
The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea suffered major losses for the first time, and Peng Dehuai lost his temper and sent a telegram to the country: Chen Geng was sent quickly


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The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea suffered major losses for the first time, and Peng Dehuai lost his temper and sent a telegram to the country: Chen Geng was sent quickly

The late autumn wind, with a hint of bitterness, blew across the battlefields of the Korean Peninsula. Volunteer fighters are going through a fierce battle, and their opponents are well-armed enemy forces. In the artillery fire and gunsmoke, the volunteers bravely charged, but the enemy's fire was too fierce, and the volunteers suffered heavy casualties.

In the command headquarters, Peng Dehuai frowned tightly and stared at the battle report in front of him. His face was full of anger and unwillingness. This was the first time he had suffered such a heavy loss since he became the commander of the Volunteer Army. He is well aware of the importance of this battle, and if it is lost, it will not only affect the entire war situation, but also damage the dignity of the motherland.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea suffered major losses for the first time, and Peng Dehuai lost his temper and sent a telegram to the country: Chen Geng was sent quickly

"The tide must be turned!" Peng Dehuai's voice was firm and powerful. He quickly gathered the members of the command to discuss countermeasures. However, the results of the discussions were not optimistic, and the existing forces and resources were difficult to change the situation of the war in a short period of time.

Peng Dehuai's heart was anxious. He knew that if the situation could not be stabilized quickly, the volunteers would face even greater danger. At this critical moment, a name flashed in his mind - Chen Geng. Chen Geng was a battle-hardened general, and his military talent and organizational skills were top-notch. With his support, he might be able to turn the tide.

Peng Dehuai did not hesitate, he immediately picked up the phone and dialed the domestic number. The voice of the domestic leader came from the other end of the phone, and Peng Dehuai eagerly explained the current situation and asked for Chen Geng to be sent to support him quickly.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea suffered major losses for the first time, and Peng Dehuai lost his temper and sent a telegram to the country: Chen Geng was sent quickly

The country's leaders also realized the gravity of the situation, and they quickly made the decision to send Chen Geng to North Korea to support. After receiving the order, Chen Geng did not hesitate at all and immediately set off for North Korea.

At the moment when Chen Geng arrived in North Korea, Peng Dehuai personally greeted him at the airport. The two generals shook hands tightly, as if at this moment, all difficulties and setbacks had vanished. Chen Geng's arrival brought new hope and strength to the volunteers.

In the following days, Chen Geng quickly threw himself into the battle. With his extensive experience and excellent command skills, he quickly stabilized the situation and led the volunteers to launch a counterattack. Under his leadership, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army had high morale and high morale, and repelled enemy attacks again and again.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea suffered major losses for the first time, and Peng Dehuai lost his temper and sent a telegram to the country: Chen Geng was sent quickly

However, the brutality of the war was not alleviated by Chen Geng's arrival. The Volunteer Army still faces enormous difficulties and challenges. In a crucial battle, the Volunteers suffered heavy losses from the enemy's fierce counterattack. Chen Geng and Peng Dehuai stood on the battlefield, looking at the fallen comrades in front, their hearts full of grief and anger.

But they didn't give up. They know that only by persevering can they win this war. So, they regrouped and continued to fight fiercely with the enemy.

After countless battles and sacrifices, the Volunteer Army finally turned the tide of the battle and emerged victorious. But the price of victory was terrible, and many good fighters fell forever on the battlefield. Peng Dehuai and Chen Geng stood on the victorious position, looking at the distant sky, their hearts full of endless sorrow and emotion.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea suffered major losses for the first time, and Peng Dehuai lost his temper and sent a telegram to the country: Chen Geng was sent quickly

The war has left a stark reminder that the brutality and uncertainty of war are unpredictable. We should cherish peace, oppose war, and work for the future of mankind. At the same time, we should also remember those who died heroically for the sake of peace, who are our eternal pride and example.

When looking back on this period of history, we can't help but ask: If it had not been for Chen Geng's timely support and Peng Dehuai's firm command at that time, would the Volunteer Army have been able to turn the tide of the war and achieve victory? If we had not cherished peace and opposed war at that time, would it have led to more tragedies? These questions deserve our deep thought and reflection.

History is a mirror that reflects our past as well as our future. Let us remember history, cherish peace, and work for the future of humankind.

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea suffered major losses for the first time, and Peng Dehuai lost his temper and sent a telegram to the country: Chen Geng was sent quickly