
A foreign princess in exile in China, the royal family asked her to go back and was refused: I have taken root in China

author:Simple Grapes [Real-time Attention]

In the vast sea of people, sometimes a remarkable choice can trigger endless conjectures and discussions. In this profound land of China, the local complex has been like a tenacious seed since ancient times, taking root and sprouting in people's hearts. And in this exotic country, an unexpected and thought-provoking story is quietly unfolding.

She is a royal princess born in a distant country, and from birth she is destined to shoulder the responsibility of inheriting the glory of her family. However, the trajectory of fate is often beyond human control, as in her life journey. A few years ago, she embarked on a journey to China, across borders. Initially, her arrival was seen as a diplomatic event that attracted much attention, but it was not expected that her soul would find an unparalleled habitat in this land.

A foreign princess in exile in China, the royal family asked her to go back and was refused: I have taken root in China

Her years in China are like a colorful picture scroll, which closely connects her with this land. Perhaps it was the dazzling traditional culture, the diverse mountains and rivers, or the hospitable people, all of which made her feel unprecedented intimacy and belonging. A confidant who once looked at her once said, "Here, you are not an outsider, you are family." Gradually, her soul found a place of rest, just as a wandering traveler had finally found a haven of tranquility.

However, the princess's choice inevitably raises doubts. Her family, her bloodline, are waiting for her return in her homeland. Why did she abandon the familiar royal palace, give up her own royal power, and choose to regard China as her home? this

Time relics: The Quanzhou years of the prince of Ceylon

One morning in 1996, the streets of Quanzhou were filled with mist, as if the ancient city was still immersed in a dream. In this tranquil atmosphere, archaeologist Liu Zhicheng walked to an ancient corner with firm steps, and he knew that under this dusty land, there was a secret hidden, a secret that could rewrite history.

On this land stands a stone monument, which is engraved with traces of time, and one of the words is particularly striking - "Shijia Pit". Liu Zhicheng's frowning brow revealed the excitement in his heart, and the broken cultural relics scattered nearby strengthened his belief that an extraordinary history had taken place here.

Liu Zhicheng began to study the land carefully, and he found that the layout of the tombs contained some kind of secret clue. What excites him even more is that this may have something to do with the Prince of Ceylon, Seliba, in Raja. This prince once came to China during the Ming Dynasty to exchange culture, and has an indissoluble bond with Quanzhou.

A foreign princess in exile in China, the royal family asked her to go back and was refused: I have taken root in China

Legend has it that Selipa Kaoraja came to Quanzhou for recuperation due to illness, and his style and talent are also widely known in this foreign country. However, as he prepared to return to Sri Lanka, the shadow of a coup d'état loomed over his kingdom, and Seriba Kaolaja made a difficult decision to remain incognito and stay in Quanzhou.

Liu Zhicheng is deeply immersed in this history, imagining his life in the land of Selipa Kaoraja, imagining how he interacted with the locals and how he gradually integrated into the society. His mind traveled back in time, as if he had returned to that distant time.

However, just as he prepares to launch a full-scale archaeological excavation, a mysterious woman appears. Her appearance was like a gust of wind, blowing in the face, which made people feel awe. Her identity is a mystery, and her words reveal a detached temperament, as if she is one with this land, and she stops Liu Zhicheng's behavior.

The fate of the Quanzhou family

The ancient city of Quanzhou has been a city full of legends since ancient times. The narrow lanes are twisted and curved, as if carrying the vicissitudes of time. In this ancient city, there is a mysterious and full of inheritance, the surname "Shi", the name is inherited from the descendants of the prince of Ceylon.

Xu Shiyin'e, a descendant of the family, grew up in this ancient mansion full of mysterious atmosphere since childhood. She is smart and beautiful, and her flower-like smile is always hidden in a faint layer of melancholy. The family has guarded an ancient cemetery that has been passed down from generation to generation without interruption.

A foreign princess in exile in China, the royal family asked her to go back and was refused: I have taken root in China

The prince of Ceylon, who once soared in faraway Sri Lanka, is now a dusty history. However, his bloodline has taken root in Quanzhou and continues endlessly. Legend has it that the prince of Ceylon once came to Quanzhou in an accident, and in order to seek refuge, he lived here in seclusion and died in old age. The family is the only relative he left in Quanzhou, and it is also the home of his soul.

As the years passed, the family was passed down from generation to generation, and the sons-in-law resolutely shouldered the responsibility of keeping the surname. They marry wives and bring foreign surnames into the family, which will continue from generation to generation. In order to protect the secrets of the family, they solemnly guarded the ancient cemetery, making it difficult for the world to peek into the secrets.

