
The farmer moved into a new house, and a year later, the house was surrounded by four walls, and the Taoist priest: You have a grain worm in your house

author:Sport pineapple 3W9w

Farmer's new house with grain worms

In a remote village, Zhang Laohan finally built a magnificent new house with years of hard work and frugality. The new house sits in the north and faces south, with blue bricks and black tiles, which looks particularly dazzling in the afterglow of the sunset. Zhang Laohan stood in front of the door, his face full of pride and satisfaction in the wrinkles.

However, the good times were short-lived. Soon after Zhang Laohan moved into his new home, he encountered a series of strange things. First, the family's food was inexplicably reduced, and then the livestock fell ill and even died one after another. The old people in the village said that it might be a problem with the feng shui of Zhang Laohan's new house, or it was a collision with some god. But Zhang Laohan is a stubborn person, he doesn't believe these superstitious statements, he just thinks it's his bad luck.

A year has passed, and Zhang Laohan's family situation has deteriorated, almost to the point where the family is surrounded by four walls. His mental state is also much worse than before, and he is worried all day long, and his brows are tightly locked. The villagers saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts, but no one could help them.

On this day, a wandering Taoist priest came to the village. He was wearing a cyan robe, holding a whisk in his hand, looking like a fairy wind bone. The Taoist priest wandered around the village for a few days, and after hearing about what happened to Zhang Laohan, he took the initiative to visit him.

When Zhang Laohan saw the Taoist priest visiting, although he was a little puzzled, he still warmly welcomed him. The Taoist priest looked around, and then slowly spoke: "Old man, I already know the problem of your family. There's a grain worm in this house, and it's the one that's causing trouble. ”

Zhang Laohan was shocked when he heard this: "Five grain worms? What's that? ”

The Taoist priest stroked his beard and explained, "The grain worm is an evil creature that lives in the house, and feeds on the grain to suck away the wealth and luck of the family. If it is not removed, the family will continue to decay. ”

After hearing this, Zhang Laohan was anxious: "Dao Chief, please help me!" What should I do? ”

The Taoist priest pondered for a moment and said, "To get rid of this grain worm, you need to find its hiding place. This bug is very cunning, and usually hides in the darkest and most unknown corners of the house. Take me around. ”

The farmer moved into a new house, and a year later, the house was surrounded by four walls, and the Taoist priest: You have a grain worm in your house

So, Zhang Laohan led the Taoist priest around the house. The Taoist priest observed as he walked, sometimes frowning and thinking, and sometimes using the compass in his hand to probe. Finally, they came to a side house where the debris was piled up.

The Taoist priest pushed open the door, and a cold air flow rushed towards him. He looked around and locked his gaze on a dilapidated wooden box. The Taoist priest pointed to the wooden box and said, "This grain worm is hidden in this box." ”

Zhang Laohan suspiciously opened the wooden box, only to see that it was full of old clothes and sundries. The Taoist priest asked him to rummage through it, and finally found a small hole under his clothes. The Taoist priest said, "This is where the grain worms hide." ”

Zhang Laohan asked in a panic: "Then what should I do now?" ”

The Taoist priest took out a talisman from his bosom and handed it to Zhang Laohan: "You stick this talisman on the box, and then burn the box and the sundries in it with fire." Remember, recite my name when you burn it for the protection of the gods. ”

Zhang Laohan took the spell and did as the Taoist priest instructed. When he finished reciting the name of the Taoist priest and lit the fire, a sudden gust of wind blew, and the flames instantly rose several feet. Zhang Laohan was so frightened that he hurriedly took a few steps back, only to see that something seemed to be struggling and writhing in the flames. After a few minutes, the fire grew smaller and finally extinguished, leaving a trail of ashes in its wake.

The Taoist priest told Zhang Laohan: "The five grain worms have been removed, and your family's luck will gradually improve." After saying that, he drifted away.

Sure enough, not long after that, Zhang Laohan's family situation began to slowly improve. The villagers all said that the Taoist priest was a fairy who came down to save Zhang Laohan's family. And Zhang Laohan has never forgotten that Taoist priest since then and is grateful.

However, the good times did not last long, and a few months later, something strange happened again in Zhang Laohan's house. This time it's not just a matter of food loss and livestock getting sick; What's even stranger is that in the dead of night, there is always a strange sound in the house, like someone whispering in the dark, and as if something is moving gently.

Zhang Laohan remembered the Taoist priest's advice, and his heart became uneasy. He decided to seek out the Taoist priest again for help; But the strange thing was that no matter how much he inquired, he could no longer find any trace of the Taoist priest.

The farmer moved into a new house, and a year later, the house was surrounded by four walls, and the Taoist priest: You have a grain worm in your house

The villagers also began to talk about it, and some people said that the Taoist priest might be a liar; Some people also say that he may be a high-ranking person, but he doesn't want to be disturbed, so he goes incognito. After hearing this, Zhang Laohan was even more uneasy in his heart.

