
Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

author:The red star shines all over the world

Against the backdrop of India's diverse and complex religious and political intertwining, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's actions have always attracted widespread attention and discussion. A recent visit to a historically important Sikh temple in Patna, the capital of Bihar, has once again put him on the cusp of public opinion. This act was seen not only as part of the upcoming election strategy, but also as a subtle adjustment to the relations between the Sikh community at home and abroad.

Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

India, as one of the countries with the most diverse religious beliefs in the world, religion is not only an important part of people's spiritual life, but also a force to be reckoned with in the political ecology. Sikhism, an important religious group in India, has significant political influence in specific regions such as Punjab, although it is relatively small in number. In recent years, international controversies over the Sikh independence movement, particularly related assassinations in Canada and the United States, have led to delicate and strained relations between the Indian government and the Sikh community abroad.

Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

Modi's personal visit to the Sikh temple in Patna, where he participated in the cooking and distribution of food to worshippers, is undoubtedly sending a message to the domestic and international community that the Indian government respects and values the Sikh community. On the face of it, this is a PR campaign to demonstrate the government's inclusiveness and national unity, and is designed to win the trust and support of the Sikhs, especially given the upcoming local elections and the national political landscape, where the orientation of each voter group is crucial.

Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

An in-depth analysis shows that Modi's trip may contain multiple strategic considerations. First, by interacting directly with Sikh believers, Modi seeks to alleviate the unease of religious communities in the country caused by international events and demonstrate the government's openness, which can be used as a bridge to repair or strengthen ties with Sikh communities abroad and reduce diplomatic friction. Second, it could also be a pre-emptive response to potential opposition accusations that the government has failed to effectively address the concerns of religious minorities and demonstrate its efforts to promote religious harmony through action.

Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

However, public opinion on Modi's move has been polarized. Some critics see this as nothing more than a formalistic tactic used by the Modi government, which uses religious sites as political arenas to gain media exposure and popular favor through orchestrated campaigns, without substantial policy support. The social media message "We, the Prime Minister, will not miss any opportunity to take pictures", exemplifies this skeptical attitude. Supporters, on the contrary, stressed that, regardless of the motives, Modi's actions at least demonstrated respect for religious diversity, were a positive symbol of national unity, and that among politicians, being able to truly reach out to the people and understand and experience their daily lives was in itself a rare sincerity.

Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

Modi's activities in Patna were not limited to religious visits, but also included campaign campaigning, highlighting Bihar's pivotal position on India's political map. With 40 seats in the Lok Sabha of India, the political winds of Bihar have a direct impact on the stability and future policy direction of the central government. Modi becoming the first prime minister to conduct a roadshow to conduct a campaign here, not only shows the importance of the region, but also heralds the BJP's ambition to expand its influence across the country.

Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

Analysts have said that Modi's decision not to run in Indian-administered Kashmir may reflect the trust challenges facing the Modi government in specific regions, especially in predominantly Muslim areas. But this decision may also be based on complex political calculations aimed at avoiding unnecessary controversy in sensitive areas and keeping the political focus focused.

Modi also engages in formalism! Feed the Sikhs barefoot! Indian netizen: The prime minister likes to take pictures

To sum up, Modi's religious diplomacy moves, whether interpreted as a formalist show or a sincere effort for national unity, are part of a complex game on India's political scene. In the reality where religion, ethnicity and politics are intertwined, every action carries far-reaching significance and tests the wisdom and courage of politicians. In the end, whether these measures can be translated into actual political capital will take time and the choices of the people to verify.

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