
What is it for to get married, this is the best answer I've ever seen

author:Nanzhi chatted heart-to-heart


Text by Kusushiba

What is it for to get married, this is the best answer I've ever seen

What is marriage for?

In Mr. Qian Zhongshu's "The Siege of the City", it is said that marriage is like a besieged city, people in the city want to come out, and people outside the city want to enter.

How many married people are like that? And how many people who are not married are like this?

In fact, everyone longs to have someone in this life to hold the hand of the son, grow old with the son, and be able to have their own stories, their own touches, and their own warmth in these long years.

However, many people are reluctant to step into the palace of marriage, because they don't believe it, they are still too stressed, or they think too much.

Who knows the answer? So why get married? This is a confusion for many people, and it is also a question that many people avoid avoiding.

Don't get married for the sake of getting married, don't live for the sake of living, this is the belief of many people.

Sometimes it is better to have a lack than to be abundant, and it is better to maintain a high quality of singleness than to be a slave in marriage.

What is the purpose of getting married, this is the best answer I have ever seen.

What is it for to get married, this is the best answer I've ever seen

01. It is for responsibility, but also for love.

What is marriage for?

Probably for their own responsibility, people live for a lifetime, to find a suitable person they like, form a new family, and have a son and a half daughter, this is this life.

No matter how much you want to escape, you will eventually have to face it.

There are many people who choose to have children alone instead of marriage.

Some of them have been emotionally wounded, and some things may be planned to be alone in this life.

Xiao Ran said that when he was a child, he watched his grandmother and grandfather fight and quarrel all day long, so he secretly swore in his heart that he would never trust a man in his life, and he would never get married in his life.

Later, when I entered the society, others fell in love, and gradually I also entered this circle.

Although the first relationship ended in failure, the second relationship was a positive result.

had a lovely child after marriage, but Xiao Ran found out that this was the beginning of marriage.

Because how difficult it is to educate a child well, in fact, it is also a process of self-healing.

You don't have children, you never know how to be a parent, in the process of slowly learning to love, love those who love to return, and those who are blessed are blessed.

Actually, what is marriage for? That's probably it.

A lively family, a laughing atmosphere, maybe this is the ultimate pursuit.

What is it for to get married, this is the best answer I've ever seen

02. In order to have a companion in old age and be happy in old age.

Some people may say that marrying badly is equivalent to ruining your life, but anything is an investment.

If you meet a scumbag, then you have to decisively give up.

If you meet a loved one, then you will have a companion in this life, who can know cold and heat, can give you warmth, and can give you happiness.

When you are too old to move, your other half can accompany you, take care of you, and support each other.

Everything is a step at a time.

There is a saying that when a person accompanies you for a lifetime, even if it is fake, it will become true in the end.

Don't think that looking for a partner is actually to rely on, financially, warmly, spiritually, and in life.

Only if you don't lose the ability to be independent, then you will often be able to reap happiness.

Loving someone is not the same as being attached, loving someone is not because life is bad, so you want to live a good life, loving someone is not because a person is too tired, so you want to find someone, but because you happen to be suitable, but because you have the same ambition in life for each other.

They all yearn for a warm home, and they all yearn for someone to be with for the rest of their lives, that's all.

In old age, you will not be too lonely, you will have a belonging, and you will be down-to-earth and at peace.

What is it for to get married, this is the best answer I've ever seen

03. For win-win cooperation.

What is the meaning of marriage?

Probably, I want to find someone to be gentle for the rest of your life, and you want to find someone to accompany you for the rest of your life.

You're lonely, and so am I, and we have the same intentions for each other.

Your dream is poetry and distance, and my dream is the blue sky and white clouds.

You like to read, you like to be quiet, you like to play basketball, and I like basketball games, you like good food, and I'm good at cooking, you like to play chess, and I can play too.

Two people achieve each other together, and they get better and better with each other.

Therefore, it is impossible to be with a person for no reason, and it is impossible to enter the palace of marriage with a person for no reason.

You have something in common, you are attracted to each other, and you need each other.

The long road of human growth is a cooperative relationship, and it has always adhered to the principle of win-win cooperation.

If one party has a tough temper, the other party must learn to soften, not to be afraid, not to be weak, but to know how to cooperate for a win-win situation.

Of course, this win-win cooperation is willing, without any discomfort, and there is a sense of happiness in my heart.

What is marriage for? Did you have an epiphany?

What is it for to get married, this is the best answer I've ever seen


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