That night, Zhang Laohan lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Suddenly, he heard a slight sound of footsteps outside; Then there was the sound of rustling, as if someone was rummaging through something. Zhang Laohan got up in horror to check, but found that the courtyard was empty; Only the pile of ashes stood out in the moonlight.

Zhang Laohan suddenly realized that the grain worm may not have been completely eradicated; And it's now more cunning and powerful. He decided to personally look for the traces of the grain worm and eradicate it completely.

So Zhang Laohan began to search around the house for any possible clues. He found that grain worms seemed to be particularly interested in grain; Every time the food is reduced, there are some strange marks, as if it has been scratched by something sharp.

Following these traces, Zhang Laohan finally found the hiding place of the grain worm - a dark compartment located in the corner of the kitchen. He cautiously opened the dark compartment, only to see a huge bug hiding inside; It's jet black, covered in a hard shell, and it looks terrifying.

Zhang Laohan felt a pang in his heart when he saw this, but he knew that he couldn't retreat at this time. He quickly found a shovel and prepared to eradicate the grain worms. However, just as he was about to make a move, the grain worm suddenly let out a sharp hiss, and then pounced on Zhang Laohan!

Zhang Laohan was frightened, but he still bravely waved a shovel and cut at the grain insects. After a fierce battle, the five grain worms were finally defeated and eradicated by Zhang Laohan.

Zhang Laohan gasped and looked at the corpse of the grain worm on the ground, and his heart was full of emotion. He finally understood the words of the Taoist priest: to eradicate the grain worms, you must rely on your own strength and courage; Relying on others will not solve the problem.

Since then, nothing strange has happened in Mr. Zhang's home; His family's situation gradually improved. The villagers asked Zhang Laohan for advice on how to eradicate the grain worms; And Zhang Laohan always laughed and didn't answer, because he knew that not everyone could master this method.

As the days passed, Zhang Laohan gradually grew old; But he still held on to his homeland and his courage and wisdom. He knows that no matter when and where, as long as he has faith and courage, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. And the story about the grain worm has also become a legend in the village through the ages; It inspires generations of people to face life's difficulties and challenges bravely.

The farmer moved into a new house, and a year later, the house was surrounded by four walls, and the Taoist priest: You have a grain worm in your house

However, just when Zhang Laohan thought that he had completely gotten rid of the shadow of the grain worm, an even more bizarre event happened. Early that morning, Zhang Laohan got up as usual to feed the livestock, but found that there was chaos in the barn, and all the animals seemed panicked. He examined it closely, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

That night, Zhang Laohan was lying on the bed when he suddenly heard a series of terrible screams from the direction of the livestock shed. Frightened, he picked up the oil lamp and walked cautiously towards the barn. When he pushed open the door of the barn, he was stunned by what he saw: all the animals were lying on the ground and struggling in agony, and their bodies were covered with blood-red holes, as if they had been punctured by something sharp.

A terrible thought flashed through Zhang Laohan's mind: The grain worm is back! And this time it has become more ferocious and cunning. He hurried back into the house and took out the shovel that had once eradicated the grain worm, determined to start another life-and-death struggle with it.

However, this time, the grain worm seemed to have disappeared without a trace, and no matter how Zhang Laohan searched, he couldn't find any trace of it. The deaths of the cattle continued one after another, and the whole village was enveloped in an atmosphere of terror and unease.

Zhang Laohan realized that he might not be able to deal with this more cunning grain worm on his own. He decides to enlist the help of the rest of the village to fight against this evil being. So he went door-to-door knocking to explain the situation and ask for help.

Although the villagers were afraid, they were also moved by Zhang Laohan's courage and determination; They have expressed their willingness to join the battle against the grain worm. In this way, a "pest control team" composed of villagers was formed; They patrol day and night, set traps and research ways to deal with grain worms.

Finally, one night, the pest control team found a suspicious trace; They followed the trail to a remote corner; A huge cave entrance was found there; There were strange noises and foul smells coming from the caverns; Everyone is sure that this is where the grain worm hides!

They cautiously entered the cave; It was pitch black inside, and I couldn't see my fingers; Only the foul smell grew stronger; Suddenly, a dark shadow swept over their heads; Then came a burst of shrill screams and the sound of wings agitation; Everyone panicked and dodged the attack; At the same time, he waved the weapon in his hand indiscriminately and tried to hit the grain worm.

After a fierce battle, they finally defeated the grain worm; and completely eradicated it in the depths of the cave; When the sun once again shone across the land, the villagers cheered and celebrated the victory; They knew they would never have to fear the threat of grain worms again! And Zhang Laohan also showed a long-lost smile; He thanked everyone for their help and said with emotion: "Only by uniting together can we overcome any difficulties and challenges!" ”

The laughter and laughter of the victory celebration still echoed in the village, but there was always a trace of uneasiness lingering in Zhang Laohan's heart. He was well aware of the evil and cunning of the grain worm, and could this victory really put an end to its threat once and for all?

