
A way out for those at the bottom

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

#底层人该何去何从, where is the way out? #

In our journey of self-growth and excellence, we may find ourselves stuck in an environment that doesn't provide enough room to grow. At this time, we need to be brave enough to take steps to change and look for new possibilities.

A way out for those at the bottom

1. Awakening and breakthrough

When you realize that the knowledge and resources you have are not meeting your needs to improve your life, this is your opportunity to move to the next level. Many people fail to realize this, and they would rather endure pain in their comfort zone than seek change. And you, you have taken the first step towards self-awakening.

2. Change the environment and build capital

If you feel like your current job isn't bringing growth, it's wise to improve your abilities and switch areas of work. Escape from environments that rely on involution and high-intensity labor, as such jobs are most easily replaced.

3. Escape from the bottom of the work circle

Being at the bottom of the work circle for a long time, you may find yourself stuck in the endless fear of working overtime and being made redundant. In such an environment, the ability to work is often not the key to competition, but other skills that are not conducive to personal growth.

A way out for those at the bottom

4. Involution and infighting

Involuted companies often end up leading to infighting and division, and you may fall prey to them. If you are at the bottom of such a company, the best option is to leave as soon as possible.

5. In the face of injustice, choose to change

At the bottom, you may encounter many injustices, and it is difficult to have room for resistance. Changing the environment is the best way to solve this problem.

6. Look for new directions

When you have undesirable cards in your hand, the best strategy is to replace them as much as possible. Find a direction that you think is better, invest in yourself, and learn new skills.

7. Continue to practice and accelerate growth

Through continuous practice, complete the 10,000-hour rule as soon as possible and double your growth. If you're able to persevere in doing the right thing, switching to a better circle will be a huge leap forward.

8. Actions speak louder than dreams

Many people spend their time online without actually taking action. To make a difference, you need to step out of your comfort zone, which is difficult, but the only way out.

9. Be brave and take the first step

When you decide to leave that place that no longer suits you, you have taken an important first step. Success always starts with the first step, just like the first time I started writing.

10. Progress and refinement

Progress may make you feel uncomfortable, but keep going, and eventually you'll be enlightened. This process is a thorough tempering.

11. Find and take directions

Find a new direction and then change yourself. The key to success is not to find the "right" direction, but to find a direction that will take you away from the status quo.

A way out for those at the bottom

12. The triumph of the actioners

Success belongs to those who are willing to take action, not to those who only dream of it. As you spend time each day, think about where your path lies and what you need to do.

Through these thoughts and actions, you can embark on a new journey, find your own path to growth, and ultimately achieve self-transcendence.