
The Premier League may abandon the use of VAR and return to refereeing, and the team will face an important choice

author:Ah Fei talks to you about sports

The use of VAR (Video Assistant Referee) has been a point of controversy in football. Recently, Premier League club Wolves stepped forward and submitted a resolution asking for a vote on whether to abolish VAR at the annual general meeting in June. The proposal would require the support of at least 13 clubs across all teams in the Premier League to pass, with Wolves actively campaigning for agreement.

The Premier League may abandon the use of VAR and return to refereeing, and the team will face an important choice

Wolves' displeasure with VAR is not unfounded. They believe that since the introduction of VAR in the 2019/20 season, while the intention was to improve the fairness of the game, the actual effect has had a number of negative consequences. In their statement, Wolves mentioned that VAR has damaged the relationship between fans and football, affecting the value of the Premier League brand. They argue that the price paid for a little bit of accuracy is not worth it, especially when it goes against the spirit of the game of football.

Wolves manager Gary O'Neill has felt the bitterness of VAR on a number of occasions this season. He often receives apology calls from FA chief executive Howard Webb after games, which, while apologizing, do not change the outcome of the game.

The Premier League may abandon the use of VAR and return to refereeing, and the team will face an important choice

The Premier League has a different view. They argue that the abolition of VAR could lead to an increase in the number of bad decisions, which could affect the reputation of the league. A Premier League spokesperson said VAR would be discussed at the AGM and acknowledged concerns and questions about the use of VAR. But they also stressed that the league supports the use of VAR and is committed to working with the FA to improve the system.

This debate over VAR touches on the core values of the game of football. On the one hand, the introduction of VAR aims to reduce obvious misdecisions and improve the fairness of the game; On the other hand, over-reliance on technology can weaken the fluidity and enjoyment of the game, and even affect the emotional experience of fans.

Wolves' proposal will spark a discussion about the future of football. This is not only a debate about technology and humanity, but also a battle between tradition and innovation. In this debate, there is no absolute right or wrong, only a balance of different views and interests.

The Premier League may abandon the use of VAR and return to refereeing, and the team will face an important choice

The position of the Premier League and the FA is that VAR is an important tool to improve the fairness of the game and they will continue to work to improve the system to better serve the game and the fans. They believe that without VAR, there will be an increased risk of wrongful decisions, which could cause damage to the league's reputation.

Wolves' proposal also reflects the sentiments of some clubs and fans. They argue that the use of VAR has gone beyond its original intent and that what is needed now is a constructive and critical debate on VAR. They hope that through voting, the game of football will return to a more natural and human state.

It is not yet known what the final outcome of this VAR discussion will be. What is certain is that both for and against, all parties are working for the better development of football. at

The VAR controversy reflects the contradictions and challenges in the modernization of football. On the one hand, the pursuit of technical assistance to improve the fairness of the game; On the other hand, there is a fear that technology will undermine the natural and human spirit of the game.

What is needed in this debate is a balance, one that uses technology to improve the quality of the game while maintaining the essence of the game. This requires not only communication and understanding between clubs, league organizers and fans, but also a deep awareness and respect for the core values of football. Only in this way can we jointly promote the healthy development of football and make this sport shine with new brilliance in the new era.

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