
The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

author:The lamb said that everything in the world is going on
The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

Text: Easy to create a text

Editor|Little Sheep says everything in the world


A female driver was almost wronged because of her kindness, and the dash cam made a meritorious contribution at the critical moment!


Video source: Nanchang Evening News

On May 13, in Ma'anshan, Anhui Province, a female driver was driving when a small rear-end collision occurred in front of her, and she kindly stopped to help take a look.

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

Who knows, the person in the accident actually told the traffic police that it had something to do with her! At this moment, kindness almost became a scapegoat.

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

Thankfully, our female driver had a dashcam in her car, a gadget that recorded all the truth and showed that she wasn't involved in the accident at all.

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

With this video, she quickly proved her innocence.

As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Tens of thousands of comments poured in

Some of these netizens' comments are even more interesting and interesting, let's take a look

Netizen: This must not be publicized in the village

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

Netizen: Bring something to eat and go to the intelligence bureau at the head of the village to sit down [tears]

Let the whole village know that the neighbors and neighbors will not help in the future, and it will be easy to rely on them.

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

Netizen: If he is unkind, you will be unjust, and he will publicize it in the village, and the village next to him will also publicize it

Netizen: Everyone in a village dares to lie to it, this is because they are not going to live in the village in the future, otherwise the whole family will not be able to raise their heads

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

Netizen: This matter has been spread in this village for 50 years

If you don't do bad things these days, you are the best good person

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

People's hearts are separated from their stomachs, and it is difficult to be a good person

The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused

What if you don't have a dashcam installed, then you have to rely on it

As soon as this thing is said on the Internet, everyone thinks that this dash cam is too useful! A lot of people are saying that you have to pretend to be one quickly, and these days, no matter how small kindness, without evidence, can really put yourself in trouble.

The lamb has something to say

After reading the story of this female driver in Ma'anshan, I am really angry and happy! Angry, she obviously went to help out of kindness, but she was almost wronged, which made people feel unfair. Fortunately, fortunately, she had a dashcam in her car, which made the truth come to light!

This incident made me deeply realize that the dash cam is really an indispensable "artifact" in modern driving. It can not only record the scenery when you drive, but more importantly, it can become your "ironclad evidence" and protect you from wrongs when you encounter unexpected situations.

And it teaches us a lesson: help others while protecting yourself. In this complex society, good intentions also need to be prepared. So, if you don't have a dashcam in your car yet, you really have to think about it, it may help you a lot at a critical moment!

What do you think about this? Do you have a dash cam or not, and share your views or experiences! Let's cheer together for safe driving and call for those who do good on the road!


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The woman saw a car accident with someone from the same village while driving, and she stepped forward to care for a while, and was almost falsely accused