
The woman disliked her husband's cowardice, and once a bandit entered the village to loot, she realized that she had misunderstood

author:Chuangyi is important

The tenacity of a cowardly husband

In a distant ancient village, there is a story about Li Xiu'er and her husband Lin San. Li Xiu'er is a beautiful and proud woman, she is smart and clever, and has a pair of eyes as bright as autumn water. However, her biggest heart problem is her seemingly cowardly husband Lin San.

Lin San was an ordinary farmer, he was thin and dark-skinned, and he always worked silently in the fields. He never argues with others, is polite to everyone, and even chooses to tolerate bullying from others. Li Xiu'er was often dissatisfied with this, she felt that Lin San was too cowardly to give her a sense of security.

The rest of the people in the village didn't have a high opinion of Lin San, they felt that Lin San was a bloodless man who didn't deserve a good wife like Li Xiu'er. However, Lin San always laughed at this and never took it to heart. He loves Li Xiuer deeply and is willing to give everything for her, even if she misunderstands and blames him.

The days passed like this, and Li Xiuer's dislike of Lin San became deeper and deeper. She often complained in front of friends and neighbors that she was married to a useless man. And Lin San always listened silently and never refuted.

Until one day, a sudden disaster shattered the tranquility of the village. A group of vicious bandits took advantage of the darkness to break into the village, and they burned, killed, looted, and did all kinds of evil. The villagers panicked and fled in all directions. Li Xiu'er was also frightened, she didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Lin San stepped forward. Wielding a hoe, he bravely rushed at the bandits. His eyes were full of determination and courage, and he was like the usual cowardly him. He shouted loudly for the villagers not to be afraid, to unite against the bandits.

The woman disliked her husband's cowardice, and once a bandit entered the village to loot, she realized that she had misunderstood

Inspired by Li San, some brave villagers also stood up, armed with farm tools, and engaged in a fierce fight with the bandits. Although they were few in number, their courage and determination shocked the bandits. After a fierce battle, the bandits were finally driven out of the village.

The villagers cheered and celebrated the victory. They surrounded Lin San one after another, praising him for his bravery and strength. And Li Xiu'er also stood in the crowd in a daze, looking at her husband who was surrounded by everyone, her heart was full of surprise and guilt.

She suddenly realized that she had misunderstood Lin San all along. He is not cowardly, but has his own persistence and beliefs. The reason why he chose to tolerate is not because he is afraid, but because he knows how to be more tolerant and understanding. He was able to stand up and protect himself and his family at critical moments, and this is a real man.

Li Xiu'er stepped forward and hugged Lin San tightly. Her tears slid down her cheeks and dripped down Lin San's shoulders. She choked up and said, "I'm sorry, I blamed you wrong." You are a true hero and my favorite husband. ”

Lin San smiled and patted Li Xiu'er on the back and said, "It's okay, Xiu'er." I know you've always been bitter in your heart. But please believe that no matter what difficulties you encounter, I will be by your side, protect you, and love you. ”

Since then, Li Xiuer's attitude towards Lin San has changed dramatically. She no longer disliked him for his cowardice and incompetence, but began to appreciate his tenacity and bravery. She cherished her relationship with Lin San even more, and the two worked hard to run the family together and lived a happy life.

And the rest of the village was also impressed by Lin San, and they began to respect and admire him. They asked Lin San for advice on how to become a real man, and Lin San always told them with a smile: "In fact, everyone has a tenacity and courage in their hearts, as long as they believe in themselves and move forward bravely, they will be able to overcome all difficulties." ”

The woman disliked her husband's cowardice, and once a bandit entered the village to loot, she realized that she had misunderstood

Since that bandit incident, Li Xiu'er's opinion of Lin San has completely changed. She began to look at the man she once hated with fresh eyes, and found many good qualities in him that she had not noticed before. Although Lin San doesn't talk much, he does what he says every time, and he is a man of action; Although he was thin and weak, he was never lazy in his work, and he always took care of the farm work at home; Although he is not good at arguing with people, he has a forgiving heart and can always forgive others for their mistakes.

Li Xiu'er began to take the initiative to participate in the affairs of the family, discussing with Lin San how to improve her life. She found that as long as the two of them worked together, there was nothing that could not be solved. Gradually, their home became warm and harmonious, full of laughter.

However, the good times were short-lived. A few years later, the village was hit by a severe drought. Crops withered, water sources dried up, and the villagers' lives were in dire straits. Many people have chosen to leave the village in search of a new livelihood. But Lin San chose to stay, he wanted to protect the land, and he also wanted to protect his family.

Li Xiu'er looked at Lin San's firm eyes, and her heart was full of admiration. She knew that although this man seemed cowardly on the outside, he was stronger than anyone else on the inside. She decided to face this disaster with Lin San and protect this home together.

They began to search for water, trying all sorts of ways to save the withered crops. Although the process was full of hardships and difficulties, the two never gave up. They supported and encouraged each other, and strengthened each other's feelings in the face of adversity.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the two, they found a hidden spring. Although the amount of water is not large, it is enough to sustain the basic life of the village. After learning the good news, the villagers returned to the village one after another to rebuild their homes with Li Xiu'er and Lin San.

The woman disliked her husband's cowardice, and once a bandit entered the village to loot, she realized that she had misunderstood

After the drought, the village has regained its former vigor and vitality. The villagers were full of gratitude to Lin San and Li Xiu'er, and they knew that without the couple's persistence and efforts, the village would have been deserted long ago.

And the relationship between Lin San and Li Xiuer has also been sublimated in this disaster. They cherish each other more and understand the true meaning of life more. They know that only by supporting each other and facing difficulties together can they go through the ups and downs and twists and turns of life.