However, fate always seems to like to play a joke. Xu Shiyin'e, the woman who carries the inheritance of the family, feels conflicted and entangled with this fate. She pursues a wider sky, a freer possibility. Her heart has been at peace in the ancient city for a long time, as if a pair of invisible wings are calling her to travel far away.

Finally, one day, she made an amazing decision. She revealed her identity and revealed her family's secrets to the government. The news quickly spread throughout the city, and the people of Quanzhou were shocked, but also sighed at her courage and determination. The government also reported the news to Sri Lanka, which caused great concern among the latter.

Sri Lanka, the picturesque country, heard the story of Xu Shiyin'e and sent a diplomat to visit. The invitation had already been written, and the strange and familiar land on it outlined a fascinating outline. "Miss Koh Shi Yin'e, we sincerely invite you to return to your ancestral homeland, to Sri Lanka, to reunite with your family, and to protect the land that belongs to you." The diplomat's voice was gentle and sincere.

A foreign princess in exile in China, the royal family asked her to go back and was refused: I have taken root in China

Koh Se Yin'e's journey in Sri Lanka

In a foreign country, Xu Shiyin'e embarked on a journey to Sri Lanka with expectations for her motherland. She is a beloved princess, and her name is sung in the land of China, like a bright moonlight shining on the surface of the lake, shining on the hearts of countless people. The moment you arrive in Sri Lanka, a warm welcome comes like a tidal wave. The leaders came to greet them in person, and their smiles were like the morning sun, warm and bright, which made Xu Shiyin'e feel respected

Sri Lanka's landscapes unfold like a scroll, and each scene is a masterpiece of nature. The green tea leaves in the tea garden are like a woven emerald carpet, and the mountains are rolling in the distance, as if it is a mysterious ink painting. Xu Shi Yin'e walked along the path, feeling the pulse of the earth, and her soul was nourished in this beautiful land.

During the tour, every scenery seemed to tell her a story. When she walked into the village, the villagers greeted her with singing, and the cheerful melody was like falling petals, jumping and blooming in the air. They warmly invited her to taste the local specialties, and her taste buds fluttered in the exotic taste as if it were an unexpected feast.

However, what she will never forget the most is the warm welcome she received again and again. Whether on the streets or on official occasions, she can always feel the heartfelt enthusiasm of people. It seems that everyone is her hometown, and every welcome is a call to her blood. However, a proposal by the Sri Lankan government has put Ms. Hui in a state of conflict. They want her to stay in Sri Lanka and return to be their princess.

A foreign princess in exile in China, the royal family asked her to go back and was refused: I have taken root in China

The offer was like a fruit full of temptation, but she held on to her beliefs, standing like an ancient boulder. Her homeland is the foundation of her life, just as the sea is to the ships that sail.

At the moment of refusal, her gaze was firm and gentle, like the light of the bright moon, quietly shining on the night. She told Sri Lanka's leaders that her heart always belongs to China, that she is a daughter of the land of China, and that no matter where she is, she will always cherish that deep emotion.

Sri Lanka's leaders are deeply admired, although regretful. On the world stage, Xu Shiyin'e showed China's style and charm, and her perseverance and belief were also touching. They understood that this princess from a distant land had left an eternal mark on their hearts.

The moment of farewell is always sad, but it is also a new beginning. Xu Shiyin'e bid farewell to Sri Lanka, and she embarked on a journey back to China with full memories and feelings. However, the Sri Lankan government's sincere invitation still echoes in my ears, like a gentle breeze blowing in my ears.


The parting with Sri Lanka made her more determined to have a deep affection for China. Just as she found a home in that land, she also understood that China was her roots and the place where her soul rested.

A foreign princess in exile in China, the royal family asked her to go back and was refused: I have taken root in China

Every journey, every experience, weaves a colorful emotional network in her heart, connecting her with this land. Back in China, her return is like a blooming flower, marking a beautiful end to her story. Her perseverance and choice have become a story that transcends borders, inspiring people to follow their heartfelt beliefs and pursue true belonging.

As the confidant said, she has put down roots in China and has become part of the family. Her heart has long been integrated into this land, resonating with its traditional culture, mountains and rivers, and the enthusiasm of the people. Her story will be passed down from generation to generation and become a legend and a witness in the land of China.

In the vast sea of people, everyone's life is a unique story. Xu Shiyin'e's choice is not only an individual's choice, but also a fusion of emotion and inheritance. Her story, like a picture scroll, will shine in the long river of years, triggering endless thinking and discussion.

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