
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me
No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me

In ancient times, in the Central Plains, there was a small town called Yunmeng. There was a young man in the town, named Lin Feng, who was different, always a loner and didn't ask about the world. People say that he has a withdrawn personality and has his own world in his heart, and no matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with him.

Lin Feng was not born so indifferent, he once had a happy family, loving parents, and harmonious brothers. However, a sudden plague took the lives of all his loved ones, leaving him alone. Since then, Lin Feng has closed his heart, no longer trusting others easily, and no longer caring about world affairs.

One day, a healer named Bai Hua came to Yunmeng Town. He was a skilled physician and kind-hearted, and he cured the ailments of countless patients in the town. Bai Hua's arrival aroused a warm welcome from the residents of the town, who praised Bai Hua as a living bodhisattva and a hero who rescued the suffering.

However, in Lin Feng's view, these praises are insignificant. He still walks alone in the mountains and forests of the town every day, picking herbs and studying medicine. Although he knew that Bai Hua's medical skills were superior to his own, he was not jealous or envious, and just silently did his own thing.

One day, when Lin Feng was collecting medicine in the mountains, he accidentally fell into the valley and was seriously injured. He struggled to call for help, only to find himself in a deserted place with no one to help. Just when he was about to despair, Bai Hua happened to pass by here and found Lin Feng who was dying.

Bai Hua did not hesitate, and immediately used his medical skills to heal Lin Feng's injuries. After several days of careful care, Lin Feng's injuries gradually improved. During this time, Bai Hua not only treated Lin Feng's physical pain, but also tried to go into his heart and share his stories and experiences with him.

Bai Hua told Lin Feng that he was also a lonely orphan, but he chose to believe in the goodness and beauty of human nature, used medical skills to help others, and also allowed himself to find the meaning and value of life. Bai Hua's words made Lin Feng begin to reflect on his lifestyle and attitude.

As time passed, Lin Feng gradually opened his heart and began to accept Bai Hua's help and care. He discovers that he is not really cold and unforgiving, but that the pain of his past makes it difficult for him to believe and accept the kindness of others. With Bai Hua by his side, Lin Feng regained his love and confidence in life.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, Bai Hua received a letter from afar, saying that there was a serious epidemic in his hometown and that he needed to go back immediately for treatment. Bai Hua knew that he had a great responsibility, so he decided to leave Yunmeng Town and return to his hometown.

Before leaving, Bai Hua found Lin Feng, left him his medical skills and medical books, and told him: "In life, although we sometimes encounter misfortunes and setbacks, as long as we maintain a kind and optimistic attitude and believe in the beauty and kindness in human nature, we can find the meaning and value of life." You are not alone, and there are many people in this world who need your help and care. ”

Bai Hua's words deeply moved Lin Feng. He realized that his previous lifestyle was too closed and narrow-minded, and he decided to change himself and use his medical skills to help more people.

Inspired by Bai Hua, Lin Feng began to travel around, using medical skills to treat patients. He used his practical actions to prove that the beauty and goodness of human nature exist. His acts of kindness touched more and more people, and they began to join him and contribute their strength to the world together.

In the end, Lin Feng finally understood the true meaning of the sentence "No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me". He realizes that although everyone's life experiences and choices are different, as long as we maintain a kind and optimistic attitude towards others and the world, we can find our own happiness and meaning. He no longer closes his heart, but uses his actions to influence and change the world.