Now, Lin San and Li Xiuer are old. Their children are all married and have a good life. But the two still rely on each other and support each other. They often sit on a small stone bench in front of the door, reminiscing about the past. Whenever this happens, a happy smile spreads across their faces.

Their stories have been told through generations in the village. People said, "Look at Lin San and Li Xiu'er, they are the real heroes." They use their actions to interpret what tenacity is, what love is, and what family is. ”

Over time, the story of Lin San and Li Xiu'er became a good story in the village and became a force to inspire future generations. Their children are deeply influenced by their parents and have shown resilience in their respective fields.

Although Lin San and Li Xiu'er are old, their hearts have never grown old. They still maintain their love of life and deep affection for each other. Whenever there are young people in the village who encounter setbacks, they will always listen patiently and give each other encouragement and inspiration with their own experience and wisdom.

The woman disliked her husband's cowardice, and once a bandit entered the village to loot, she realized that she had misunderstood

One day, a group of ferocious beasts appeared in the mountains and forests near the village, and they frequently appeared and threatened the lives of the villagers. The villagers were terrified and sought a solution. At this time, Lin San stood up, and he said that he had learned some hunting skills when he was young, and he was willing to lead several young people into the mountains to drive away wild beasts.

Although Li Xiu'er was worried about her husband's safety, she knew that Lin San's decision was well thought out. She silently packed for him and prayed for his safe return.

Under the leadership of Lin San, the young people successfully drove the beast out of the mountain forest. When they returned triumphantly, they were warmly welcomed and praised by the whole village. Lin San's name spread throughout the village again, and he became a hero in the hearts of the villagers.

However, Lin San was not complacent because of this. He knows that his success is inseparable from the support and help of his wife Li Xiuer. He looked at his wife gratefully, his eyes full of affection and respect.

On Li Xiu'er's 80th birthday, Lin San held a grand celebration for her. He invited all his relatives, friends and neighbors to come to his home and send blessings to Li Xiu'er. At the celebration, Lin San delivered a touching speech, in which he thanked his wife for her companionship and support over the years, and thanked her for giving him a warm home and a happy life.

Li Xiuer listened to her husband's speech, and tears blurred her eyes. She knows that she is married to the best husband and is proud and happy to be his wife.

At the last moment of their lives, Lin San and Li Xiuer still held hands and depended on each other. They have gone through ups and downs, ups and downs in life together. Their love and tenacity became a timeless legend and model for the village.

The woman disliked her husband's cowardice, and once a bandit entered the village to loot, she realized that she had misunderstood

When Lin San passed away peacefully in his sleep, Li Xiuer held his hand tightly and did not shed a single tear. She knew that her husband had gone through his life and that his spirit and love would always be with her. She gently stroked her husband's face and smiled at him, "My dear, you are gone, but your love will remain in my heart forever." ”

With the help of the villagers, Li Xiuer held a simple and solemn funeral for Lin San. She placed a pair of mandarin duck pillows embroidered by herself in her husband's coffin, implying that they would always be together and never separated.

Li Xiu'er is still living strong after her husband's death. She often sat on a small stone bench in front of the door and reminisced about the good times she spent with her husband. She always had a happy smile on her face, as if her husband was still by her side.

In the days after Lin San's death, although Li Xiuer's life lacked the company of her husband, her heart was still full of firmness and strength. She often recalls the days she spent with Lin San, those challenges, those difficulties, and how they overcame them together. These memories gave her endless courage and strength to be strong to face every day of her life.

Li Xiu'er began to participate more actively in the activities of the village, and she used her wisdom and experience to help the villagers solve various problems. Whether it is a child in the village who is struggling with their studies or a young person who is experiencing setbacks in life, Li Xiu'er will patiently listen, give advice and encouragement. Her kindness and tenacity have won the deep respect and love of the villagers.

In the corner of the village, Li Xiuer also opened a small library to take out the books that she and Lin San treasured before their deaths to share with everyone. She hopes that these books will bring knowledge and inspiration to the villagers, so that they can have more courage and wisdom in the face of difficulties.

The woman disliked her husband's cowardice, and once a bandit entered the village to loot, she realized that she had misunderstood

Li Xiu'er also personally took care of the elderly and orphans in the village, and she used her actions to explain what true love and responsibility are. Her acts of kindness have made the village more harmonious and warmer.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Xiuer has also entered her old age. Her body was weakening, but her spirit was still resilient. Every day, she would sit on the small stone bench in front of the door, looking out at the mountains and fields in the distance, and her heart was full of gratitude and satisfaction for life.

In the last moments of her life, Li Xiuer recalled her life. She remembered the good times she spent with Lin San, the challenges and difficulties they experienced together, and how they overcame the tribulations of life together. Her heart was filled with gratitude and happiness because she knew that she was married to the best husband and was proud and happy to be his wife.

On the day of Li Xiu'er's death, the whole village was immersed in grief. The villagers have come to mourn this great woman, whose tenacity and kindness will forever be etched in their hearts.

To commemorate the contributions and achievements of Li Xiu'er and Lin San, the villagers decided to erect a monument in the village. The monument is inscribed with the names and deeds of the couple, as well as their lifetime motto: "Love and tenacity are the most precious treasures in life." "This monument is not only a memorial and remembrance of the couple, but also an encouragement and inspiration to future generations.

As the years passed, the story of Li Xiuer and Lin San was passed down from generation to generation in the village. Their tenacity and love have become a treasure for the village, inspiring everyone who comes after them to face life's challenges and difficulties bravely. And their stories will always be remembered in the hearts of the villagers, becoming their eternal pride and example.