
Humorous and funny, contract your day's jokes

author:Just if you see it for the first time
Humorous and funny, contract your day's jokes


Survive Friday, life is in my hands.


Think about comparing the salary to the salary, forget it, don't think about it.


With a monthly income of 2800, laughing all day long, the Lord opens his heart.


Life must be happy, and there is no overtime on weekends.


There is no such thing as a free lunch, but there is free overtime.


拖延症:go tooooooooooooooo work……


I've rubbed shoulders with someone countless times, and my clothes have been torn and no sparks have been sparked.


Eat when you see food, sleep when you get in bed, turn off when you hear an alarm clock, can you say I have procrastination?


Seven pounds and two taels, everything is safe, thank you for your concern, this is my new weight, what about you?


Earning money is a kind of ability, spending money is a kind of technology, although I am not capable, but I am excellent in technology.

Humorous and funny, contract your day's jokes


I also know that I look good when I lose weight, but the way you like it, I can't eat.


I always feel that everyone else is full after a few bites, but I can eat a few more bites when I am full......


Do you know why you want to use your husband's money? It turns out that "husband" is "¥" upside down, and "husband" is read backwards as "paying the bill".


Current status: What can't go down is weight, what can't go up is salary, what keeps losing hair is fat......


Wife: "Husband, do you regret marrying me?" ”

Husband: "I can't say that I regret it, didn't I slap myself in the face if I said it?" ”


"Prove in one sentence that you have read the four famous novels."

"The military advisor saves me, my sister saves me, my brother saves me, and Wukong saves me."


When I want to make money, I feel that every road is not open, wherever I go, there are red lights, and when it is time to spend money, I go, it is all on, there are green lights everywhere, and it is unimpeded.


Don't always compare yourself with others, you envy others for being thin, others envy you for having a good stomach, you envy others for being rich, others envy that no one asks you to borrow money......


Dad: "Son, you see that your mother sends you to school every day, cooks for you, and does laundry...... How hard it is, what are you going to do when you grow up? ”

Son: "Dad, I must not let my daughter-in-law do so much work in the future, I have it all!" ”


Man: "Am I your god?" ”

Woman: "Where are you a male god?" There are no characteristics of a male god at all. ”

Man: "You look down on me, why don't I have the characteristics of a male god, what do you say are the characteristics of a male god?" ”

Woman: "They don't like me." ”


Humorous and funny, contract your day's jokes