
I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

author:Easy to get creative text
I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Text/Yide Chuangwen

Editor/Kung Fu Wow Wow Cub


Rainie Yang's singing was seamlessly connected to her girlhood, and she was ridiculed as a supernumerary, and she fainted with laughter


The video comes from Brilliant Entertainment

Recently, "Take Me Away" sung by Rainie Yang on "Singer 2024" was mixed and matched by a witty netizen and Girls' Generation's "The Boys", and the effect was surprisingly good, and this matter became popular on the Internet.

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Originated from the Internet

At first, someone played with lyrics on social media, but I didn't expect that the two songs were not only not discordant, but unexpectedly harmonious.

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Originated from the Internet

The mash-up video was retweeted like crazy, and fans and music lovers alike exclaimed that the tech was awesome!

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Originated from the Internet

As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments poured in

Some of these netizens' comments are even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look

It felt like her pulse-high voice wasn't there in the original plan

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Can I say that Xu Xian's singing and dancing are more stable than her standing stakes

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Netizen: Rainie Yang is really nervous this time, it's okay to see her sing live before

If you don't understand, I asked Rainie Yang what happened to the two words "pulse" sang

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Haha, it's not like you suddenly want to soar high, and you can't soar

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Netizen: I really laughed to death, Rainie Yang: Slapping, Zheng Xiuyan: myboy

When she opened her mouth, I knew she was nervous and out of tune

I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

Easy to get a view

Unexpectedly, the two songs were not only not discordant, but unexpectedly harmonious. It was really unexpected, it felt like two songs were meant to be like this.

It sounds like both the tenderness of "Take Me Away" and the dynamism of "The Boys", and the effect is refreshing.

The mash-up video was retweeted like crazy, and fans and music lovers alike exclaimed that the tech was awesome! I have to admire the creativity and technical level of netizens now.

I used to think it was difficult to mix and match music, but now it seems that with a lot of heart and a bit of technical foundation, it can really create unexpected effects.

Music is inherently transcendent across languages and cultures, and mash-ups are about bringing different elements together to create new possibilities. It breaks our stereotypes of songs and brings a whole new experience.

Especially in this online age, where people can freely create and share, such ideas are easier to discover and disseminate.

In addition, I think this kind of mashup also gives more exposure and recognition to the original singer and the song. Rainie Yang's "Take Me Away" and Girls' Generation's "The Boys" are both very classic songs.

Through such mash-ups, it may attract some listeners who are not familiar with these songs, and let them rediscover these good songs.

It's a really fun mix of music. I hope to see more creative works like this in the future, not only in music, but also in other artistic fields.

There is no limit to creativity, as long as you dare to think and dare to do, you can bring more surprises and touches.



Editor's note: The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

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I can't laugh anymore, when Rainie Yang sings and seamlessly splices Girlhood, I died laughing in the comment area of netizens

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