
Don't be deceived by the anti-Japanese drama! The real "devil enters the village" is far more desperate than you think

author:Run to the rising sun

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Don't be deceived by the anti-Japanese drama! The real "devil enters the village" is far more desperate than you think

During the years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, countless Chinese sons and daughters fought to the death against the Japanese army in order to defend their homeland. However, on today's TV screens, some anti-Japanese dramas downplay that period of history, and even distort and beautify it. Today, I want to tell a true story that will take you into that desperate history and feel the heaviness and cruelty of that time.

Don't be deceived by the anti-Japanese drama! The real "devil enters the village" is far more desperate than you think

In that stormy era, there was a small village called Lijiazhuang. The people here lived a peaceful and simple life, however, with the invasion of the Japanese army, their peaceful life was completely shattered.

One morning, the sky was not yet fully bright, and the villagers of Lijiazhuang were still asleep. Suddenly, the silence was pierced by a shrill burst of gunfire, followed by the shouts of Japanese soldiers and the sound of horses' hooves. The villagers climbed out of their beds in horror to see a group of Japanese soldiers brandishing knives and guns and charging viciously into the village.

Don't be deceived by the anti-Japanese drama! The real "devil enters the village" is far more desperate than you think

The Japanese army unleashed a frenzied massacre and plunder in the villages. They searched from house to house, pulled villagers out of their hiding places, and then brutally killed them. For a time, the entire village was shrouded in blood and fire. Cries and screams followed, and the villagers fell into endless despair.

In this desperate moment, a young man named Li Ergou stepped forward. He was originally an ordinary peasant, but in the face of Japanese aggression, he chose to resist bravely. He picked up the hoe at home and fought to the death with the Japanese army. However, due to the gap in weapons and training, Li Ergou was quickly subdued by the Japanese army.

Don't be deceived by the anti-Japanese drama! The real "devil enters the village" is far more desperate than you think

The Japanese tied Li Ergou to a big tree at the entrance of the village and threatened the villagers to hand over food and property. Although the villagers were afraid, they were even more reluctant to succumb to the intimidation of the invaders. They stood up one after another and fought against the Japanese army. However, under the strong firepower of the Japanese army, the villagers soon fell into a bitter battle.

The battle lasted a whole day, and Lijiazhuang was reduced to ruins. Many villagers were killed in the battle, and Li Ergou was also seriously wounded. He lay in a pool of blood, looking at the tragic situation around him, and his heart was filled with endless despair. He realized that they alone would not be able to defeat the Japanese army.

Don't be deceived by the anti-Japanese drama! The real "devil enters the village" is far more desperate than you think

However, just when Li Ergou was feeling desperate, he heard gunshots in the distance. It turned out that it was anti-Japanese forces from nearby villages who came to support. Together with the villagers of Lijiazhuang, they launched a counterattack against the Japanese army. Although they were poorly armed and poorly trained, they fought to the death against the Japanese army with firm faith and courage.

After fierce fighting, the anti-Japanese forces and the villagers finally drove the Japanese out of the village. However, the victory did not bring joy and celebration. Because the villagers know that this is just one of many battles. They have more challenges and difficulties to face.

Don't be deceived by the anti-Japanese drama! The real "devil enters the village" is far more desperate than you think

In this real "devil enters the village", we see the cruelty and despair of war. We saw the great sacrifices made by the villagers to defend their homes. We have seen the desperate struggle between the anti-Japanese armed forces and the villagers for the dignity of the nation. These real histories are far more cruel and desperate than those anti-Japanese dramas show.

However, it is precisely these real histories that give us a profound warning. It tells us: don't believe those film and television works that glorify war; Don't forget that humiliating history; Don't forget the martyrs who made great sacrifices for the cause of the War of Resistance. We must remember history and cherish peace; We must strive to build a more just and stronger country; We must always be vigilant to ourselves: don't forget that period of history, don't forget those martyrs who made great sacrifices for the cause of the Anti-Japanese War!

So, back to real life, what can we do? Should we cherish the peaceful life we live now? Should we pay more attention to the heroes who have sacrificed so much for their country? Should we study and work harder to contribute to the prosperity of our country?

Let us think about these issues together and use our actions to remember history and cherish peace!