
In 2024, the 618 promotion will start and end on the first day, how much will Taobao Tmall Jingdong be full of reduction, and the rules of the event will be introduced

author:Wireless Linyi

As an important festival in the e-commerce industry, the 618 promotion has attracted the attention of consumers and merchants. The 618 promotion in 2024 is about to kick off, and major e-commerce platforms have launched a series of preferential activities to attract the attention of consumers. This article will detail the start and end times of the 2024 618 promotion, as well as the full discount discounts and event rules of Taobao, Tmall and, to help you better participate in this shopping carnival.

Receive 618 red envelopes, this year's distribution is very large, and the whole cycle is increased!

Taobao APP search: red envelope to hand 23333

Taobao red envelope collection time: May 20 - June 18

Jingdong APP search: red envelopes from the sky 558

Jingdong red envelope collection time: May 28 - June 18

Focus: Search the password in the app first, and then click on the historical search record every day. Remember to get it every day, because the size of the red envelope is related to what password you are searching for!

In 2024, the 618 promotion will start and end on the first day, how much will Taobao Tmall Jingdong be full of reduction, and the rules of the event will be introduced

1. The schedule of the 618 promotion in 2024

The 2024 618 sale starts at 8 p.m. on May 20 and runs until June 18. During this period, consumers can enjoy the preferential activities of major platforms and snap up their favorite products.

2. Taobao Tmall Jingdong full discount introduction

1. Taobao full discount

During the 2024 618 promotion, the Taobao platform launched a cross-store full reduction activity. When consumers purchase event goods, as long as they meet certain conditions, they can enjoy a full discount of 300-50. Specifically, when consumers purchase event products, the actual payment amount of a single order must reach a certain amount in order to enjoy the corresponding full discount. The specific amount of full reduction is determined according to different product categories, and consumers can check the discount information on the product detail page when purchasing.

In addition, the Taobao platform has also launched a "Super Red Envelope" campaign, during which consumers can receive red envelopes and deduct cash when shopping. The denomination of red envelopes can reach up to 24,618 yuan, and the number is limited, first come, first served.

2. Tmall full discount

Similar to Taobao, the Tmall platform also launched a cross-store full discount activity during the 618 promotion. When consumers purchase event goods, they also need to meet certain conditions to enjoy a full discount of 300-50. Specifically, the actual payment amount of a single order must reach a certain amount in order to enjoy the corresponding full discount. The specific amount of full reduction is determined according to different product categories, and consumers can check the discount information on the product detail page when purchasing.

In addition, the Tmall platform has also launched activities such as "super red envelopes" and "allowances". Consumers can receive red envelopes and allowances during the campaign period, and deduct cash when shopping. The denomination of red envelopes can reach up to 24,618 yuan, and the allowance can be reduced by up to 500 yuan, and the number is limited, first come, first served.

3. Full Discount

The JD platform also launched a cross-store full reduction activity during the 618 promotion. Similar to Taobao and Tmall, consumers need to meet certain conditions when purchasing event products in order to enjoy the full discount. Specifically, the actual payment amount of a single order must reach a certain amount in order to enjoy the corresponding full discount. The specific amount of full reduction is determined according to different product categories, and consumers can check the discount information on the product detail page when purchasing.

In addition, the Jingdong platform has also launched activities such as "Jingxiang Red Envelope" and "Jingxiang Gift Gold". Consumers can receive red envelopes and gift money during the campaign period, and deduct cash when shopping. The denomination of red envelopes can reach up to 23,618 yuan, and the denomination of gift money can reach up to 999 yuan, and the number is limited, first come, first served.

In 2024, the 618 promotion will start and end on the first day, how much will Taobao Tmall Jingdong be full of reduction, and the rules of the event will be introduced

3. Introduction to the rules of the event

1. Activity time: Please pay attention to the schedule of the 618 promotion and plan your shopping plan in advance. Avoid network congestion during peak sales periods, which can affect the shopping experience.

2. Product quality: When consumers rush to buy their favorite goods, they must pay attention to the quality of the goods and the guarantee of after-sales service. Try to choose reputable merchants and brands to ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

3. After-sales service: Understand the merchant's after-sales service policy and return and exchange rules, so that you can solve problems in a timely manner. Try to choose merchants and brands that provide high-quality after-sales service to reduce the risk of subsequent disputes.

5. Reasonable consumption: During the 618 promotion, consumers should maintain a rational consumption attitude and do not blindly follow the trend to buy. Plan your shopping needs and budget reasonably to avoid unnecessary financial stress caused by overspending.

6. Integrity of activities: Abide by the rules and principles of good faith of major platforms, and do not engage in malicious order swiping, false transactions and other behaviors. These behaviors will not only affect their own shopping experience, but also cause damage to the rights and interests of other consumers.

In 2024, the 618 promotion will start and end on the first day, how much will Taobao Tmall Jingdong be full of reduction, and the rules of the event will be introduced

Well, the above is the basic activity introduction of the 618 promotion in 2024, I hope it can help you.

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