
After Jiaqing became pro-government, he immediately copied Heshen's house, so what happened to Ji Xiaolan, another favorite minister of Qianlong?


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At the dawn of Jiaqing's pro-government, the court of the Qing Dynasty ushered in unprecedented changes. In the last years of Qianlong, the power of the ministers and Shen was monstrous, and their huge wealth and wide influence made the government and the opposition look sideways. And Ji Xiaolan, as another favorite of Qianlong, is known for his erudition and integrity, which is in stark contrast to He Shen.

At the beginning of Emperor Jiaqing's ascension to the throne, he took decisive action in the face of the threat of the huge power of Heshen. A sudden raid on his house plunged Heshen's mansion into chaos. Gold, silver, jewelry, precious calligraphy and paintings, everything was seized and confiscated. He Shen's family and servants were interrogated one by one, and his crimes were revealed one by one. This raiding operation, which shocked the government and the opposition, made Heshen's power collapse overnight, and his fate also changed dramatically.

After Jiaqing became pro-government, he immediately copied Heshen's house, so what happened to Ji Xiaolan, another favorite minister of Qianlong?

However, in this palace change, what will be the fate of Ji Xiaolan, another favorite of Qianlong?

During the Qianlong Dynasty, Ji Xiaolan won the respect of the government and the opposition with his erudition and integrity. He not only had profound attainments in literature, but also showed extraordinary talent in politics. He dared to speak out, was not afraid of the powerful, and stood by his principles. Such Ji Xiaolan won countless praises and admiration during the Qianlong Dynasty.

After Jiaqing became pro-government, he immediately copied Heshen's house, so what happened to Ji Xiaolan, another favorite minister of Qianlong?

However, with the death of Emperor Qianlong and the pro-government of Emperor Jiaqing, Ji Xiaolan also ushered in a turning point in his fate. Emperor Jiaqing admired Ji Xiaolan's integrity, integrity and talent, and he knew that Ji Xiaolan was a rare loyal minister and good talent in the imperial court. Therefore, after dealing with the problem of He Shen, Emperor Jiaqing began to reuse Ji Xiaolan, hoping that he could help him revitalize the national fortunes.

Ji Xiaolan was not complacent because of Emperor Jiaqing's reuse. He is well aware of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, so he works harder. He rectified the rule of officials, reduced taxes, and built water conservancy, making great contributions to the court and the people. With his assistance, the Jiaqing Emperor implemented a series of reform measures, which enabled the country's economy to recover and develop.

After Jiaqing became pro-government, he immediately copied Heshen's house, so what happened to Ji Xiaolan, another favorite minister of Qianlong?

However, Ji Xiaolan's incorruptibility and integrity also made him a thorn in the side of some corrupt officials in the court. In order to protect their own interests, these officials began to spread rumors and slander Ji Xiaolan everywhere. They even colluded with Emperor Jiaqing's close ministers to try to frame Ji Xiaolan. But Emperor Jiaqing was convinced of Ji Xiaolan, not only did he not listen to the slander, but supported Ji Xiaolan more firmly.

However, fate is always full of variables and uncertainties. In Ji Xiaolan's later years, with the death of Emperor Jiaqing and the accession of the new emperor, the power structure of the imperial court changed again. Although Ji Xiaolan is still respected and trusted by the new emperor, he also knows that his time has passed. At the end of his life, he looked back on his life and couldn't help but feel emotional. He saw the prosperity and stability that his honesty and integrity brought to the country, but also saw his helplessness and sorrow.

After Jiaqing became pro-government, he immediately copied Heshen's house, so what happened to Ji Xiaolan, another favorite minister of Qianlong?

Ji Xiaolan's story brings us a profound warning. In the face of the temptation of power, people tend to lose themselves and go to depravity. However, Ji Xiaolan adhered to her principles, was not moved by power, and maintained her honest and upright character. His story teaches us that no matter when and where, we should stick to our beliefs and principles, and not be tempted by power or swayed by profit. Only in this way can we truly win respect and admiration and become the pillars of society.

So, for Ji Xiaolan, another favorite of Qianlong, how should he evaluate his fate? Is it luck or misfortune? Was it a success or a failure? There may not be a definitive answer to these questions. But no matter what, Ji Xiaolan's life is full of legends. His integrity, integrity and talent will forever be engraved in the long river of history and become a good story for future generations.

In the long river of history, Ji Xiaolan's story has left us with profound inspiration. He told us that in the face of the temptation of power, we should keep a clear head and firm beliefs, and stick to our beliefs and principles. Only in this way can we truly win respect and admiration and become the pillars of society. At the same time, we should also learn from Ji Xiaolan's integrity, integrity and talent, and make greater contributions to the country and the people.

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