually turned down the seductive role.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

At this critical moment, Wu Jinyan showed his skills and made Yu Zheng feel uplifted, thus obtaining this excellent opportunity to change his life.

Although compared with senior actors such as Charmaine Sheh and Qin Lan in the play, Wu Jinyan's acting skills were still immature and jerky at the time, but fortunately, her partner Nie Yuan gave her great support and encouragement.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

Nie Yuan not only carefully designed many wonderful performance details for her, but also repeatedly guided her on the scene to help her polish her performance.

For example, in a scene, Wei Yingluo angrily pushed Qianlong away out of jealousy, this action seems simple, but it is actually created by Nie Yuan's repeated auditions and careful design; Another example is that Wei Yingluo quietly climbed onto Qianlong's bed in the middle of the night, like a lovely koala snuggled tightly in his arms, offering sweet kisses, this "koala hug" action also comes from Nie Yuan's careful conception, aiming to show the gentle side of Qianlong's heart.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

It was under Nie Yuan's careful guidance and Wu Jinyan's own efforts that she finally gave an impressive performance in this drama. This also made her stand out from many senior actors at the subsequent Huabiao Award ceremony, and won the crown in one fell swoop, attracting much attention.

Since then, her acting career has flourished, and her resources have become more and more abundant.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

Second, after becoming famous, Wu Jinyan gradually revealed his arrogant nature, and his reputation plummeted

Wu Jinyan, who became an instant hit with "Yanxi Raiders", seems to have quickly lost himself in the turbidity of fame. She began to show an arrogant and unreasonable face, and committed a series of suffocating behaviors, and her reputation plummeted.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

The most ridiculous thing is that she missed an interview with CCTV's six movie channels. According to the original plan, the staff of CCTV's six movie channels came to the agreed interview location on time, but they suddenly received a notice from Wu Jinyan's team asking to change the interview location.

Despite the unhappiness in their hearts, the staff of CCTV 6 still rushed to the new location with heavy equipment with great difficulty as required.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

Who would have thought that after they arrived out of breath, they found that Wu Jinyan's team had not even properly arranged the basic venue, but instead asked CCTV 6 to pay for the interview venue.

What's even worse is that they simply used Wu Jinyan's follow-up work as an excuse to greatly reduce the originally agreed interview time.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

This kind of arrogant and unreasonable behavior undoubtedly angered the staff of CCTV's six movie channels. Afterwards, CCTV network comments also criticized the incident, questioning whether Wu Jinyan fell into the drama too deeply, or lacked basic professionalism at all.

In the end, under the pressure of public opinion, Wu Jinyan had to apologize publicly, but her apology did not seem to reveal sincere self-reflection, but once again exposed her arrogant side.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

At a public event, people saw a ridiculous scene: Wu Jinyan was surrounded by more than 20 tall bodyguards, who seemed to be royal guards.

After careful observation, it was found that surrounded by so many bodyguards, Wu Jinyan's figure was so insignificant that it was almost difficult to be recognized.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

In stark contrast, there were very few fans watching at the time, which was a puzzling sight. Could it be that Wu Jinyan was deliberately creating this kind of "heavily guarded" scene in order to attract attention? Or does she really think of herself as a big star? Undoubtedly, this kind of contrived and vain behavior once again made Wu Jinyan's already declining reputation worse.

The audience and the media began to question, where did Wu Jinyan get the courage and confidence to play such a big name and be arrogant? Is it just relying on the credit of a "Yanxi Raiders"? It's obviously not that simple.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

3. Wu Jinyan's acting skills are erratic and lack inner monologues

Gossip is gossip, but if an actor can't even do his job, that's the biggest dereliction of duty and flaw. It is regrettable that in terms of performance, Wu Jinyan did expose a lot of jerkiness and inadequacy.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

Looking back on Wu Jinyan's performance path, it is not difficult to find that in "Yanxi Raiders", her partner Nie Yuan once sincerely reminded her, hoping that she can cultivate diligently and work hard to learn her line skills.

Nie Yuan said earnestly: "These are the basic qualities that you must have as an actor." It's a pity that Wu Jinyan doesn't seem to take these teachings to heart, and in the many TV dramas she has starred in since then, her performance has not only not improved at all, but has increasingly exposed her rustiness and artificiality.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

For example, in "You Are My Answer", the heroine she plays blinks frequently and purses her lips when she speaks, and her head keeps shaking when she is eating and chewing, and her behavior is exaggerated and contrived.

What's even more ironic is that when she is threatened at gunpoint, she can only let out a piercing scream, but fails to show the fear and nervousness in her heart.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

In the play "The Legend of Haolan", when the heroine's personal maid was brutally injured, Wu Jinyan's expression was still dull and could not convey the anger and grief that he should have.

When her mother was ruthlessly thrown into the well, although she lay on the edge of the well and shouted for help, she could not find the slightest expression of sadness from her face.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

Even in the moment of joy when she became a concubine, she just stretched her neck and covered her mouth and smiled with an embarrassed face.

is also such a solidified model, which is constantly repeated in the TV series "Shangshi". When Yu Pei was discovered by the crown princess, no matter when asked about Peiyu's origin or true identity, Wu Jinyan still closed her lips, her face was expressionless, and her head hung slightly, so that the audience could not get a glimpse of her inner fluctuations.

"Wei Yingluo" Wu Jinyan will eventually pay the corresponding price for his arrogance

Even at the critical moment when she was almost forced to drink the poison, she could barely squeeze out two stiff tears, unable to show the fear and pain of being in danger.

Generations of excellent actors have always been able to give the characters unique vitality and rich inner world when playing similar roles. But when we see Wu Jinyan's performance, we can't help but sigh that this is the so-called "one face of a thousand people"? Her acting skills are so blunt and thin, lacking basic emotional control and level changes, it is difficult to resonate and infectious.

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