
Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!


A fire on the stage frightened the fans, and Kim inhaled smoke to stop recording

At today's MCD pre-recording site, an accident occurred on the stage set, causing the stage to catch fire.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

AESPA member Min-jeong Kim had just undergone pneumothorax surgery, and the accident caused her to inhale thick smoke and feel unwell, so she had to stop recording. SM quickly issued an announcement, saying that only three members of aespa participated in today's "MCD" livestream, and whether Kim Minting participated in the event will be decided based on her recovery.


As soon as the news came out, fans instantly exploded. Everyone felt sorry for this little girl who had just undergone surgery, and it was really worse to encounter such a thing again. Someone left a message on Weibo, "Xiao Dongdong has just had surgery, and it is too miserable to encounter this kind of thing again!" Hundreds of likes were received in an instant. Some fans said angrily, "The company is really inappropriate, just after the operation, I really love this little girl." ”

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Fire Horror: Kim Minting's unexpected interruption of the recording

The stage fire incident has attracted great attention. Everyone knows that stage set problems are not uncommon in the entertainment industry, but this time it actually led to a fire, which is really surprising.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Especially Kim Minting, who had just come out of the hospital and should have had a good rest, but inhaled thick smoke because of this accident. Fans have expressed distress, believing that the company has mishandled the health of the artist. A fan wrote, "Just after pneumothorax surgery, I sang and performed, and the beauty rested well, this company is really ruthless." ”


SM's announcement mentioned that whether Kim can participate in the next activities depends on her recovery. This made fans even more worried, and everyone hoped that Xiao Dongdong could have a good rest and not force himself. One fan wrote in the comments, "Oh my God, just had surgery like this, it's really distressing. SM: You're dead! "It can be seen that everyone's dissatisfaction with the company has reached its peak.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Fans' anger: Who is responsible for the artist's health

Kim's health problems have once again aroused fans' attention to the health of artists.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Many fans believe that the company ignores the physical condition of the artists while pursuing profits. This stage fire incident has only exacerbated this discontent. Someone commented angrily, "I just think about making money, and I don't care about the health of the artist, SM you're dead!" "It resonated a lot.


Some fans said that Kim Minting was asked to participate in high-intensity activities just after surgery, which was very detrimental to her physical recovery. Everyone hopes that the company can pay more attention to the health of artists, rather than only focusing on immediate interests. A fan wrote on Weibo, "Who will feel sorry for our Xiao Dongdong, who just had surgery and inhaled smoke, can the company consider our Xiao Dongdong!" "This call has received a lot of support and retweets.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Xiao Dongdong's strength: the support of fans

Although Kim was unwell after inhaling smoke in the accident, she was unanimously praised by fans for her strength and bravery. Everyone knows that as an idol, she has endured a lot of pressure and challenges. Fans have expressed that they will always support her and hope that she can recover soon. A fan wrote emotionally, "My baby, I'm just this little Dongdong, but I have to protect it!" This comment has received thousands of likes and comments.


Netizens also expressed their support and encouragement to Kim on social media. Some fans left a funny message, "Xiao Dongdong, do you want me to send you some supplements?" It is guaranteed that you will be resurrected with full blood immediately after drinking! Someone else joked, "SM company, are you doing this, do you want our fans to send you a lawyer's letter?" These hilarious comments eased everyone's nervousness to a certain extent, but at the same time, they also reflected fans' dissatisfaction with the company and their deep concern for Kim.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Reflection after the fire: the company's response mechanism needs to be improved

The stage fire incident exposed the company's shortcomings in safety management. There was a problem with the stage set, which led to a fire, which not only caused harm to the artist, but also affected the normal recording of the show. Fans have called on the company to strengthen safety management to avoid similar incidents from happening again. A fan wrote, "If the company continues like this, something big will happen sooner or later." I hope to learn a lesson and protect our artists! ”

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

A professional stage set designer posted on Weibo pointing out the safety hazards of stage sets and the measures to improve them. He suggested that companies should pay more attention to the use of fireproof materials when designing and setting up sets, and conduct regular safety inspections. Many fans agreed, hoping that the company would take steps to ensure the safety of artists.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Hot discussion on social media: humorous comments from netizens

The incident sparked widespread discussion on social media. In addition to expressing their concern for Kim Minting, many netizens also made humorous comments, ridiculing the company's handling of the situation. A netizen left a message, "SM Company, do you want to do some 'brain-burning' script this time?" Another netizen commented, "The stage can catch fire, such an exciting plot, do you want to win the Oscar?" ”

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

This kind of humorous comment eased everyone's nervousness to a certain extent, but it also reflected fans' dissatisfaction with the company and their deep concern for Kim. Some netizens wrote in the comments, "We only hope that Xiao Dongdong can have a good rest and stop being forced by the company to be on the show." This call has received a lot of support and retweets, and everyone hopes that the company will pay more attention to the health and safety of artists.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Controversial Summary: Corporate Responsibility vs. Fan Expectations

This stage fire incident not only exposed the company's shortcomings in safety management, but also aroused fans' concern about the health of artists. Many people believe that it is irresponsible for the company to ignore the physical condition of the artists while pursuing profits. Fans hope that the company can pay more attention to the health of artists, strengthen safety management, and avoid similar incidents from happening again.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

However, there are also people who believe that as a professional artist, it is inevitable to face high-intensity work and emergencies. While pursuing profits, the company should also take into account the career development and market demand of artists. This view has sparked widespread discussion, with many fans saying that the health and safety of artists should be a top priority and that companies should not ignore this for the sake of profit.

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

Overall, the incident sparked a heated debate about artist health and corporate responsibility. Everyone hopes that the company can learn a lesson, strengthen safety management, and protect the health of artists. At the same time, fans will continue to support Kim Min-ting, hoping that she can recover soon and return to the stage. What are your thoughts on this event? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss with everyone!

Xiao Dongdong's stage has become a fire field, and he is addicted to smoking? Fans shouted urgently online: SM, why don't you go to heaven!

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