
If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

author:Xiao Chen's story



In the vast ocean of literature, the four masterpieces are like four towering lighthouses, illuminating the long history of Chinese culture. When such a proposition is thrown - if one of the four famous books were to be deleted, which one would you choose? The answers of netizens are surprisingly unanimous, pointing to "Dream of Red Mansions". What are the underlying reasons behind this choice?

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

We have to face up to the unique position of "Dream of Red Mansions" among the four famous novels. Compared with the other three works, "Dream of Red Mansions" focuses more on the history of the rise and fall of a family, and shows the complexity and profundity of human nature through the love tragedy of the Grand View Garden. This delicate depiction that goes deep into the bone marrow makes "Dream of Red Mansions" reach an unprecedented height in terms of emotion and humanity.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

This high degree of artistic achievement also makes it an "inaccessible" text. In the fast-paced life of modern society, people are often more willing to choose works with ups and downs and distinctive characters, but the depth and complexity of "Dream of Red Mansions" have made it marginalized to a certain extent.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

From the choices of netizens, we can also get a glimpse of the aesthetic tendencies of contemporary society. In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin" and "Journey to the West",

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

What we see is the heroic deeds of heroes and heroes, their brilliant achievements in history or mythology.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

The protagonists in these stories are either loyal and brave, or righteous and cloudy, or witty and brave,

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

All meet the expectations of modern people for "heroes". And Jia Baoyu in "Dream of Red Mansions" is a sentimental and weak character.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

Although he was born in a famous family, he has no intention of pursuing a career; Although he is inextricably linked with many women, he has never been able to get rid of his inner struggle and pain. This kind of image, which is contrary to the values of modern society, makes it difficult for Jia Baoyu to be recognized in the hearts of netizens.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

Furthermore, we cannot ignore the conflict between the family relations of feudal society and the values of modern society as shown in Dream of Red Mansions. In "Dream of Red Mansions", we see how a huge family gradually declines under the shackles of feudal etiquette. This kind of family relationship is in line with the individual independence,

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

The spirit of freedom and equality is far from it. Therefore, when netizens are faced with such a proposition, they may be more inclined to choose works that are more in line with modern values.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

Although "Dream of Red Mansions" has become the object of "deletion" in the choice of netizens, we cannot deny its important position and unique value in the history of literature. As a masterpiece integrating literature, art, and philosophy,

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

Dream of the Red Chamber is not only the pinnacle of classical Chinese literature, but also a treasure in the treasure trove of world literature. The wisdom of life, emotional experience and profound analysis of human nature contained in it make it a classic that we should cherish and inherit.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!


Although the choices of netizens are unexpected, they reflect the aesthetic tendencies and values of contemporary society. In the face of such a virtual proposition, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude, and deeply explore the value and meaning behind each work. Because whether it is "Dream of Red Mansions" or the other three masterpieces, they are all treasures of Chinese culture, and they are all worthy of our savoring and inheritance.

If one of the four famous books had to be deleted, how would you choose? The answers from netizens are surprisingly consistent!

What do you think of these four masterpieces? What's your favorite one? Welcome to leave your views in the comment area!