
Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

author:Senior science popularizer


The human eye can only see visible light, but devices can detect cosmic background noise, or what is often referred to as "microwave background radiation".

In fact, this is also the trace left after the Big Bang in ancient times, and the older and more mysterious information carrier is what we are going to talk about today as "gravitational waves", which come from the disturbance of the surrounding space-time structure caused by the movement and collision of massive celestial bodies.

In 1974, Nobel Prize-winning Stephen Hawking and Hans-Bauer proposed the existence of gravitational waves after research and speculation, and it is only now that people have actually discovered it.

So what kind of "creation" secrets are contained in this "information"?

1. Information carriers older than light.

In November 2002, NASA announced the results of the microwave background radiation measurement experiment, which was also an important breakthrough for mankind to further understand the Big Bang.

So what is this radiation?

The three numbering measurements in 1955, 1965 and 1989 were all aimed at better studying the radiation of the universe and unveiling the veil of life in the earlier universe.

In 1955, Robert H. Eddar, a professor of physics at Princeton University in the United States, discovered the microwave work of background radiation.

Through the heat of dust particles, he found that objects such as dust clouds orbiting the sun emitted microwaves, thus verifying the microwave work of background radiation.

In 1965, two astrophysicists, Brandon and Penzias, discovered microwave background radiation for the first time in their work, and these two physicists won the Nobel Prize in Physics in one fell swoop.

In 1958, the American astronomer Alan John Turneder was hinted at the concept of cosmic microwave background radiation after doing some research in the field.

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

In 1989, three American scientists, including George Smoot, John Kaufman and Steve Selfman, jointly won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

That's because they used NASA's Cooper General Relativity Satellite (COBE) to study the data on the sub-small-angle probe, and they began to study the microwave background radiation it measured.

Their research further verified the Big Bang, and the detected microwave background radiation is the traces left over from the early Big Bang in the universe.

Then, in 2013, the European Space Agency (ESA) used the Planck satellite to make precise measurements of microwave background radiation.

This measurement takes us back to the moment when the Big Bang happened, and even before the Big Bang, what secrets did these microwave background radiation hide?

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

Microwave background radiation refers to the microwave radiation that exists in the universe and originates far away from the Earth, even farther than the Milky Way.

Those locations like the constellation Sagittarius, 90,000 light-years away from our Earth, are the source of the microwave background radiation, which represents the cosmic background temperature.

Millions of years after the Big Bang, the temperature slowly increased, and when the temperature reached 3,000 degrees Celsius, electrons and atoms began to combine.

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

This ionized world becomes electrified, and the light produced by the sun is created by electrons and atoms, so that the state of the universe becomes gradually transparent.

In this bound matter, photons began to propagate freely through the universe, and even to this day, these photons also become part of the microwave background radiation in the universe.

2. The existence of gravitational waves in the early universe.

Gravitational waves are considered to be carriers of cosmic "information" older than this, and they are generated by the huge gravitational waves brought by the motion and collision of massive celestial bodies, and this wave also causes huge disturbances to the surrounding space-time structure.

The process of gravitational wave generation can be analogous to the generation of ripples, when we throw a sinking stone into the water, it creates ripples, which are centered on the stone and continue to spread around.

When these waves reach the shore, we can see the effect of waves on the water, and this wave effect forms waves.

It's like at this moment when you and I are on Earth, and there's a big earthquake on Earth, and this movement spreads to the universe – this physical process is gravitational waves.

Once the gravitational wave is generated, it will continue to spread towards the surroundings at the speed of light, and this wave-like space is the disturbance caused by the propagation of the wave source, and the speed is equal when propagating in different areas.

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

In 1916, Stephen Hawking discovered the existence of gravitational waves and developed mathematical formulas to prove the existence of gravitational waves, but no one believed in the existence of such radiation at the time.

It was not until 1974 that Hawking and Hans-Bauer first proposed the existence of gravitational waves on the basis of research and speculation.

In 2009, gravitational waves were proven to exist and detected, and in 2016, the LIGO detector was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for its discovery and eventual adaptation to the original theory.

Unlike light particles, gravitational wave particles can enter colored objects, so gravitational waves will propagate in different ways in either case, so this wave will have many different "frequencies", just like early radio stations, different frequencies will have different effects.

The LIGO detector detects gravitational wave signals generated by the collision of black holes, but cannot receive low-frequency gravitational wave signals, which can be very low, even once in millions of years.

Therefore, at present, human beings cannot receive the signal of this gravitational wave, but this wave has an important role, and can even help mankind to find extraterrestrial civilizations.

So what is the importance of this wave?

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

3. The significance of gravitational waves.

Gravitational waves are the most new exploratory tool in the universe, just as people's eyes can only see "visible light", our ears can only hear "sound waves", and this wave is a new breakthrough in human exploration of the universe.

In 2015, for the first time in human history, the gravitational waves generated by the collision of black holes were detected by the LIGO detector in the United States.

This major breakthrough also laid the foundation for mankind to further explore the invisible universe.

The major breakthrough of gravitational waves also contains a huge amount of energy, which has been described by scientists decades ago, but because it cannot be verified, it has been in suspense and entangled for a long time.

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

It wasn't until 2015 that the location of the black hole was completed with great difficulty, and the computer fed back a lot of information, and when the signal was finally obtained, I don't know how many times it was located, and finally confirmed the source of the signal, which also laid an important foundation for human beings in exploring gravitational waves.

On June 1, 2017, the European Gravitational Wave Detector also detected the collision of two special black holes and transmitted the information of this wave to Earth.

Scientists used the data to test the collision and concluded that this was the third detection of gravitational waves, which paved the way for humans to explore more "invisible" elements.

The detection process of gravitational waves is also a vast mysteries of the universe, which can spread to very distant places on the earth, and even at great distances, it can "easily" pass through the "coat" to transmit.

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

Therefore, in the exploration and study of gravitational waves, we also propose to use gravitational waves to communicate with extraterrestrial creatures in the future, either in computers or when they converge to a certain number, which may also be a way for human beings to explore the universe and help us find more extraterrestrial creatures.

This idea is also deeply felt by human beings, if gravitational waves can be used to communicate with extraterrestrial creatures, then human exploration will definitely be a big step forward, and it can even be said that it can be said that a new world can be explored.

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

Today, all theories are part of science, and gravitational waves can be used to bring new breakthroughs in human exploration, increase control over extraterrestrial life, and even find a lot of extraterrestrial treasures.

The development of gravitational wave detection technology may be to give birth to new scientific and technological breakthroughs, and its emergence may be like Edison's invention of the electric light bulb.

After the discovery of gravitational waves by the LIGO probe, scientists also thought of gravitational wave communication, which is the technology that uses gravitational waves to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations, and this technology will also open up new possibilities for human exploration and communication in the universe.

With the gradual maturity of gravitational wave detection technology, the research on gravitational waves will move towards a new milestone.

Older than light, the early cosmic gravitational waves, hold the secrets of creation

In the study of gravitational waves, scientists will have a deeper understanding of the basic laws of the universe, space-time, etc., which will play a role in promoting the fields of physics and astronomy, and will also greatly expand the boundaries of human cognition of the universe.

With the passage of time, human beings will also explore more unknown mysteries of the universe through the research and application of gravitational waves.


When exploring gravitational waves, we should also pay attention to their impact on the environment, not only that its impact on the earth is also potential, so we must control it in the process of exploration, and we cannot ignore its impact on human beings and the earth because of temporary results.

The exploration of gravitational waves requires not only the continuous efforts of scientists, but also global cooperation, which can bring greater effects to the further development and popularization of gravitational wave technology and applications.