The farmer moved into a new house, and a year later, the house was surrounded by four walls, and the Taoist priest: You have a grain worm in your house

One night a few days later, Mr. Zhang was woken up by a strange sound. The sound was like a low moan, like an ancient incantation, echoing in the silent night sky, and it was creepy. His heart tightened, could it be that the grain worm was back?

He quietly got up, grabbed a flashlight and shovel, and cautiously walked out of the house. The moonlight was like water, sprinkled on the empty fields, and everything seemed so peaceful and mysterious. However, the voice grew clearer and clearer, as if it was guiding him somewhere.

Zhang Laohan followed the sound and unconsciously came to a ruin on the edge of the village. It used to be an ancient ancestral hall, which has fallen into disrepair and has long been dilapidated. However, there seems to be a mysterious power surging in the ruins at this moment.

He pushed open the half-hidden door and stepped into the dark ancestral hall. The light of the flashlight explored in the darkness, and suddenly, he discovered the source of the sound - an ancient altar. There were strange symbols and totems on the altar, and it was from here that the low moans came from.

Zhang Laohan was shocked in his heart, could it be that the grain worm was not completely eradicated, but was seeking resurrection with the help of this ancient altar? He looked around and suddenly noticed a yellowed ancient book next to the altar. He cautiously turned the pages of the book, only to see that an ancient ritual was recorded, which seemed to be about the resurrection of grain worms.

His heart sank suddenly, and the grain worm was really cunning, and he actually left such a backhand. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Now, he must find a way to stop this evil ritual.

Just then, he suddenly noticed a small hole in the altar. Curious, he took a closer look, only to see a faint glow at the mouth of the cave. Could it be the remnants of the grain worm? He thought to himself that this might be the key to stopping the ritual.

Zhang Laohan resolutely decided that he would put his hand into the hole and destroy the remnants of the grain worm. However, just as he was about to touch the light, a powerful force suddenly struck and knocked him back.

He fell to the ground, barely able to move in pain. However, he knew he couldn't give up. He struggled to his feet and rushed to the altar again. This time, with all his might, he finally touched the light.

Suddenly, a powerful force poured into his body. He felt as if he was being held up by a mysterious force to his feet. He took a deep breath and slammed his palm into the altar.

The farmer moved into a new house, and a year later, the house was surrounded by four walls, and the Taoist priest: You have a grain worm in your house

There was a loud bang, and the altar collapsed instantly. The muffled moan vanished. Zhang Laohan gasped and looked at the collapsed altar, and an indescribable joy swelled in his heart. He knew that he had finally succeeded in stopping the resurrection ritual of the grain worm.

However, just when Zhang Laohan thought that everything was over, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the ruins. He walked out of the rubble and saw the villagers running in a panic.

"Zhang Laohan, it's not good!" The village chief panted and said, "A large number of grain worms have suddenly appeared in the village, and they are frantically destroying crops and houses!" ”

Zhang Laohan's heart tightened, he understood that this was the last counterattack of the grain worm. He immediately organized the villagers to resist, using torches, pesticides and shovels to fight the grain insects to the death.

The battle lasted all night, and the villagers resisted and finally eliminated the grain worm at dawn. The village was in shambles, but the villagers cheered for joy because they knew that this time it was a real victory.

Zhang Laohan stood on the ruins, looking at the rising sun, and his heart was full of emotion. He knew that this victory was not easy to come by, and it was the result of the unity and joint efforts of the villagers. He also understood a truth: only by bravely facing difficulties can we overcome all challenges.

Since then, there is no longer a threat of grain insects in the village, and the villagers live a life of peace and contentment. And Zhang Laohan has also become a hero in the village, and his story has been sung through the ages, inspiring future generations to move forward bravely and defy difficulties.

However, although the threat of grain worms has been eliminated, Zhang Laohan knows that this is not eternal peace. He began to study the ancient texts, trying to find a way to prevent similar disasters from happening again. At the same time, he encouraged the villagers to learn agronomic and defensive skills in case they needed it.

Over time, the village gradually regained its former prosperity. New crops are thriving, livestock are strong, and children are playing in the fields. Zhang Laohan became a respected wise man, and his teachings and guidance benefited the villagers greatly.

On a sunny afternoon, Mr. Zhang sat on a bamboo chair in front of his house, squinting and enjoying the warm sunshine. He recalled those thrilling days, and his heart was full of emotion. He knows that as long as people are united and brave in the face of difficulties, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

The farmer moved into a new house, and a year later, the house was surrounded by four walls, and the Taoist priest: You have a grain worm in your house

Today, the village, which was once ravaged by grain insects, has a new look. And the story of Zhang Laohan has also spread all over the world and has become an eternal legend. When night falls, the villagers sit around the fire and tell the story of how the heroic farmer defeated the grain worm, inspiring generations to move forward and pursue a better life.